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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Honestly, I posted about the limes because, while I do think putting them in drinks is gross and ask for them to be left out of mine, I was just kidding around, trying to get the conversation moving away from the inevitable commentary on the validity of EBR and KC's friendship. Which...obviously both didn't work and worked too well, haha. I don't actually think it will kill me or make anyone sick.
  2. Gross. Lemons/limes floating in drinks are so ick to me. You don't know where that rind has been! Squeeze and get the hell out.
  3. IIRC, there were about 4 or 5 different Barrys there. Maybe 100.
  4. I thought of Oliver solely for story beat purposes. What two better people to reminisce over Laurel than her dad and the love of her life who treated her like garbage?
  5. I have no interest in seeing mean alcoholic Quentin again. But I'm guessing his new BFF is going to be Oliver. I think it's probably just two different people with two different takes on their characters using different words to describe them.
  6. Not that this necessarily means anything, but didn't DR talk about Lyla this past weekend and what an impact enlisting again will have on their family? I feel like he mentioned her more than once.
  7. Those lens flares remind me of laser backgrounds in school photos of the late 80's early 90's. Classic.
  8. If I'm going to have to sit through romantic drama (which I generally like, but hate on this show because they cannot do it well to save their lives), then I'd prefer it to be for character reasons. But the people who run and write this show don't seem to care for much other than plotty plot movement and can undo character development on a dime, so I wouldn't be surprised (if the boyfriend isn't Flashpoint related) if he's just around to a) be an obvious reason why O/F didn't get back together over the hiatus, because it seemed as if they might be heading that way at the end of S4, and/or b) a quick way to introduce another character into the fold to get another storyline moving (like he turns out to be a baddie, or someone from Havenrock, or whatever), and will be over and done once that thing/those things are accomplished.
  9. I'm not even sure what to make of it. It's not going to be all the shows crossing over into each other, but Supergirl crossing onto each show, but...it's not going to be a full-on Supergirl crossover episode? That doesn't really make much sense, haha. I guess logistically it's less of a nightmare - I thought we were getting a bigger version of the November crossovers we've had before, not three two-show crossovers. Huh.
  10. Now that Olicity's dead, will Felicity follow?!!?
  11. In show: because it's private and they don't want to bring people they don't know down to the lair Out of show: because that set was still around
  12. I try not to look at my Goodreads page - just take a quick glance at the overall star rating and call it a day. You're brave!
  13. Yes. It was my mistake - it was mentioned several times that the character at the end of the teaser was Prometheus - I thought they looked similar and that Ragman wasn't supposed to appear until the 3rd episode.
  14. So, the posters in the background of the shot I posted in the SPOILERS ONLY thread, which have the AmerTek logo on them (the same logo that's on the shirts the newbies are wearing) are advertising free clinics which might indicate it's some kind of medical company? AmerTek has been mentioned in Arrow before as a weapons manufacturer. Any chance this is an AU Flashpoint PT/new company where Felicity plans to somehow market her chip? Or is AmerTek just a nice war machine that offers its employees free checkups? Because that lady being choked is gonna need it. Maybe the newbies are trying to infiltrate to suss out the reasoning for the break in, and that's why they're wearing the shirts? I'm bored, I need spoilers.
  15. The whole tag is amazing, but that video made me laugh so hard there were actual tears.
  16. Would Oliver cheat on his one true love Star City, tho?!
  17. I really like Macha, so this commentary isn't directed at her at all, because there has been a push for positivity or nothing lately, and if someone feels better making an argument about why people shouldn't criticize their writing, I think they should definitely go for it! Not everyone is in it for the same thing. For some people, fic is practice - a nice break from their regular writing. Some people just do it for fun and aren't really looking for anything other than praise from the people who love the thing like they do, and that's cool too! But I feel like if you don't want criticism, you should just close all comments. When you open yourself up for praise, you open yourself up to criticism. An author's note or Tumblr post isn't going to stop someone from responding negatively if that's what they want to do - the only way you can stop them is to not let them comment at all. Arrow is the smallest fandom I've written for, and I can't recall having any truly bad experiences in it. I've had people tell me that they thought someone acted out of character or something happened too quickly or whatever and that's cool. They're probably right, because I write fic in my spare time for free and I'm not perfect. They're free to express these thoughts to me! I guess it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal, because in the larger fandoms where I'd get 1500-2000 reviews on a chapter, 95% would be lovely, 4% would be fairly critical, and 1% would be downright abusive. Once someone tells you to cut your fingers off so you can't write anymore...commentary about someone being OOC doesn't seem all that bad, haha.
  18. This gif needs more Tommy staring longingly from the window.
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