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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Is this a response to me? I mean, I am actually not getting my hopes up that 5x05 is going to be any good - and having it directed by a person who directed a not good episode doesn't help.
  2. "You don't got a choice." Yikes.
  3. Counting on 5x05 to be garbage, then.
  4. Not that I believe the ep will be positive by any stretch, but I'm not sure what the point of ending it again/any negativity will be. This article pretty much confirms that they're going to pretend like O&F were never engaged, never almost got married - I wouldn't be surprised if the writers wrote them like they never happened at all. I will never rule out the writers being hacky and stupid, but what would be the point of either one of them addressing their previous relationship when I'm pretty sure they're going to be acting like it never existed in the first place, haha.
  5. Really not sure what 5x05 could even be about. If they had this end of relationship convo over the summer, and the general understanding is that they were moving on and Felicity did, I guess maybe like everything in Oliver's life, he needs to be told more than once to move on?
  6. From the IGN article I posted in Spoilers Only: Not sure that's something to brag about, dude. Especially when the conversation about the conclusion of the relationship happens offscreen, lmao.
  7. Yes! I was just confused by your phrasing, because I thought you were referring to something that had already happened. It's tricky, because all those things could've happened, and are valid points for someone in Felicity's position to be concerned about. But I do think with the way things unfolded that it would've taken a level of sensitivity and subtlety that the writers don't have, and time that the show won't spend on personal moments. I mean, can you imagine the absolute RIOT if Felicity had dared mention financial concerns when Oliver had just sent his son away for good? I don't even want to think about it. It's something that maybe she could bring up now, considering some time has passed. But it would have to be delicately handled to not make her look selfish and materialistic, and I don't think the writers are capable of doing that, so personally I'd rather it just not be brought up.
  8. Well, I figured that might not matter because time travel doesn't make sense regardless. I mean...is Barry going to take Ellie back to her time and back to a timeline where she has a much older sister she doesn't remember? It does make sense that it would be Ellie. I just couldn't figure out if she was exhibiting speedster qualities (hence the comments on her speed) already, or if something particle accelerator-like happened to her in her time, or if there was an outside reason for someone having superhuman speed - which is why I figured it might be the new baby. But yeah, Oliver's speech about her goodness and light does indicate it's her. Yeah, true. It's just probably another 100k+ words, which is a full-sized novel or two, so it's difficult for me to think of that as a wind-down, haha.
  9. Someone mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the authors said it would be about 40-42 chapters (can't remember the exact number, but over 40), so I don't think it's drawing to a close. Would love to be wrong, though! So...is the baby that Felicity's carrying going to wind up being the blonde speedster that was fighting Zoom with Barry when Zoom tried to get Ellie in the kitchen like 150k words ago? And whatever Malcolm injected Felicity with is going to be the cause? I thought maybe Ellie was going to be a speedster since there's so much commentary on how quick/fast she is, but now I'm not so sure.
  10. Can you elaborate on this? It seems like you're talking about this season, and I can't recall a situation where Oliver made a stupid decision that would've hit her in the pocketbook. I mean...maybe tossing cash at his mayoral campaign when he dropped out because of William, but he ended up being mayor anyway, so that's a wash.
  11. Oh, most definitely. I don't think they would've pointed out these additional failings anyway, it's just a little surprising to me that there wasn't a lot of looking outside the narrative to say, hey...this dude kept defending himself by saying he wanted to protect his kid, then did absolutely nothing to protect his kid. By keeping the secret he actively put his kid in even more danger! I just don't see a lot of criticism about that because its his kid, his choice and none of Felicity's business, which is why I'm not sure that the show being less in the Oliver's in the right category would've really helped things at all.
  12. I've posted this before in her thread, but Felicity never had a fair shot in this breakup, because it involved a kid who wasn't biologically hers. As far as a lot of people are concerned, if it isn't her kid, it isn't her business. Which is ridiculous, of course, but I've seen a lot of that. It's especially unfortunate that she wasn't able to be specific about quite a few things that happened throughout the course of the secret-keeping just to remind the audience, because WE knew about them, but she didn't. Like, it would've helped a great deal if she could've spelled out some of his communication issues - like the fact that he talked about what he should do about lil Billy with Diggle and with Mari (a person he barely knew), but not at all with Felicity, the woman he was supposed to marry. Because mentioning that she was "left out of the decision" when Oliver sent the kid away gets the not-your-kid, not-your-business wheels spinning. In addition - several times throughout the season the idea of the two of them having children was brought up. It would've been helpful if someone could've pointed out that Oliver did nothing to protect William when Oliver knew that Malcolm - a man Oliver knows is a murderer, a man Oliver had just taken a hand and the League of Assassins from, a man who vowed to make Oliver pay for those things - knew William existed. He did nothing when Thea told him there was a paper trail that led to Samantha and William - a paper trail that Oliver knew Ruve Darhk (a terrible person in her own right, but someone who he knew was married to A LEGIT SUPERVILLAIN) could follow. Like, Felicity shouldn't have just been hurt on a personal level because she was his fiancee, but also on a Green Arrow "partner" level because Oliver actively left his kid unprotected and in danger because he didn't want to tell her a secret he knew would be safe with her, because she'd kept his biggest secret for YEARS! So, there's another reason to not want to marry and have children with the guy that didn't even get touched on, haha. I mean, I love Oliver - he's my fave, but he is SUCH a moron. Anyway, to keep this on track, I agree that he hasn't really done much to show that he's changed, and I'd love to see him open up to her about something to take a step toward that. But ultimately there isn't anything you can do to convince someone you won't ever lie to him - because you tell the truth until you don't. So...it'll have to be a leap of faith where she's concerned.
  13. Since he seems to love karaoke and doesn't have any problem signing in public, I think his issue is less about musicals and more about not thinking singing/a musical ep is the kind of thing that fits into Arrow's world.
  14. Oliver was born in May 1985 - so, he's 31.
  15. I think Stephen has always been adamant about not doing a musical episode because he simply just doesn't want to do one. I don't think they were singing a lot at Comic Con to show producers they could do it - there's plenty of evidence online that most of them are good/passable at singing - if Berlanti and Co. wanted to include Arrow in the musical episodes, then they would have. And I think that after coming off of a weak season that included magic and nuke blasts that were highly criticized, that announcing a musical ep probably wouldn't have been a good idea.
  16. That would make WM's "this life" comment make sense.
  17. Straight shooter/good guy literally. And also a goober.
  18. We've gotten more information about Felicity than we have about Diggle, at least. What's he got going on? Feeling guilty about Laurel seems to be about it. I'm sure they'll both have more going on than it seems like. They just don't want to say too much (IMO) because of whatever Flashpoint shenanigans they're imposing.
  19. Probably! Hopefully this one won't leave her there to go fly his new super suit.
  20. DO NOT even mention that name. Not sure how to express this without getting into fan talk, but I do think they're trying to get some people excited. Just...not us.
  21. MG told JBuffyAngel that there would be a moment in the premiere that's difficult for Olicity fans to watch, and it's probably something to do with the boyfriend - if so, he'd be in the premiere.
  22. I'm not here for this because I think the only romance on this show that was well-written was O/F in most of 4A, when the romantic aspect of the story wasn't front and center. When they go for drama is when it gets awful, and either they're going to go for drama and it's going to be awful, or they're basically going to pretend like O/F never lived together and were never engaged and almost married. Don't really care about watching either one of those scenarios.
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