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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe because people there didn't outright call his marriage a sham (like the one today did) and instead questioned how odd his and his wife's living situation is that it seems like he often has to travel to see his daughter, which seems like kinder criticism? Or it could be that he doesn't want to ruffle feathers over on Facebook because the overwhelming majority of commenters there kiss his ass and he must get some validation from that. Most of the nastiness is either directed at the show and not him personally, or at other users - which he doesn't seem to care a whole lot about (although I won't say he doesn't care at all, because he's made some half-hearted attempts at addressing the situation).
  2. I just can't take him seriously, because his problem isn't anonymous use of social media, it's anonymous use of social media that targets him. If he was out retweeting people who were telling fans to kill themselves or that they hope they get raped or killed or whatever other nastiness actual people have encountered both on Twitter and Facebook, I'd probably applaud this stance, but since he's only proactive about it when it affects him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Yes. After he posted a link to the Insta, his followers basically harassed that person into deleting their post (or their whole account - I don't know which). Which is funny to me for reasons.
  3. The Arrow production office tweeted out a pic and DR's photo is next to SA's on the wall now where KC's used to be.
  4. It would be nice if he gave the same attention to fans who repeatedly tell him they're being bullied/threatened with rape and/or violence on his and Arrow's Facebook page as he does to "anonymous accounts" with less than 10 followers who post crazy shit about his marriage. Anonymous accounts are the reasons some people even feel safe posting on some of this show's social media, and if he has to deal with a few bad apples because of it, then...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I don't know if it's part of a scene, but I'm not sure why he'd need a TelePrompTer to record a monologue. Seems like they'd do that in an actual studio? ETA- I'm thinking of a voiceover not a monologue. Still not sure why he'd need a TelePrompTer in the lair though.
  6. The TelePrompTer setup in the lair is bizarre. As is the display of Laurel's suit. Wonder if the stab hole is still there? Fingers crossed they got it dry cleaned!
  7. Regarding Bam's post in the SPOILERS ONLY thread - that looks like the same lair to me?
  8. I'll third (or whatever the number is - suffering from jet lag at the moment) the talking points spec - especially since LL's death and Diggle's feeling of responsibility for it set his storyline in motion for the end of last season, and whatever's happening in the fifth.
  9. He should be this worried about his apostrophe usage, which is horrendous.
  10. I think the main issue with the story was that (IMO) she crafted it to sound a certain way (as if she and her friend were being singled out in his attentions), but wasn't expecting fandom to pick up on it, and once it did she had to backtrack. Because her initial tweets accompanied by the photos did tell a completely different story than the one that apparently happened.
  11. I didn't once consider that it would've been innocent, which probably says a lot about me, haha
  12. Walking someone home has implications in my neck of the woods, so...yeah. Not helping her case at all IMO.
  13. I love that she's all, "He just offered to walk me two blocks home!" Like...that doesn't make it seem that much better, lady. Lol.
  14. Probably because Barrowman and Colton are both gay. And because this wasn't a paid op, and he's married. That's the only reason it pinged for me.
  15. I think maybe attending the cons isn't the behavior he needs to rethink, haha
  16. Yeah, with GG tweeting that Flash was doing Flashpoint their own way, I'm guessing he was trying to temper fanboy expectations that the whole Arrowverse is gonna be blown up, because quite a few of them seemed to think that was gonna happen.
  17. Fingers crossed one of them is Malcolm!
  18. Fingers crossed Tom Felton's presence can magically make Barry less of a garbage person/hero!
  19. And Felicity gave him his ring back and told him to keep it for good. And so far hasn't given him any indication that she ever wants to get back together with him. Is he supposed to be celibate for the rest of his life? Not ever see if he can try and move on and be happy? Like, I truly believe that Oliver would do whatever he had to do to get back with Felicity, but she gave him a pretty final answer there.
  20. I like the idea of her uncovering the conspiracy, but I'm not such a fan of Roy being let off the hook and not sticking around. Not that we need more people hanging around, but if Colton isn't back full time, then Roy's just gonna....leave again if he doesn't have to?
  21. You mananizer! I just meant in terms of *Oliver's* progression/regression that I wouldn't think anything of him dating again generally speaking, but if we had another season where he slept with 3 or more women, I would probably be concerned for the future, haha. Has anyone else been speculated to be a LI this off season? With O/F not together, I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about the possibilities - no one seems to be having a meltdown over it or anything.
  22. Dating one person does not a womanizer make. If we had a three women in one season situation like in season one, then absolutely. IRL someone like Oliver would probably try dipping his toe back in the waters, since Felicity made it pretty clear that marriage was off the table for them. I wouldn't be surprised if the show went there at all, although I don't really have any desire to watch it. Not because I think it'd be a regression, but because they set some expectations (for me) with the engagement and near wedding last year. I just won't buy anything else at this point.
  23. Isn't Coast City where Oliver first tried being a vigilante? Maybe they're going to tie that in somehow - although I have no idea how long he was at it before Waller picked him up, or if anyone knew it was going on.
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