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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder if Thea "fighting for" Lance has anything to do with the shocking secret? He could be drinking again...I'm guessing after Thea's run-in with reporter what'sherface, reporter what'sherface is going to be working overtime to air some of Lance's dirty laundry, especially since Thea pretty much made her look like a fool in that situation.
  2. Not entirely sure how this works, but since it's an embedded YouTube clip, I think whatever views it gets will count, even if they aren't viewed on the actual site.
  3. I mean, I think it's a cute idea, and I didn't have super high expectations, it just seems to me that the guy who wrote it probably had this idea for a whimsical superhero fight and came up with an idea to go along with that. I know it's a heavy subject matter and 15 minutes isn't enough to get really in depth, but I didn't think it was even a little bit emotionally moving, haha. It seems kind of Flarrowverse in that someone envisioned this really cool "look" and didn't give too much thought to anything else.
  4. Personally, I'd rather not see an emotionally charged story like that on Arrow. And I think I might be in the minority in thinking it wasn't very good, haha. The story, I mean - I thought it was visually pretty great.
  5. Special appearance by the Flarrowverse's only hospital corridor!
  6. I think you're reading too much into it. I think it's a callback to the conversation about not letting Diggle (and Rory) do things they'd regret later.
  7. Anyone clear on the timing here? Lyla went to Oliver last ep and, what, waited a whole week to break Digg out? Oliver told Felicity about Digg being locked up but not about the plan to break him out, but...it didn't seem as if he was being deliberately secretive about it? I drifted in and out of paying attention, and I don't remember how it was all set up-seemed like Oliver not telling Felicity about the plan was a plot contrivance because they wanted the cliffhanger last ep, but couldn't get into the details until this one?
  8. Yeah, I don't think she was thrown under the bus. She was right - it is a stupid plan, so I don't mind her being against it (I'm sure Digg's gonna LOVE living in HIVE HQ). I do wish that instead of the "his choice" thing she'd gone with, "Uh, why don't we try to clear his name because there are some pretty bad dudes getting away with some pretty bad stuff?" The fact that no one mentioned actually trying to clear his name drives me nuts. Even though I'm sure that's a longer arc for Diggle so they couldn't address it now, all Lyla would've had to have said was, "He's not in a good place right now, I want him out immediately," or something along those lines. That no one thought of that? Come on.
  9. Yeah, I think like @dtissagirl wrote, they probably were going for shock value with the Oliver gets shot thing - and therefore probably didn't want to reveal anything about Human Target (and I'm guessing the Olicity stuff has to do with Human Target - not that they'd be inclined to promote the ship at this point in time), so it seems like all Wild Dog. Which...seems extra stupid (but typical), since I don't think Wild Dog is as popular as they were thinking he'd be, so I'm not sure how many people are emotionally invested in him being held captive.
  10. Were mine eyes fooling me, or is Human Target the person Wild Dog is punching in the preview? Not that I consider that "highlighting" him at all, just trying to put the pieces together for whatever useless reason, haha.
  11. Isn't JBuffyAngel the only one who said it was going to be a "big Olicity episode"? Seems like everyone else just mentioned that we'd get some "clarity" here.
  12. Yeah, I don't care for him at all. They went for some big cliffhanger moment, but as of now I want Church to do whatever. I'm going to be annoyed that anyone would risk their life to save the dude, haha. I like Rory the most, then Evelyn (who is useless, but inoffensive), then Curtis who I also think is useless, and Wild Dong, who I just want to die. So, of course he's their guy.
  13. The only reason I don't think SA was referring to an emotional connection WRT Felicity is because he said Mayo should "worry about his connection TO Felicity." That, to me, indicates a connection by knowing someone. Granted, I know SA isn't the best at expressing himself, but if he were speaking about an emotional connection, I'd think he'd say "worry about his connection WITH Felicity." But, who knows. Like a lot of other things that have been talked about, it'll probably amount to nothing.
  14. I certainly hope so. Because this I-killed-my-brother-so-I-deserve-to-be-in-prison-for-treason is some dumb shit. I don't care how deep in the grief someone is - that is some low-level, not even Oliver is that dumb kind of stuff.
  15. Maybe she'll bring him some Big Belly Burger, since that's what people in the Flarrowverse bring their prisoners. Knowing this show, it'll all happen offscreen, of course!
  16. Yeah, it makes no sense - that should've been the first thing someone like her thought of? But, like @Morrigan2575 wrote, there probably wasn't much thought put into it, because they just wanted to get to the endgame of getting Diggle back (and stage a prison break caper).
  17. Yeah, the reasoning is a mess because Diggle being in jail and wanting to stay there is also a mess. I thought her approach would be more about figuring out a way to clear his name, but (unless I missed it) that was never brought up as an option? Arrow at its worst, haha.
  18. Tonight is the first time I actually found him menacing. And am I wrong, or is this the third or fourth time someone has mentioned the best, most trustworthy cops in the city and Mayo is nowhere to be found? Or did he just blend into the backgroud to the point where I missed him tonight?
  19. I usually find Diggle's storylines to be kind of boring, and this was no exception. I did like Felicity and the newbies a lot - Ragman continues to be my fave of the boobs.
  20. I thought the ep was boring, but also liked it? I liked the Felicity and Rory stuff a lot - I love the way they handled it. Still hoping there's more for her with Havenrock, but...not holding my breath. Also kind of LOLing at all the discussion about an anti-Felicity POV and there wasn't one?
  21. Lyla slingshotting Oliver and Diggle off the ground, man. I cannot.
  22. Well I certainly LIKE this interpretation the best, haha.
  23. I guess I just don't understand why anyone should be worried about their connection to Felicity? No one is after her as far as we know. If it's regarding Green Arrow, Mayo has his own connection directly to the guy that should be worrisome since Prometheus is after him? Unless maybe Wendy is referring to Mayo getting in trouble for Felicity using him as Team Arrow's hook up to the law stuff since she already used him for the mass spectrometer whatever, and seems like she'll be going to him for more cop stuff in 5x06 (because I think her considering telling him about her work with GA has more to do with needing something from him than wanting to be honest with him, but I could be wrong).
  24. I wonder why Mayo's connection to Felicity should be worrisome to him if it has something to do with Prometheus, since Mayo's been making fake police calls in order to talk with the Green Arrow. Unless it was just a bunch of word salad by Wendy to bring the convo back around to our fave sandwich spread and give us some DUN DUN DUNNNN feels. I suppose WM could've been talking about Felicity considering letting Mayo know about her involvement with Team Arrow (assuming she actually does), but...seems he'd already be on Prometheus's hit list? LOL @ me trying to make sense of this.
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