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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. And isn't SA's trainer Thomas her boyfriend?
  2. I just think it's presumptive to assume they aren't trying to shake things up and keep it fresh. For all we know, this is what shaking things up looks like to them. If they rush storylines and have plot holes and gaps when they aren't frantic, I can't imagine they'd do much better when they are. I mean, hold out that hope if you want to, but no way would I ever root for a ratings drop just to put them in panic mode. Given that they're all wearing the same blue shirts that Echo felt the need to spoiler tag, I think they're probably filming together.
  3. You're acting like anything they'd do to reverse a nosedive would actually be good. It seems like most of the good stuff they've done is stuff they've lucked into. They haven't tried and succeeded in quite a while. So, I don't think you'd be getting different or better storytelling either way. At some point, what they're capable of is what they're capable of.
  4. They should know by now what resonates with audiences. They have the data on that. And by the time we see it and they get the numbers, they'll already be close to filming the MSF, so what course correction are they gonna do? Fingers crossed the newbies aren't around often/for long.
  5. I'm guessing the strategically placed "Awsome" is for spoilers. Assholes!
  6. Baby Canary. Why do their shirts match? And what do they say? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  7. I've never really thought about anyone's snowflake status on that show, but my greatest hope (against all hopes) is that Mike and Rachel will move somewhere offscreensville never to be heard from again. I don't like saying that anyone cries too much, but Rachel? She cries TOO DAMN MUCH. Like, ALL THE TIME.
  8. Really? As a fan it's difficult to see a show that you love repeatedly ignored in favor of its spin-offs. I don't think it has anything to do with being surprised or not understanding how marketing works. The major upset I saw was from people on Twitter who pretty much talk about the show non-stop, and I think it's as much disappointment that Arrow itself isn't getting much new promo as it is that THEY aren't getting new stuff to look at/watch/read.
  9. Conan is doing shows from SDCC - Melissa and Grant are going to be on - SA isn't.
  10. I was wondering what happened to prompt this, and then I saw. : |
  11. Yes - Tyler Ritter was cast as a cop. But that guy standing to Oliver's left is definitely not him.
  12. Looks like Oliver might be appointin a new Chief or something since there's one officer standing apart from the rest.
  13. Oops. I mean: ETA: what is up with the grand canon between his boobs? Unfortunate angle/lighting?
  14. I like the wig. It never bothered me until it got frizzy, haha.
  15. This reminds me of one of my favorite awful movies, Far and Away.
  16. His tweet includes the language on the actual post for the votes - he didn't write it. Seems to me based on his FB post that he clearly means for people to vote for Oliver and Felicity. This is a pretty big reach to criticize him IMO.
  17. For anyone still reading FiCoN, now that we're closing in on 300k words, anyone think there's the slightest bit of a chance that Slade died in the QC collapse? I'm guessing probably not, but...I need one of these storylines to come to an end. Surely Zoom is going to come back to test the things that Cisco made, right? And they wouldn't just have Slade die just like that, without a final showdown, would they? I'm guessing Isabel is probably done, but we basically just switched her going into ARGUS protection for Slade coming out of it. I don't follow either of the authors on social media - anyone know if they've mentioned where we are in the story? Close to being finished or nah?
  18. Excuse me, are you saying they should just award a gold spray painted remote control all...willy nilly!???!
  19. I had difficulty reading that one because of the weird formatting and punctuation. Maybe I'll go back to it.
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