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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. For anyone currently watching LoT, has the Laurel stuff been dealt with yet? I'm currently hate watching Grey's Anatomy, and am only flipping over during commercial breaks.
  2. I don't think his issue is with upfronts at all. I think he just genuinely wants Arrow to be good, and is frustrated with the direction it's taken, and is probably tired of the criticism he's seeing on Facebook and wherever he looks at that stuff - because I'm sure he looks at that stuff.
  3. Yeah, I didn't think Grant seemed all that enthusiastic, either. I follow him in Instagram, and he's been traveling A LOT. I think you're right about him being a little burned out.
  4. I thought the Extra interview was fine. He was perfectly nice, and I didn't think what he said was shady at all. He's mentioned that he thinks that Arrow should stick to what it does best a few times before, and I'm sure he's said those things to Marc and Wendy, and whoever else at the top that he thought would listen.
  5. Well Olicity is obviously killing the show since the ratings went way up after their break-....wait.
  6. That poster actually makes me think Dawson's Creek/murder mystery. Like...someone got pushed overboard and died in that lake. Jughead did it.
  7. Because ratings always confuse me, why would it drop because Chicago was preempted? Do they inflate the numbers or something?
  8. Yeah, I really would've liked to have seen him demonstrate a change in behavior, but at the same time it's always going to be a leap of faith for Felicity, since just because he doesn't lie once doesn't mean he won't again. I think her believing that he can change is enough to at least get them moving in the right direction, and hopefully seeing what his life is like without her is enough for Oliver to not ever risk their relationship again.
  9. Berlanti flat-out said that the network is the one who decided who would be included at upfronts. So the buck stops with him except when it doesn't, I guess?
  10. SA said that he's going to a screening of TMNT 2 tonight, so he won't be at the party. Hopefully someone from the show will be.
  11. Didn't Ray have some dwarf star alloy mine owner sign over his mine to him or whatever? I was hoping we'd find out that Darhk got the stuff from Palmer Tech, with the reveal that what's-his-butt head of the board guy would be revealed as a HIVE member. NO SUCH LUCK
  12. Yeah. It's perfectly okay for a con attendee to be upset that a picture that they paid for is being downloaded and distributed without them having a say in who takes it and where it's posted. Sometimes with them completely cropped out, sometimes with their faces still partly visible. The issue should definitely be with the folks who download pics that aren't theirs and distribute them, not the ones who are upset about it. I like looking at the photo ops too - I always assumed that the ones that were tweeted and stuff were the property of the person who had paid for the pic. Sad to know that isn't always the case.
  13. No, I'm talking about this tweet: That's the one you quoted in the response that I replied to. I think he's talking about Donna asking Noah to leave in the present, making the decision for Felicity about her relationship with her father.
  14. Wait, I'm confused - are we not talking about Brian Ford Sullivan's "remind you of anyone?" tweet?
  15. I think maybe he was talking about Donna asking Noah to leave now, and making a decision for Felicity about having a relationship with her father in the present, not what she did when Felicity was a kid.
  16. I do think it's fair to single out Felicity for her reaction since she had a hand in redirecting the nuke - no one else did. I also agree that she would've been criticized for having too much of a reaction to it. Over on the AV Club there was commentary that Felicity was too cold, and then in the next paragraph, "Not to say I wanted yet another episode of Felicity crying and being self-absorbed" So, no winning there.
  17. You must've been having issues with the show for awhile, because the Clock King managed to blow up all the electronics in the lair via hack in season 2. There were sparks errywhere.
  18. I'm at peak saturation with her. I wouldn't mind her popping up every once in a while, but I really hope they don't make her a regular.
  19. I only disagree because Oliver and Diggle weren't around when Darhk showed up anyway, and they'd already gotten Thea out of beyond thunderdome. Of course, regardless of the situation, they wouldn't be around anyway. Because plot.
  20. Yeah, I'm guessing he means Felicity and that's why Damien showed up at the loft. And to be fair, even if Digg and Oliver weren't saving Thea (again), I don't think they'd be sitting around in the loft - they'd probably be out doing some other whatever.
  21. She said that she wants to, but they haven't asked her back yet.
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