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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm LOLing at the tech dude having "BLACK CANARY" written across the back of his shirt.
  2. I don't think anything there is eye roll worthy, but that's just MHO. GA/BC in any incarnation seems to be what a lot of these fans have been wanting, so if the comics gives them that, then great.
  3. Anyone know how the acting nominees are submitted? Does the show pick who goes on the ballot, or do the actors? No one from Arrow is on there (last year SA, EBR, and KC were - maybe others too). Grant Gustin isn't up for consideration, but JLM, CP, and DP are.
  4. I can't find the ballot for 2013, but there aren't any writing submissions for Arrow in 2014 or 2015.
  5. Imagine looking at your body of work and thinking that was the best you had to offer. I know none of the other eps had the same kind of weepy, award bait-y dramatics, but...yikes.
  6. Since the guests are there voluntarily and being paid - even if they are attending just for said paycheck - they probably should pretend for however long they're with fans that they're excited to meet them. They are actors after all, haha.
  7. It doesn't even seem to me like anyone's expectations were all that high. Emily showed up to that party last year, didn't she? Doesn't seem unreasonable to expect her to pop in for a little while this year, even though her attendance wasn't explicitly guaranteed. I don't want to comment on it beyond that, because I'm not sure if she said she'd go and then didn't show up, or if she never intended to show up, or what was going on. And if she truly wasn't feeling well (I'm not entirely sure that she was talking about herself in that tweet since she's traveling with other people who could be sick), then I'm not sure why she didn't just tell people that? Because I don't think there's anything at all wrong with her going to the bathroom, but if she returned to the room and then took off with Willa and Katie, then that doesn't look so good. And if she and Willa and Katie were chatting it up on stage during a panel and being a little cliquish, that's not such a good look either. Individually, none of these things are a big deal, but together I can see how they paint a certain picture. I'm glad that the majority of people didn't seem to take much issue with anything that went on, but those who did should be allowed their disappointment. At this point it seems like there's a lot of "it's fair to feel that way" followed by reasons why maybe it isn't.
  8. I'm not sure there's really an "always" at play here, since this is what, Emily's second con this year? And from what I can tell this is the first one she's ever done where anyone's had an issue with her behavior. I also don't think there's as much fan demand for DP, DR and WH since they do other cons. Emily doesn't, so of course people are going to a) be excited to see her, and b) be upset when she doesn't show for something.
  9. This really made me laugh. It sounds so serious, like she was peddling smack or something, haha. I do feel sorry for anyone who had planned a pose that required them to be standing, though.
  10. I love that Katie answered that she'd marry Lance. I also think that playing F/M/K is just asking for trouble, haha.
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. I thought she meant it was difficult for her to leave him because being with him "freed" her, although I suppose she could've meant that breaking up with him freed her. Although I'm not really sure how that would be since the only thing she did differently was leave the team, which was something she had repeatedly said she loved and gave her purpose. But I don't know what's going on in EBR's mind, haha.
  12. The two biggest strides she took in her professional life were while they were together, though. Taking over Palmer Tech, and unveiling the power cell. And she wound up losing PT over her plans for the biostimulant (although I suppose that story might not be finished). Wouldn't call that a stride, haha. Seems like there isn't much correlation at all between what goes on in her private life and her professional life.
  13. The funny thing is that as far as the show is concerned, Oliver did save the day. The nukes that Felicity (and Curtis) stopped were one of the methods by which Damien Darhk was going to use to end the world, and in-show she was only given a passing thanks for stopping it. As long as Damien Darhk was alive, the threat remained. Oliver's the one who killed him. So, Felicity's had just about the same level of input into saving this day as she has in the last 2 seasons (not counting the first because the day wasn't saved, haha).
  14. I think there are legit criticisms to be made with regards to Felicity's skill set and the way the show uses it. There are things she does that would be impossible even for an MIT grad who's been hacking most her life. But when you're getting ready to level said criticism, you need to remember that you're watching a show that involves a guy with a bow and arrow routinely beating dudes with machine guns. A show where people were healed/brought back to life with a magical hot tub, and where time travel is possible, and you need to adjust your expectations accordingly. If you aren't criticizing those things, then you can't criticize Felicity's computer skills. You can't expect realism in one facet of the show while dismissing it in all the others.
  15. I think she also has pics with EBR, SA and others from on set in Vancouver, haha.
  16. They should've just had stacks of boxes in that case. There really wasn't a need to have any open ones, filled with stuff that obviously did belong to Felicity (like the one with the menorah and other Hanukkah stuff), and stuff that looked like it would belong to her (decorative vases and wreathes) if the production staff knew for sure that Oliver was the one moving.
  17. Fingers crossed someone records it, because I'd actually watch that. Until the secondhand embarrassment went into overdrive.
  18. I thought that might be the case when he said he was back on speaking terms with Barry, but then I figured that the found out that whatever he messed up at the end of the season isn't permanent, will be fixed by the time the show comes back, or will open up a storyline where he's still awesome, but things are different. I don't have much faith that he's gonna get called out on any of it.
  19. For that to happen, the people running/writing the show would have to think that Barry is stupid and self-centered, which I really don't think they do.
  20. I don't want anyone who's dead to come back. It's tired at this point.
  21. Yeah, the clumsiness was over the top. And she somehow got his phone number off his adoption application (and managed to remotely secure his apartment and send him an email from himself) without realizing he was Oliver Queen? But it made me smile, so I won't be too critical about it, haha. Feel good fics are few and far between these days!
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