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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The first comment I read was about a guy wanting to have "no condom sex with Felicity" so I immediately x-ed out. Total cesspool.
  2. I'm morbidly curious about what the initial plans for the parallels between Oliver and Poppy and Oliver and Felicity MG spoke of at the beginning of the season. Because yikes.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up. I made a mess out of those memories, haha.
  4. There was definitely a picture of some one wearing the boots getting out of a car, but whoever it was was mostly obscured by someone standing in front of her (and maybe an umbrella?).
  5. I actually had a little bit of a panic that SHE was going to be the one who showed up dressed as the mysterious BC, and was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
  6. He got 48%. From a city full of people who were going to vote his mother - a woman who played a part in actually leveling a good part of the city and killing 500+ people - into office as mayor. Oliver has the better record by far, haha.
  7. One of the Vancouver paps mentioned there being a BC on set a lot after Laurel died.
  8. Well, the cavernous scene was just the lair, haha.
  9. Well, that wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it'd be. I really didn't expect Diggle to reenlist. I really liked the resolution, although I thought the rest of the ep was kinda messy.
  10. The missiles are Arrow's time remnants.
  11. I thought he was going to whisper an "I love you," and I was worried I was gonna laugh. And then I laughed anyway, because I'm a terrible person.
  12. Not trying to be mean here, but...I legit can't tell how hold his daughter is supposed to be.
  13. Sad he can't rule out it playing a part in S5.
  14. Have you watched this show? Haha. Knowing these writers, I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote that line specifically for a twitter tease to get people all in a tizzy. AND IT WORKED, OKAY.
  15. Maybe. Do you flat-out fall out of love with someone like that over that kind of admission? Like, right away? I wouldn't buy it at all from Lyla. Like, not even if Diggle went all rage-y again. Past-tense love doesn't really make any kind of sense, unless it's Ghost!Laurel talking...for whatever reason. Or Malcolm having some idiotic vision of his dead wife. Is he in it? I thought Darhk was done with him once he couldn't get Rubicon back up. If he is, then yeah, I guess that could make sense.
  16. Yeah. I'm getting the sense that's probably how this is going to go. Will be happy to be proven wrong.
  17. I hate that dialog tease from the writers. It doesn't make sense for Oliver & Felicity, since Felicity spoke of her love for Oliver in the present tense fairly recently, and that was after the breakup. I will truly not believe it's past tense. We know Diggle's got a reckoning coming with Lyla, but she wouldn't use past tense, would she? Donna to Noah (if he's even in this ep)? Can't be Curtis and Paul, because as far as we know they're still happily married. Probably Felicity to Oliver, because of course.
  18. The way I feel about it is this: If you're going to feed me misery for almost a whole season, give me a nice dessert at the end of it. Don't take away the one period of time that these people get where life isn't continuously shitting on them. Seems like something terrible happens with Diggle tonight. Don't know about Thea, but I'm guessing nothing great is coming her way, either. Not sure what's going to happen with Felicity, or if she's going to stick around. Seems like we know Oliver's going to stick around Star City, what...alone? Still sleeping on a cot in a bunker? I don't like being where I was two years ago. I wasn't expecting Oliver and Felicity to be back together (I used to think that was going to happen, but I've since tempered my expectations), but I did expect something hopeful to top off the shit sundae we got with them in the back half of the year. An invite to dinner? Something? If it's not addressed at all, what even was the point? Maybe SA was trying to temper expectations, IDK. But him of all people saying it's not addressed doesn't make me feel very good about things. Can't wait to find out what kind of miserable tidings this cavernous space is gonna bring.
  19. I This was a direct quote from SA on video though, wasn't it? Not sure there's any other way to take it but at face value.
  20. Almost married. Which makes the whole thing worse, haha
  21. Based on something SA said during an interview the other day, I think it has something to do with figuring out a way to defeat DD. Can't recall the interview though.
  22. Glad I sat through all this misery for not even a hint of resolution.
  23. Oliver and Felicity were engaged and had actually set a wedding date while Laurel was alive. So I don't think they're trying to make a point of anything since Laurel wasn't any kind of road block for them.
  24. That's probably all it is. Just the two of them sitting there with electrical sparks going off in the background. Felicity maybe asks "What do we do now?" And Oliver replies with some cheeseball line about hope. He then walks over and pulls his suit dummy upright or whatever. Fin
  25. I'm sorry, but f*ck Barry sideways if he not only resets time, but resets time to the point where someone ends up in a cavernous space!!! At least he ended up in an actual house. Ugh, I hate him.
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