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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Same. That's why I was hoping there might be more to that than meets the eye (and why I posted a stretch theory about it up thread). I mean, just last season Felicity told Oliver that he'd always have to lie to her because "that's this life," and then she's getting involved with someone who she's gonna have to lie to? I know lying to your fiancé about a kid and lying to your boyfriend about whatever heroics you're skipping out on dinner for are not the same, but it's not a good look regardless. Maybe, I guess, the cop is in the know about her work on Team Arrow?
  2. I think Star City landlords are just glad *someone's* paying the rent.
  3. Great response, but that tweet is...yikes.
  4. She did. She said Felicity was spinning out about Havenrock and that Oliver was busy with stuff, and that until they got some clarity for themselves, they wouldn't have time for relationship stuff. I think it was on TVLine - trying to find it.
  5. Her pre and post faces don't look all that different to me, haha.
  6. I wonder how the general audience who doesn't follow this stuff is even going to be clued in to Flashpoint? Is Barry's dumb ass going to run across the screen at the last minute and take Felicity back to Central City with him or what?
  7. Yeah, the only way I can make a boyfriend make sense with everything else they've said about Felicity this offseason is if the boyfriend isn't actually a boyfriend for whatever reason. Plus, it doesn't seem like he's around for very long so it isn't serious (and someone who had seen the ep said we don't get to see Oliver's reaction to him -which I suppose could indicate that he's been around a while but I thought there were spoilers that it's new? So they're passing up on emotional plot movement since we don't see Oliver's reaction, so I thought maybe the BF had some other plotty purpose).
  8. Well, yeah. Since Human Target isn't in 5x01.
  9. I would love it if this show did something truly surprising with the boyfriend. Like, have Felicity dating him as some sort of cover to get some inside info on the corruption inside SCPD. Wishful thinking. And I'm still on the kissing Human Target train.
  10. I don't think they've pissed all that many people off yet. The biggest chunk of viewers - the people who tune and but don't pay a lick of attention to the show outside of the 8-9PM hour on Wednesdays - probably don't even know it's coming. And if I had to venture a guess I'd say that they're probably going to deal with the boyfriend in a way that gives the audience a pretty good indication of where things are going in the first ep. Like, we know there's corruption in the PD - is the boyfriend a corrupt cop? If we get a hint that he is - even if Felicity doesn't, it'll give people a clue that it's not long for this world and I doubt that many of them would care very much. We've just had months to stew over it, so it's this Big Looming Thing.
  11. At least this boyfriend can't electrocute Roy? #brightside #blessed
  12. Maybe Prometheus doesn't like that haircut either.
  13. The weird Ken hair makes me think it's Mr. Poppy. I still think that's Human Target she's kissing in the teaser.
  14. Why does the guy in the leak have painted-on Ken hair? Thumbs down.
  15. Wait, is her BF Jack Tripper Jr or Mr. Poppy? I'm usually good at telling white dudes apart but cannot at the moment.
  16. Yeah, I think she was still in high school last season? I remember Felicity remarking on her grades when they were trying to figure out how she hacked the sonic poo collar to work for her when it was only supposed to work for Laurel. I think.
  17. Eh, I disagree. I write and read a lot, and if a story is
  18. That's a level of dedication I've never had for anything in my life, bless.
  19. Oh, I'm not anxious about it. I'm just disappointed that a story that was
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