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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I suppose he could be talking about 3 different exes? But I think the "long-term relationship" and the person he cried in front of are the same - he told a story about that on Girl on Guy - it...did not paint him in a very positive light, haha.
  2. I'm sure there are practical reasons for it (maybe she doesn't want people to know who she is), it's just funny to me.
  3. It makes me laugh every time he refers to his first marriage as a long-term relationship.
  4. Perhaps seeing Laurel's solid milk chocolate statue got him all murderous.
  5. I can't remember - do we know for sure that Oliver wasn't killing anyone before? I wasn't super interested in a lot of what was going on, and this is the first year I haven't bought a season pass on iTunes, so I can't rewatch - did Felicity mention the killing, or just Thea? Because Thea hasn't been suiting up all summer - she wouldn't know if he was killing before or not.
  6. I wonder if it would be Quentin's, since E1/regular reality's version of him has lost his daughters a few times (LOL, this show), but they've never lost him.
  7. Impractical costumes on every Earth, in every reality and dream world! Seriously though, are they at a funeral?
  8. Do any of us tho? I thought it was kind of weird given WM's commentary about him that he wasn't one of the OMG BEST cops around. But maybe they gave no more thought to it other than wanting to put the dude on the task force in the next ep, and needing Prometheus to murder someone bland(er) that we didn't care about as his big introduction.
  9. I hadn't thought of that, and I don't know how I feel about it. I could totally see them doing some thing like this, but I don't want Felicity to appear gullible or be taken advantage of in any way. I mean, I think she'd handle it fine. If Tiny Hands is being deceptive and after her for less-than-honorable reasons, then I hope that she figures that out before it's too late (although...if he's living with her and she didn't just give him a key, then it's probably already too late).
  10. I would say sidekick is probably more likely? Like, I can totally see them wanting to build in a twist like him being Promethus, and maybe his goofiness would be part of the throwing-people-off-the-scent thing, but then what to do once everyone finds out who's under that hood/mask besides die laughing? Haha. I think it would make more sense if he was planted to be an inside man/accomplice type. Although an ACI appointment-having inside man would seem more beneficial to someone like Tobias Church since he has general crime lord status, and Prometheus has season-long destroy Oliver Queen/Arrow personally status. But then...why would he have killed an ACI team member? Unless I suppose it was to make Oliver look bad (worse) as mayor. What I'm trying to say is I don't know, haha.
  11. I think it's a lock that Tiny Hands is going to be Mr. Poppy's replacement on the ACI team - Now, whether that's so he can die, can somehow get more active on the scene as Felicity's PD liaison, or have a cover so he can go out at night in a costume and kill people for whatever reason, I don't know. I don't think there's anything particular from this episode that rules him out - although my general sense is that he's a little too on the affable/goofy side, which eliminates him from contender as a season-long big bad. Like, once he took the mask off how could you not laugh at that guy threatening you? But I suppose anything is possible!
  12. I hope Dinah shoved some Viagra in her bag before they got shipwrecked, because Oliver legit looks like a dirty old man. So much romance tho! I bet ~no one will buy it!
  13. I that case, Felicity can have it while she's with Tiny Hands McGee.
  14. It will surely be someone she barely knows, so likely Ragperson.
  15. Didn't she send a bunch of ARGUS agents after Darhk even though Oliver (and possibly Diggle) warned her not to and the team listened to them all get killed over audio?
  16. I don't know - last time we saw Lyla she didn't exercise the best judgment and got a whole lot of people killed IIRC. Maybe it's a dumb plan, haha.
  17. It definitely used to be true. No one is saying that disliking a character is forbidden, but I don't think it's all that difficult to understand why people would want to avoid boards that actively dislike a character that they love (whatever that board/character may be).
  18. If the trend of drops after episodes that show Oliver/Felicity on the outs/not in a good place continues, just imagine how bad next week's ratings are gonna be.
  19. Being covered in buckles is awful for being stealth too, but we don't care about these things!!!
  20. Yeah, I think Black Canary is dead (no pun intended). They wouldn't have put up a statue of her with BLACK CANARY written on the bottom if they were planning on having another one IMO. We'll get the Aubergine or Chartreuse Canary next.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if the ratings tank. They really didn't give people a lot to anticipate tuning into - there was very little about any of the main characters and what there was was garbage (Oliver being a shit mayor, Diggle off without his family, Flashpoint affecting Diggle and Felicity, whatever - if anything - was mentioned about Thea or Quentin). They spoke at length about people we've barely met (or never met), and Wendy really hammered home the "bleakness" of the season over the past few days. I suppose the only saving grace for large swaths of people was the promise of a return to its roots and better stunts/action. After a season and a half (I still think 4A was pretty great) of awfulness, what little we had to go on didn't indicate that they actually knew what they were doing and were going to follow through on any of the things they were promising. I completely understand why people would tune out. I've watched every episode live since 2x09, and even I didn't want to tune in (although I did, because I still care - but not nearly as much as I used to).
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