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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Provided there's anyone left willing to upload them.
  2. Don't worry - Havenrock likely isn't going to be spoken of again. Sorry, I didn't mean hashtag - I meant the thread of replies to Brian Ford Sullivan.
  3. Looking at the replies to BFS - I totally missed Felicity telling Tiny Hands that she "owed him" for canceling their booty call the night before. Gross, gross, gross. Gross.
  4. I bet it's going to be that he needs to trust people and let them in. (And then he's going to trust
  5. To be fair - he's always had to re-learn shit he's already learned before, the beautiful moron.
  6. Not being snarky, but I think it would be a waste of time. The people who run/write this show have been repeatedly dismissive of anyone who has raised any kind of issues with it, so I'm not sure why they'd care now. Seems like the suits are already trying to work out what has people tuning out, so...while it might be cathartic for people who want to share their opinions, I highly doubt anyone who "matters" will be listening.
  7. Same. I could probably be talked into or out of anything at this point, because no storyline is too stupid, no shortcut too inane. Basically any of it could make sense in terms of how Arrow goes through plot and "character development." Hope for the best, expect the worst, stop watching and come back if it gets interesting again, don't come back at all, etc. Whatever keeps ya sane.
  8. "We gotta cross the road. Mister Terrific, are you holding Artemis' hand?" made me LOL.
  9. I looked at the comments, and it doesn't seem like people are being nasty to her - they seem pretty supportive of her in the replies to the second tweet - they're just being nasty to each other (and keeping her in the @s).
  10. No, he didn't say exactly that - I paraphrased it. I can't bring myself to go back and watch the interview again to get an exact quote, but he did
  11. I don't even think it takes thinking it's a done deal for shippers to drop it. To quote the 411Media review in the News and Media thread: The problem is, “will-they-or-won’t-they” isn’t interesting on it’s own; especially when the answer is “they-should-and-they-did-we-can’t-really-explain-why-they-aren’t-but-they-aren’t-they-probably-will-though.” Like @Carrie Ann wrote, the writers are shying away from any kind of relationship drama to the point where none of this makes much sense. Why aren't they together again? I don't know - they're basically acting like a couple while telling each other to move on because they're so afraid to address anything from the previous season that it's like nothing happened at all. Is Felicity still worried about Oliver lying to her even after she said last year that she believed she could change? IDK. Is any of this going to address that, or is she just going to be magically over it when it's the right time? Bet I can guess the answer! Is Oliver working on being more open? IDK, because the only thing that's been addressed is that he - again - is having some dual identity crisis. How is getting into another relationship going to help that? Is any of this going to address that, or is he just going to be magically cured of his secret keeping when it's the right time? Bet I can guess the answer! And now we have new love interests, which...yeah, okay, maybe I could not hate it too much if there were any kind of connection to moving the story of the people I care about. What does having a boyfriend do for Felicity? IDK. Why is Oliver looking for another relationship with someone else when he still looks at Felicity the way he does? What is it going to bring him exactly, apart from - what I can tell from interviews - Cool. Don't care about it. Not gonna watch it. And that's just addressing the ship stuff, much less the other things that should be basic knowledge about the characters we've watched for 5 years and don't know anything about. Does Felicity have a job? Where does Oliver live? This is simple information about these people that the show can't even be bothered to tell us.
  12. It really bothers me that Lexa Doig's first name isn't capitalized on her chair, haha.
  13. Poor guy. He thinks he's a premium sammie, but he's one of those old moldy ham ones that expires in the back of a hospital vending machine.
  14. I need to know how some of this fic ends, and if MG and Co's shitty plotting and writing and showrunnig ruin that for me too, SO. HELP. ME.
  15. I noticed today that her last upload was two weeks ago. Sad, but unsurprising. Fanfic will probably take a hit, too. Writing fix it fic requires some optimism, and I don't see a whole lot of that right now. Plus, it's been what, 8 months of fix it fic with nothing positive? Rough times ahead, etc.
  16. Oh, that's right. I forgot about that one since it didn't really amount to much apart from Ross having to get divorced. Again, haha.
  17. No, they were on and off a couple of times, and then Ross got her pregnant during a one-night stand after she told him the story of Mt. Tibidabo. If Felicity starts telling Oliver about that time she was backpacking across western Europe, we're in trouble.
  18. The next HVFF should be pretty interesting, since it seems like they'll be well into the "romantic elements" between Oliver and the reporter by then. ETA: I mean interesting for SA, not necessarily anyone who still cares about the show.
  19. Their numbers were better but it's not really a fair comparison. This was a historic game seven-I'm surprised their numbers weren't lower, honestly.
  20. I wonder what the tone of the playboy comment was when he said it-because the "by all means" sounds kind of sarcastic. I don't expect this show to stick to its own canon at this point, but the playboy thing was something that SA got so many fan complaints about that HE brought it up to TPTB, so going back on something that was his idea seems weird. Because doesn't seem like the type of guy who can admit he was wrong and thus backtrack on something that he brought up on the first place.
  21. I learned that lesson early on, when I was new to the show and he kept saying that 2x15 was THE BEST EVER. And pretty much the only good thing about that ep was Oliver trying to escape the Amazo, and Slade catching him by the foot as he slammed into the side of the boat, and then flipping him onto the deck. My fave Arrow gif in existence. If SA likes it, it's guaranteed to be garbage.
  22. I don't think it has anything at all to do with who was at fault in the breakup. Oliver was the one who didn't want to let the relationship go even after they broke up, and I think she showed the amount of sensitivity I would expect from an ex who was moving on and still wanted to remain friendly with the person they broke up with.
  23. How awkward for him when Susan asks, "My place or yours?" Then again, maybe Oliver goes peak dumbass and invites a reporter down into the lair. And then they can get comfy on his dorm room cot. Romantique!
  24. I heard the term "mortal lock" for the second time ever this morning in a podcast I listen to on my way to work. In this context it was used as "guarantee" (talking about either the Cubs or Indians winning a championship).
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