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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Regarding Oliver living in the bunker - didn't Felicity - I think it was in the premiere maybe? When she and Curtis were fiddling around with a computer - say something to Oliver like, "You're here late" when he walked into the bunker? If he lives there, like... stop trying to make it make sense, stop trying to make it make sense
  2. Based on what he said later in the interview, I'm guessing yes? Like...weren't you the one who said you wanted that to stop, Steve? This show...lol
  3. This was my favorite reply, because we all "know someone" when we're trying to justify idiocy
  4. I disagree - he still wanted to marry Felicity after sending William away. I don't think Oliver sees the Green Arrow as keeping him from having a normal relationship or a normal life. It just kept him from having a plot point.
  5. Maybe he wants to find someone to date during the day - when he isn't Green Arrow? That's all I could think of that makes any kind of sense (but even that doesn't make MUCH), although again - not sure what Green Arrow has to do with it. Felicity told him last season she was wrong when she said he couldn't change, so he shouldn't be holding onto that "that's this life" stuff where she said he'd always revert to lying as long as he was the GA. But that's me expecting this show to make sense, so...LOL
  6. I just wanted to type out the actual wording because it's so stupid? I would've preferred if he'd said something about moving on in plain language. Does he mean that he's not going to look for someone until he isn't the Green Arrow anymore? (Highly, highly unlikely). If not, what does the Green Arrow have to do with it? These writers need to spend less time on Twitter and more time working on making things make sense.
  7. Mortal lock, according to Urban Dictionary: A term to describe a bet that is virtually guaranteed winner, but in reality it is just a coin flip. The term is a modification of the term, lock, which is used to describe a guaranteed winner in sports betting. The use of this term is introduced by a poster, Richkas, who use the term to gain attention for his sports gambling picks. Due to the fact that his mortal locks are no better than a coin flip, the term is usually used as a comical modifier for sports gambling picks. There are several variations of the term lock. Some popular variations are, Sicilian Lock, bet your mother's house lock, and $$$mortal lock$$$. Makes about as much sense as anything else on this show.
  8. Didn't he say that he owed it to himself to embrace whatever's next for him when he's not the ::hood motion::, whatever in the hell that means
  9. I think if he was, DR would've tagged him in the original, and he didn't.
  10. If there hasn't been any kind of damage control wrt the ratings so far, I don't think there will be, unless the ratings for 6 absolutely tank. And who knows what they'll focus on then.
  11. They didn't give any indication of living arrangements - but it does seem like they're living together? Although what kind of loser Mayo has to be to move in with a woman who doesn't want to introduce him to her friends, IDK. And Felicity said she didn't know if it was "real." So, not serious it seems.
  12. And I don't even think that one dude is making his points very well.
  13. I didn't get that it was calculated - seemed to me that she was being considerate in not wanting to hurt him over something that she didn't think would last? It didn't read - to me - as any kind of blame or hypocrisy or any kind of callback to their breakup at all.
  14. By "given the state of things" I meant that ratings took a pretty big dive after 4x15 (an episode that was the culmination of a couple of storylines that fandom HATED) and the show never got those people back - and they spent all hiatus selling something that didn't help them - not any fandom turmoil he would've had to look at his mentions to find out about.
  15. I get that he thinks that fandom in general is super invested and super reactive to certain storylines, so just because a bunch of shippers or stans get riled up doesn't mean that it's going to affect ratings. Maybe it won't! But fatigue about the stuff that bothers fandom could very well bleed into the general viewership. Which he should know by now, given the state of things.
  16. "Ya care too much about this thing I got paid to make you care about. God you're a bunch of pathetic morons. Get lives!" LOL
  17. I'm not curious in a "can't wait to see what happens" way, but more in a "what kind of garbage writing is going to happen here" way.
  18. I think he gets off to hate tweets and anger, honestly. I bet he prints out his @ replies and puts them in little sheet protectors in his own special little notebook. There's a section for "comic fans," "Laurel Lance stans," and "Olicity shippers." Maybe more.
  19. Plenty of time. I'm kind of curious about how their next interactions will go, because - unless I'm mistaken, she ultimately knows she was flirting with and gave her number to Christopher Chance, and Oliver hasn't even spoken directly to her yet? I assume they're setting him up for doing something deadass stupid again, just...wondering how that's going to happen.
  20. Look at Oliver's true love - the city - between them. <3
  21. Bad at math, bad at lawyering, bad at producing, bad at tweeting, bad at life.
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