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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Not that this means anything at all, but he was dressed up like Oliver as mayor in the pic where he had what looked like three gunshot wounds - and is wearing a different outfit in the pic above.
  2. Oh yeah, maybe. I just always thought Human Target was someone who impersonated people, not someone who could actually change his appearance, but I could be wrong about that. And the show could totally change it, of course. Not sure why else he'd be wearing a mask like that if he doesn't.
  3. Why wouldn't SA be playing him? Seems like it'd be cheaper to do that than using FX to make a guy look just like a guy you're already paying, haha.
  4. I hope that means Felicity's boyfriend is FP-related. If not then DAMN IT, WENDY.
  5. Oliver displaying some Moiraness does make sense if we're just talking about him being determined to keep the truth from William himself. There is no motivation or explanation that will ever make him keeping William a secret from his team —a team he relies on to, you know, protect the people of Star City (and this season, the actual whole word), a team that has gone to great lengths to protect HIM —in the name of protecting his son. If he was concerned about protecting William's safety, they are the FIRST people he would've told. I don't remember a lot of the evil Dad storyline, so I forget all of what Moira's stated reasons were - if she even mentioned safety/danger as a reason for not wanting Thea to know, but Moira's lie seems reasonable to me in that she didn't want Thea to doubt Robert's love for her, or for the truth to taint her memory of her childhood and her father, since Malcom wasn't around in that capacity anyway. So, for the sake of not disrupting William's childhood, I get why Oliver would do the same and actively not tell him about it. It's the rest of it that's garbage.
  6. I'm glad the show didn't make a connection there, because comparing Oliver's actions to Moira's would've made him look even more stupid. Because yeah, Moira did all kinds of questionable stuff to keep her kids safe, but she actually did actively try to keep her kids safe. Oliver just lied because someone told him to - which actually repeatedly kept his child unsafe, which Moira would've never in a million years even fathomed letting happen.
  7. It's a take on a US presidential candidate's slogan is the issue, I think.
  8. He would've looked so much less like a dumbass (I mean, still a dumbass, but less of a dumbass) if he hadn't said that knowing that Malcolm knew about the kid. Malcolm is a common sense vacuum, and needs to die 2kforever.
  9. I *love* that Alias fic! I had no idea some of this stuff was written for OFBB.
  10. The posting schedule was one of the reasons why the early posting kerfluffle didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean, as-is, it's not like one person posted their whole fic and now no one's going to be looking for Big Bang stuff now that it's up. It seems like any other fic posting scenario, except a lot of people are doing it together, and all the fics they're posting seem to be complete (thankfully). But, something that's supposed to be fun for everyone involved shouldn't be the cause of hurt feelings or upset, so hopefully someone else takes over if they do a Big Bang next year.
  11. I didn't mean to imply any shadiness with that guess, I'm just looking at it as a fic writer - I think I'd probably choose to update on another day too, but that's just me.
  12. I think people chose which days they wanted to post? And this is just a guess, but I think Monday isn't as stacked because it's the day that FiCoN updates.
  13. Pretty sure Chaser is saying he/she thinks EBR would be good at improv.
  14. I can't watch that because of the high potential for secondhand embarrassment that nearly always happens for me when I watch people who don't normally do improv doing improv, but I love that Matt Mitovich is in the comments section AGAIN clarifying what a "series regular" is, lol.
  15. Oh, I totally understand. They aren't my favorite, either. It's just that the author's note implied
  16. Ugh, when he said the thing about the show needing kids, my greatest fear was that said kid would be lil William. Looks like our least favorite Crayola-loving plot line is gonna be back. I knew it was too much to hope that dumbass storyline had been tossed in the garbage where it belonged.
  17. I can't remember when SA started going to him - last season, I think? I remember him saying something about telling TPTB that if they wanted more shirtless stuff they had to pay for his trainer (and, I think, schedule time for his workouts?). Not sure if the studio pays for trainers for everyone, or if SA's really talked him up and got the others to go to him, or if the studio schedules times for workouts and he makes a window for them or whatever. I think he does have some kind of deal going to have so many Arrow cast there, just not sure what exactly it is.
  18. They've all posted gym pics before. Their trainers have posted pics of them. I think the only thing different is that it's the same trainer they're @ing and being posted by since they're all going to the same place now for whatever reason. Doubt we'all ever know the reason.
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