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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I really think they're just messing with us with that jacket hand-off. Maybe the BC is still a possibility for Laurel down the line, but I think they're going to integrate her into the Arrow cave (ugh), possibly have her take up as another 'hero' before they get Sara out of the way for Laurel to take up the mantle full time. With Sara still alive and back with the organization where she went by the name Canary, it makes no sense for Laurel to take it up at this point in time (yes, I know 'making sense' doesn't seem to be a prerequisite on this show). I think this season (or the first half of it, at least), will be a test.
  2. The S3 summary released at the upfronts described Sara as an 'international assassin.' So he's probably talking about seeing her with the League, if anything. Which, if she was known as Canary with them, wouldn't she still be? Unless she gives herself another name.
  3. I feel like that's already been done with the Moira storyline. At this point I think it'd be out of character for her to keep something like that from him, and it would feel too icky if her job somehow hinged on keeping it a secret.
  4. Maybe Daniel will become a business rival AFTER he and Felicity start seeing each other (assuming they do, I guess). That could be *somewhat* interesting, but...yeah, I just hate love triangles.
  5. It's especially good in this context, since this incarnation of Arrow is nothing at all like the comics. If it was similiar, yeah, reading the comics would give people insight (even though that would still be a terrible answer to give a fan), but it's not. She should put some real thought into these things if she's going to continue on the con circuit. The showrunners should at least put that bug in her ear. I want to like Laurel so badly; it would increase my viewing experience tenfold. But the writers don't make that easy, and KC herself doesn't make me want to root for her. Ugh.
  6. I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't think Laurel's going to be BC *yet*. I think the jacket handoff was a red herring to play with the audience - given Laurel's unpopularity, I think they're going to do a trial run with her knowing the secret/becoming a Manhunter-esque type vigilante. That way they can see if the dynamic works (LOL), and if it doesn't, they can try something else (hopefully writing her out of the show). If it *does* work, then I think they'll kill Sara off and have Laurel become BC. Since Sara was in the official S3 summary that was released in the upfronts (IIRC, it specifically mentioned her being an international assassin), I guess she'll be back to facilitate the introduction of Ra's al Ghul. OR, Laurel *will* become BC, and if it doesn't work out then Sara can come back? Maybe to avenge Laurel's death? Given the fact that she's working out already, I'm assuming they're going to have her all trained off over the 5 months that have passed, which...yeah. Ridiculous. I hope that's not what they wind up doing.
  7. Sara called Quentin from the boat and pretended like she was at school. Can't remember which ep it was in-it was the first flashback with CL as Sara, I believe.
  8. He also gave her a sweet little smile right before he asked her if she understood. The two of them are so wonderful to watch together; I'll be really disappointed if all of that gets pushed by the wayside for Oliver/Laurel: the sequel(s). No thanks.
  9. It was a real jerk thing to do. But I can forgive it story wise since a) I do think it will come out that he meant it (probably during a convo with Diggle once Felicity starts dating someone (please, please, please let her date someone)), b) Felicity doesn't seem to be too upset about it, and c) it shows that she trusts him implicitly, even when she's confused and doesn't really know what's going on. I was pretty angry about it at first, since Felicity is my favorite and I don't want her hurt, but I'm trying to see the positive side of things, haha. I thought the situation had a sweet non-resolution at the end of the ep.
  10. I actually had the same thought, and I would absolutely hate if that were the case. I'm more anti Oliver/Laurel than I'm pro Oliver/anyone else, but that would thoroughly disappoint me, if the show decided to fake all that just to make what amounted to a less-than ten-minute ruse on the show believable. I don't really think that's the case, but I don't trust the people in charge. At all.
  11. I've been thinking, since there's really not much of a way they can keep an Arrow-esque vigilante operation going without some kind of cash flow, is Oliver going to be able to get his family's company back within short order, or is Team Arrow somehow going to become flush with cash? I've been wondering if maybe that's how they're going to bring Felicity's father into the picture. He could be a villain, not a villain or just in general a shitty father who wants to pay his daughter off to get back in her good graces? It's wild speculation of course, just something my brain cooked up while I was working on a mind-numbing spreadsheet. Could lead to some meaty conflict if it happened.
  12. Well, he's kind of stupid. Oliver left Felicity standing in the foyer with a syringe in her hand in full view of the camera, haha.
  13. I feel kind of...I don't know, dissatisfied, I guess. I liked: The stunts and fight sequences, as usual, were excellent. Action is the one thing this show consistently does right. Thea going off with Merlyn. Yeah, it's a little far-fetched for old Thea, but I like the idea that she wants to become a new person and am subscribing to the notion that she's using him since, in her mind, what else does she have in Starling City? She has no home, no job, no money. Pretty much no more family. Loved Nyssa. She's a bad ass, end of. Slade being locked up (although I'm wary of A.R.G.U.S., so....) Surprise Diggle baby. Good for Digg, i want these people to have happiness in their lives, but I feel like this is just leading up to John being a 'mentor' for Oliver once he finds out he has a kid running around in the world. Not crazy about that. I didn't like: The continued assertion that Laurel is a) a valuable individual to the show and b) important to Oliver on a personal level. It doesn't help when she spends an episode passed out and held hostage while other women on this show are busy kicking (literal) ass. What does Oliver need her for? He's been doing just fine as the Arrow without her (and if anything, she hinders him). They don't hang out, don't really seem to go out of their way to talk to each other outside of Arrow dealings or when she's been abducted. So what's the point of her? The complete negation of Sara's whole story arc this season. Just ten episodes ago she was INGESTING POISON so that she wouldn't have to go back to the LOA. What was the POINT of her 'heroic' turn of the past couple of eps if she was just going to skip off onto a boat to go be an assassin again, like she doesn't have a care in the damn world? Her sister's positively giddy to see her go, too. What an asshole. She's just excited she gets to keep that jacket, which is typical asshole behavior! Oliver and Felicity. Where do I even start? First of all, using Felicity as bait without her knowing? Not down with it, for many reasons. Not telling her about the plan beforehand and counting on her to know exactly what he was asking her to do? So shitty. Like, such a crappy, bottom-of-the-barrel jerk thing to do, especially because he HAS to know she has feelings for him. He had to know that she'd think it was real for a second or two, and that it might sting or embarrass her when she figured it out. Plus, it relies too heavily on the fact that she'll completely understand what he wants her to do without him outright telling her, and it basically gives her no option when it comes to participating in the plan. I know she would've done it anyway (that's part of the reason why I like her as a character so much), but the whole thing just bothers me because it takes away her agency for no good reason. I'm willing to handwave part of it because it seems like Oliver felt comfortable saying those things to her because he actually meant what he said (the end scene on the island seems to support that, or at least it can be interpreted that way), and maybe he was afraid to tell her because he wasn't sure who was listening/what devices of theirs had been bugged. But yeah. Didn't care for Felicity not being clued into the plan. I do appreciate the fact that he trusted her to carry out literally the most important mission ever, and true-to-form, she did it. It just could've been handled better IMO. The EPs. They need to be reallllly careful about the ship baiting and the interview teasing (personally, I'm on the ANYONE BUT LAUREL ship). I was super hyped-up for this ep based on their interviews, and it fell flat in every single way. I guess that's my own fault since I should probably know by now not to read them. As for the rest? I know this is horrible to say, but I don't think the Lance thing was that big of a cliffhanger? I'm not feeling a sense of urgency to find out what happened to him (I'm sure he'll live). I'm really not looking forward to S3 with more Laurel/potential Canary, and I'm not sure how I feel about Waller showing up in Hong Kong, although it will be nice to have some flashbacks that aren't island-related. I'm mostly interested in Team Arrow's goings-on, and they could make it interesting with them putting the pieces back together. I don't want Laurel involved in any of it. I'm guessing Digg will go work for A.R.G.U.S., and hopefully Felicity will find a nice job and a boyfriend who isn't comatose. I'll check out the first ep next season. Despite its ups and downs, I really love this show, but I'm feeling kind of 'meh' about it right now. And that upsets me, because it's one of three shows that I watch and the only one I ever made sure I was home to watch live. We'll see what the summer brings.
  14. I don't know about that, but we'll probably get DA Laurel, which...LOL.
  15. See, I don't think this is that wacky. Waller is shady as hell; Team Arrow would do well to have someone on the inside, keeping things in check. And Diggle needs a job, so...
  16. Yeah, I think this is it. Where's the pleasure in just ending it for him? When you're out-of-your-mind batshit, you want to make the object of your hatred panic a little, run scared, doubt himself. Then, like you said, kill him when he's at his lowest. If I'm Slade and I've been stewing on this for years and years? I'd let myself have some fun at Oliver's expense first.
  17. If Felicity is indeed someone he's going to corrupt, he's not going to corrupt her by getting her to actively work against Oliver, he's going to try to corrupt her by shaking her faith in him. As the last episode (and several previous episodes) showed, Felicity is steady in her belief that Oliver is a hero, and Oliver values that and relies on it probably more than he realizes. I think it's one of the guiding forces in his path to becoming a better person/better Arrow. Maybe Slade will try to do that by kidnapping her and putting her in some kind of situation where either a) she'll be led to believe that he won't come and get her or b) she'll be led to believe that he'll think something else is more important than coming for her. Or some other kind of twisted thing that my mind can't quite imagine at this time of night, like, I really hope this doesn't happen - revealing a secret that Oliver's been keeping from her. He already did that with Thea, but...I don't know. Show, please don't do that.
  18. There isn't an issue. The poster just asked who was in the promo with the Slade monologue. For the record - I don't think anyone's presence or absence in the promo means anything either. I'm not entirely sure that the people who put them together even know what's going to happen in the show.
  19. She was in THAT version. There was a second version (that was a promo before the show returned from a break, I think), and she wasn't in that one - I think that's the one GirlWednesday is asking about. ETA: Isn't this it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEZQUcjG6AY&feature=youtu.be
  20. I don't remember who exactly was in it - but I do remember that Felicity wasn't.
  21. I think her body language in those pics could be attributed to the fact that she was stressed out. She clearly cares about Oliver and knows how much he loves Thea. She went through thousands of pics just to find that one shot of the license plate outside of Verdant. I think she really just wanted them to find her and was upset that they couldn't. As for the clocktower, I thought it was fairly obvious that she was acting strange because she'd just been in an accident and had taken a fairly substantial blow to the head and finally had a moment where the adrenaline was wearing off and she was starting to feel it. Shame on Digg and Oliver for not asking her if she was okay during that scene, btw. Especially Oliver, although I suppose he can only be so aware of Felicity's suffering when he's wading through his own sea of manpain. Felicity working for Slade would be the worst kind of surprise this show could cook up. It would make zero sense. I guess I'll prepare myself for it in that case. :)
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