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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I do get why people think Oliver needing to win the reporter over might equal something romantic, but it's on record that Oliver is a completely shit mayor. Of course a reporter would want to get to the bottom of why, and would a) be pretty hard on him, and b) be incredibly meddlesome, which is something Oliver wouldn't want. So, could she be a new LI? Sure. Could "winning her over" just mean getting her on his good side so she stops digging? Yeah. Maybe both, haha.
  2. It could be something where he tells her if she's serious about him she needs to tell him - I would imagine it wouldn't be something where he'd tell her to just let every rando she dates know what she does at night (and I wouldn't expect him to tell anyone until it reaches a certain level of seriousness, either).
  3. "What We Leave Behind" doesn't scream ominous to me, it just seems like a hack-y alternate for "legacy."
  4. Oliver's main motivating factor for running for mayor was that it would be difficult to kill him, so I don't think he really put all that much thought into what the job would actually entail. Although what he's doing during the daytime hours as the Arrow that keeps him away from City Hall, I don't quite understand, but whatever show.
  5. The lair did, but she explained that a Ghost broke the machine (why she hasn't replaced it, IDK). And she isn't the CEO anymore, sadly.
  6. Can you imagine the lab tech running that lab? Writing it up? Explaining that it was a radioactive 2,000 year-old rag as he slipped the report into Mayo's tiny hand?
  7. I think it's because he's the one they've chosen to stick around.
  8. For some reason I thought Evelyn already knew Oliver was the Green Arrow. She saw him when she went to Laurel's funeral, and would've seen Felicity there too. Someone should rethink that genius status.
  9. I thought it was pretty great when Felicity was trying to convince Oliver to let the newbies go to the free clinic to help him keep an eye out for Ragman by being like, "There are twenty entrance points. You can't watch them all yourself." And then at the actual clinic all three of them are standing within 6 feet of each other, haha.
  10. I like the author a lot, but yeah, this is one of the things that she tends to do to play with the single POV narrative. This is the first fic I can recall it being so angsty though. I could see Felicity
  11. My point is that you seem to be implying that this is damage control for the recent fandom uproar, and what I'm saying is that positively spinning their ratings by putting press releases like this out - which they do any time they have a gain they can spin - is something they always do.
  12. Pretty sure based on the tags that Sara and Nyssa are together in that one.
  13. Putting out press releases that positively spin their ratings is something they've always done whenever there was something to spin positively. It's typical behavior IMO, not damage control.
  14. Maybe they'll just have whatever machinery she needs to do some analysis conveniently broken by a Ghost last season like they did last night. Not that I wanted to see more Mayo, but it would've been nice to see his reaction to Felicity's friend's cleaning lady having 2,000 year-old rags.
  15. The best thing you can do for yourself if you're going to keep watching is prepare for the worst (because it's likely to happen).
  16. The thing I'm confused about regarding Adrian Chase is: isn't he supposed to be Vigilante in the show? Or is someone else playing Vigilante? I suppose him having a superhero alter ego would do a lot to take suspicion off of him, but...IDK, seems like a lot of effort to go through for a bad guy, haha.
  17. I decided after watching this morning that my balls-to-the-wall unlikely, totally reaching desire wrt Oliver finding out about the boyfriend is that he would understand that Felicity was using him as a distraction for Havenrock feels. They just seem way more casual than the loft scene at the end of the first ep indicated, and that would be a reaction from him that I truly wouldn't expect. It's just difficult for me to believe that after last night's ep, when Felicity said "I think you're missing something," and he replies with, "Just one thing," and Felicity gives him this little smile and laugh? That's not a guy who's gonna be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." Which is why I'm pretty sure he'll be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." But still. Want it.
  18. I would appreciate the lack of training mentions if that had anything whatsoever to do with her death. Didn't she just get frozen by magic and then stabbed in the gut? No amount of training would've stopped that.
  19. Really though, what is the point of telling him that he had a daughter that was completely erased by time travel? So that he can feel the loss of someone he never knew (and won't ever know)? That he can be like, "Huh? Weird," and then move on? Like...I'm just not sure what the endgame would be for telling him about something he never had, and won't get back. It's not valuable information - and can only serve to possibly hurt - there really isn't an upside to it at all.
  20. I'm watching the ep now, and why was Mayo Tiny Hands so sweaty? He was literally just walking.
  21. This is the first ep I haven't watched live in the 3 years I've been watching this show, because I got the idea that it would be a lot different than it seems like it was. Pleasant surprise!
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