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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think maybe it's a reference to the people who are responding to writer/EP tweets with "Olicity."
  2. I thought the DA was going to be after Oliver for something he did while he was in the Bratva, so if it's something that Oliver did once he came back to Starling, that's good. Although the way it's set up leaves several questions: does this dude know that the current GA is the old Hood and not some new iteration like everyone else thinks he is? Maybe Roy shows his face when he turns up in town whenever he visits and his fake death is exposed? And if it IS the DA, and he's been setting up his revenge for years, does he know Oliver was the Hood/is the Green Arrow? If not, that's some coincidence. But then again, it is this show, so...don't make me jump through more logic hoops pls.
  3. She's always been in the gym and posted gym pics, though. This doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary to me? Except that this is a different trainer.
  4. Oh, I didn't think you were, haha. It was just a continuation of the thought of what I thought was okay vs. what I would think twice before doing.
  5. I think pointing out a legit mistake is okay. I found one the other day that was along the lines of the one you mentioned - like Oliver doing something with his hand when it should've been hers, and I wrote to the author to let them know. I wouldn't do it with anything that was nitpicky or a personal preference, though.
  6. Yeah, I think the issue is that he didn't tell her he was going to be referring to her as a bitch. Although in her acceptance speech at the Grammys, she made some kind of mention about people trying to take credit for your success, which seems like it was directed at him and would be disingenuous since she did know he was doing that, and gave him the okay to do it. And I think there's some question as to whether he was in California when he recorded it - I think the theory is that he was in New York, and as I understand it, if he was, he didn't need her permission.
  7. I know this because Keeping Up With the Kardashians is a guilty pleasure of mine, but as far as I can tell, he didn't vindictively record the conversation to put her on blast later, he apparently has a videographer with him whenever he's recording an album. Since that conversation happened in the recording studio, it was captured. I don't have any doubt that they sat on it for the purposes of their show (and to perhaps get some legal issues out of the way, since Taylor allegedly found out about the recording and threatened to sue him), but...shrug.
  8. Oh my god, 10-12 more chapters? I thought someone said 35. I was really counting on that 35!
  9. I can't even muster up any excitement for it, because I just want the story to be over, haha. It's one of those things where I should probably stop reading, but I've invested too much time to give up now (and I think it's almost over?). This is why I'm still watching Grey's Anatomy. Malcolm hasn't been enough of a threat in the fic for me to really care that he's finally dead. I mean, it's nice from a general perspective since Arrow should have killed him off, and Oliver was dumb for letting him go in the first place knowing that he was eventually going to gravely injure Felicity. I'm more anxious for them to wrap up the storylines they actually started with, like Slade. I also don't really care about Thea or her mirakuru rage. I'm guessing since Malcolm isn't around to nearly kill pregnant Felicity, this is where she gets it. But there isn't much suspense here since Ellie's still around, so clearly she lives?
  10. I just finished watching, and I totally agree! I was really impressed that all the kids were great.
  11. Adrian Chase is an actual comic canon name for Vigilante though.
  12. Or maybe she picked up the DVDs and started watching it then.
  13. I think the misunderstanding is coming from the idea that SA had to have any clout to get an extra panel at NerdHQ. He's friendly with Zachary Levi, which is all he'd need. Since it's a charitable event, all they care about is selling tickets - if SA sells out a room, and can sell out two (which I'm sure he can), then I don't think they'd care if his panel included Cody Rhodes, Code8, or OTA.
  14. I have no idea if she is or not. If she hates everything Arrow seems to me she'd be sympathetic to a person who played a terrible version of her fave and then got killed off by those she despises. They could have both commiserated over how wrong they did Dinah/Laurel for all I know.
  15. I think she actually legit hates Olicity and isn't just trolling. So her comments come off more biting and without humor because she isn't trying to rile people up by making them believe she hates Olicity, she's trying to rile people up by actively, actually hating Olicity. I mean, half of the fun of her glory days of trolling were people taking her seriously when she was clearly kidding. She ain't kidding about this particular subject. Maybe she feels protective of her new BFF Katie or something.
  16. Maybe I shouldn't read into his phrasing considering his not-so-great grammar, but he did specify that the panel was with friends, not just a friend.
  17. I like to think that he surely knows what kind of expectations he's setting up with this tease, that people will assume it's OTA because it's what they've been asking for, and that they'll buy tickets to the panel for that reason. And that they'd be supremely disappointed if it winds up being something not related to Arrow. But he has a history of doing dumb shit and there's a reason why the panel isn't being marketed with his guests' names - which could be completely well-intentioned, like genuinely wanting it to be a surprise or keeping it under wraps in case something comes up with filming or whatever. Here's hoping that whatever it is - there isn't a disappointed audience after the fact.
  18. @tv echo asked if she should read anything into the placement of her chair in the middle of chairs for the newbies.
  19. I never said it was irrational. I was speaking specifically to what I've seen, which is a lot of worry that Felicity isn't around, that Oliver and Felicity don't interact at all, which could be true but we haven't been given any reason to believe that. I do think it's reasonable to think there won't be any Olicity, since they're broken up, or any OTA because DR hasn't been around.
  20. I don't think it's stupid to be wary of what the sizzle reel will contain. But I've seen a lot of speculation about what it will/won't include solely based on BTS pics that have been posted, which I do think is a little silly. They've been filming for a week and a half, and we've only gotten a handful of pics, and very little info.
  21. They are. SA mentioned yesterday that he already filmed an ad-lib callback to the very first episode that - provided it makes the cut - will be in the 2nd ep, and they were still within the 1st ep's filming dates then.
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