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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It seems to me that Oliver is contemplating an observation that Malcolm made about him, not taking any advice. "Whatever it takes" is at Oliver's discretion, and I'm guessing he isn't going to go around killing everyone he goes up against like Malcolm would, but maybe I'm wrong. Do you know he's not going to get Diggle's opinion? This show seems pretty consistent in having Oliver confide in someone whatever belief system he's operating under during the season. For all we know he talks to Diggle about it and Diggle asks him why he's listening to Malcolm Merlyn. Or, maybe he agrees with the sentiment (which he should, given what we know about him), but I guess that won't go over well?
  2. The article mentions how many accounts viewed some of the shows/movies, so it doesn't seem like they're counting how many episodes were watched, just how many accounts watched any given show/movie.
  3. Of the OFBB fics I'm reading Macha's which is great, like the majority of her writing is. I've been reading hannasus's fic too, which I also like. I'm a little worried about what's going to happen in that fic since I liked the first chapter of "Of redemption," but I thought the second one was a little boring and I never finished. Seems like maybe it was a good choice, haha. The only other one I'm reading at the moment is the FiCoN one. I like it a lot. I think there's still a lot of real estate spent on expressing feels, but the chapters are self-contained and not plotty, so it's working for me.
  4. I'm guessing Diggle will weigh in on this. I seriously doubt SA spoiled the whole story arc, and that it begins and ends with a "Malcolm is right" during a convo that happens in the premiere. Also a guess - a few other people on the team will probably weigh in on it too.
  5. But whatever it takes isn't going to be the same thing in every situation. Oliver is already willing to find a non-violent solution to a problem. Per the show, he's having difficulty making himself kill for the greater good. So, finding the balance - knowing what the situation calls for and acting on that, isn't that the moderation? Isn't that doing whatever it takes? Maybe I'm not following your point?
  6. My comment about not having context for the conversation was in response to someone who wondered why Oliver was listening to Malcolm and ignoring people who had always had his back (although the answer is likely because this show loves Malcom to its own detriment). That's also why I made the comment about not wanting him to attribute anything about getting back into killing to Felicity or anyone else on Team Arrow. Personally, I don't mind Oliver's introspection being triggered by something that Malcolm said that wasn't crazypants. And for all we know, Oliver brings up Felicity and Sara telling him to do whatever it takes at some point in the convo, IDK
  7. Yeah, I didn't get any context regarding the conversation with Thea from the one line he quoted about Malcolm. I think there's a difference between Oliver saying "Malcolm says it's okay to kill people, so I'm going to kill people again" and "Malcolm was right - I shouldn't be out there if I'm not willing to do whatever it takes." It is a little frustrating that anything Malcolm said is given any weight, but at least this is legit advice and not some retconned BS making him out to be better or different than he is. Maybe it's just me, but if Oliver's noodling over killing people again and struggling with it (and even if he isn't struggling with it), I'd rather he not mention Felicity and any encouragement she may have given him to do whatever it takes when he's getting back into the murder business. There are a lot of things I'd like him to acknowledge about her, but that ain't one of them. Since I'm not sure of the context of this convo with Thea, I'll also be glad if Oliver's contemplating killing for the greater good on his own, instead of having someone hold his hand and tell him it's okay to kill someone to make sure people are safe. Since this is all nonsensical plotty plot, I'll take baby steps where I can get them. Bonus possibility that I will cling to until I can't cling to it anymore is the thought of Oliver saying those words back to Malcolm (again, because didn't he say that when he jabbed himself through the chest to "kill" Malcolm the first time?) as he fatally stabs him in the neck. For good this time.
  8. It's tough to tell given that it's one line completely out of context. I'm sure it'll be stupid and plotty, but I can't get upset about him not mentioning Felicity and Sara when I don't know why he's talking about Malcolm.
  9. The repetitive lesson learning (and spotty application of the no-kill rule) is tiresome for sure. But if something Malcolm said, like FOUR YEARS AGO finally sinks in and makes that spotty no-kill rule die a horrible death, then I'm all for it. Although, with the way this show goes, it'll probably just result in another spotty no-kill rule, haha.
  10. I'll be in the minority: this doesn't really bother me, because Malcolm is gross and should be dead and is totally terrible, but he wasn't wrong. In broader context of that quote (SA talking about S1 Oliver being willing to kill, and Oliver of S2 and after not being willing to kill and now being somewhere in the middle), it makes sense. Oliver's no-kill rule was stupid, and probably got him into more trouble than it helped. It's okay to kill some of these nasties, and I think it would be really good for Oliver to acknowledge that - regardless of who put the thought in his mind. It's especially okay to kill Malcolm, but...LOL @ hoping that will ever happen.
  11. IIRC MG has mentioned Manu sharing his dissatisfaction with the show directly with him. Seems like he was either unhappy with his last performance (like Thea being able to hold her own against him), or thought he'd be coming back and was told that plans changed (or wanted to come back and was told no). I can imagine the conversation not going all that well with MG, but regardless, Manu's behavior since is typical man baby who didn't get his way about whatever.
  12. I think by now most of her fans probably know the risks of traveling to a con to see her and that it's likely she won't show. It would definitely be a nice if she took some time to send out a note as soon as she canceled, but her flakiness doesn't seem to bother her fans, so it doesn't bother me.
  13. Considering that it's for charity, what a paltry lineup. It's a shame more people weren't willing to take a small financial hit to attend.
  14. Regarding today's installment of FiCoN, at the end:
  15. Well, I'd say she has an unhealthy attachment to that cat, haha.
  16. There's also the fact that this person mentioned her doing a great horror scream, which has nothing to do with the Canary Cry. I can't imagine she's contractually obligated to never scream on film again, haha.
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