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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe he's disagreeing that the characters aren't growing or learning while apart?
  2. Judging by the author's notes and some twitter commentary, I don't get the sense that they're intentionally writing them as garbage parents. It seems to me like this is all intended as reasonable reaction and aftermath to what happened with the first Ellie.
  3. And I think - if you're someone who had an issue with what he said on Sunday - he came off way better in this than he did then.
  4. She is gorgeous. And that dress is gorgeous too.
  5. If I can't stop myself from reading it, I'm glad someone is getting some entertainment out of it.
  6. Yeah, all through the chapter I was like, okay this isn't so bad, then: Yuck.
  7. Unless I'm misremembering (not watching it again, haha), he also said "Oliver could be dead, the show could be canceled" or something along those lines. He didn't just say that the question asker should be glad Felicity's still alive-seems like he was just pointing out that in the grand scheme of things Oliver and Felicity not being together isn't that big of a deal. I do agree that it is tone deaf given the complaints about the show, and wasn't the best example to use.
  8. I think he just meant that people on the show get killed off a lot, so at least she's still alive.
  9. To me the yikes wasn't the content of his answer, just the way he answered.
  10. I'd love to hear what the actual question was - I don't think I've ever seen him respond to a fan like that. The second half is about what I would've expected him to answer when asked a question about Olicity and IMO isn't bad at all. The first half though, is...yikes.
  11. Well, the first post is a complaint about how they treat her character, while the second indicates you're excited that she's back anyway? They seem related to me. Either way, I was just teasing.
  12. What a difference between this comment and the one you posted above it. Are you okay?!
  13. The photographer probably got several, but they only felt the need to release the one because it's probably all they needed to get the audience curious. Here's Felicity and Ray, together, and she has a ring on her finger. Maybe there's really not much else to her appearance in this dream world other than that.
  14. From the description it seems like Felicity isn't in this dream world as an active participant in the alien whatever, but she's off fighting the actual aliens in the real world. The set photographer was probably just around on a day they were shooting the "wedding" scenes.
  15. Seems like they'd have to be? I can't imagine why else Sara, Oliver and Diggle would be chatting in the living room of Queen Manor. Another thing I'm kinda curious about is why Oliver is just chilling out with Laurel in her wedding dress all day while he's in casual clothes.
  16. "Laurel, I have to know. What in the f*ck are all those rings for?" Looks like Felicity and Ray are engaged or married as well (based on the ring on her finger - the only ring on her fingers thank god).
  17. If this season was designed to win back some of the audience that they lost last year, it doesn't matter how great the reviews are, because based on the numbers it doesn't seem to be working.
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