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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I prefer all questions posed to people in public and/or televised forums to be screened because I can only take so much secondhand embarrassment. Although if they're having people get their questions cleared, what's to stop them from asking something else at the panel? Watching a mic fight might be entertaining.
  2. Also, didn't he quit wrestling? Or at least wrestling with WWE? If he's trying to get into legit acting, I can see why he's taking this so seriously.
  3. Poppy mentioned that Kovar was a dictator, so unless there's some kind of bait-and-switch going on, seems like he'll be a bad dude on Arrow.
  4. It truly is. I hate Dawson and laugh at his pain, and I love that the internet gave me an amazing reminder of it.
  5. That is an aggressive screen cap to lead with, my god. I weep @ its perfection.
  6. Or whoever that dude was that Poppy made Oliver promise to take down before he snapped her damn neck.
  7. That got negative quicker than I anticipated, haha.
  8. I like her in small doses too, but I don't really care for her and Quentin, and I wouldn't be upset if they broke up and Donna stayed away for a while. Or longer than a while, haha.
  9. She pretty much took over his campaign and ran things with Alex, and was inexplicably good at it despite not having graduated from college or having anything to do with politics previously. So at this point her working for him in a similar capacity once he's actually elected isn't much of a stretch. I'd rather watch her with Oliver than off doing dumb, nonsensical shit with Merlyn or however else they used to tie her story into the main narrative.
  10. Thea worked on Oliver's campaign, why wouldn't she work in his administration? Isn't that usually how it goes?
  11. Yeah. Thea hung up her hood and is working for Oliver per that TV Guide interview with WM. That's why she was present at that event with all the cops. ETA: what @Morrigan2575 wrote-we posted at the same time!
  12. There's (ETA: he addressed it later in the vid but I can't get the spoiler tag off, haha)
  13. Based on WM's comments, I'm pretty sure the ultimate big bad is the DA.
  14. Do we not already have stacks of evidence that she's a terrible person? Like, naming both of her daughters after herself probably wouldn't even rank at this point.
  15. I like to forget that ever happened for secondhand embarrassment reasons. Ick ick ick.
  16. Yeah, I think so too. They probably think those "vehemently opposed" to it will be okay since, hey, she's been there before! Maybe those were Laurel's last words? Wanting Sara to have her legacy? She packed so much in those last few minutes before she shuffled off this mortal coil!
  17. This has no bearing on future BS regarding their relationship or dating other people, but this isn't a new talking point. WM mentioned leaving them in an ambiguous place in the press after the finale too, IIRC. I assume she thought they were keeping people guessing, but SA nixed that pretty early on when he said he didn't believe they were together in the first ep (and then dropped that comment about Felicity having a boyfriend).
  18. I'm not offended by his tweets, but the BTS folks (apart from Bam, it seems) honestly make positive fan interaction on social media seem like rocket science. Why make fun of anyone who has an investment in your show? Whether it's people tweeting Olicity or people upset about Laurel or shippers of other ships...like, you got people invested enough in something you wrote/created that they talk about it amongst themselves/with others, and you basically say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're too invested now. Real life stuff is more important!" Like you're completely oblivious to the fact that the world you've created is escapist for people, and you think your audience is too stupid to be invested in fiction and care about non-fictional things. Why are most of the people involved with running this show such a damn mess? Yes, and he was probably making fun of shippers then too.
  19. If he's tweeting Giuliani gifs and Trump questions because of spamming - and neither of those things directly address the spamming or his desire for it to stop in any way, no wonder half the shit on Arrow doesn't make any sense.
  20. If he's pissed about people spamming him, then he can simply tweet, "Please stop spamming me with Olicity" instead of all of this roundabout, you-can-read-it-either-way BS. Engaging really isn't that difficult, show people.
  21. I mean, there are always real world issues, so...should we just not watch or care then? Like, ever? Why are these people all so inept at marketing/publicity/generating any kind of positive buzz?
  22. Getting away from real world issues is pretty much why I watch the show, Ben! Put your phone down pls.
  23. I don't think abandoning fics in progress usually has much to do with the show. I mean, in some cases someone who's writing an AU for a non-canon ship might not want to keep writing the AU once the ship becomes canon, but I think by and large people just lose interest in the stories they're writing. That's why I only post one-shots or longer fics once they're finished, because I am one of those people who would lose interest, no matter how much I shipped the ship.
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