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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I mean, I don't know what other way he could go about keeping her quiet? He can't very well tell her he knows what she's up to - there's nothing stopping her from broadcasting whatever info she has on him right away - the only thing he could do is dig up some kind of dirt on her or appeal to her good nature and what she knows of him as a person to keep her quiet. And if she's manipulating him for a story - which she clearly is - then how would he look bad for manipulating her about her feelings when she thinks she's doing the same thing to him? And the way SA talked about the arc indicates that her relationship with him is going to be what keeps her from outing him. So, it seems like she's already gonna trash a huge story because of how she feels about some guy she barely knows. That's why we're hoping that he doesn't - and this is all some kind of a ruse.
  2. The only reason I think it's possible is because SA pretty much said during that on-set interview a while back that this wasn't another Isabel situation, and that the outcome would be different. Whether he meant that Oliver wouldn't be such a dumbass about it this go-round, or whether he'd be played again and his magical penis and shared feels would convince her not to figuratively screw him, who knows.
  3. If he knows that she's got something on him, I think ultimately he could just be opening her because he wants to show her that he's a decent enough guy that she shouldn't use it. I'm not sure how he would know what exactly she has on him that would prompt him to behave this way strategically (unless we find out in a flashback gotcha that Human Target was pretending to be the PI she hired, and told Oliver what he dug up and gave to her, since we know HT knew Oliver was in Russia). There are plot holes there like, what happened to the original PI if HT was pretending to be him? Unless...maybe HT was pretending to be a PI all along and dealt with her from start to finish (this could be it since Susan and the PI knew who HT was). Did Susan never try to get in touch with the PI again - because surely she'd bring up the information that she received from HT as PI, and original PI wouldn't know about said info since he didn't provide it. Did she never bother to ask him for more info? But...this show is this show, so who knows.
  4. I don't feel particularly confident about anything regarding Tina. It does seem like they're setting up some kind of a personal arc with Wild Dog given the way they've been sprinkling bits of his past here and there, and I could definitely see them using a romance to soften him up a bit - and the casting description for Tina reads as someone who might be his type. I thought Oliver and Susan would be done by the MSF, paving the way for a romance with this new BC in 5B, but clearly he and Susan are just getting started. I do believe SA that Oliver and Susan haven't slept together - only because with so many of the Russian clues being dropped it seems clear that Susan would know what his Bratva tattoo stood for, and I don't think for a second that reveal would happen offscreen. I think that's still coming up and is going to be a plot point of some sort - and since there's only one report of CP possibly being on set somewhat recently, who knows how long that's going to drag out. Although I suppose Tina could be around and getting to know Oliver in a way that makes her a good choice for him after things blow up with Susan, whenever that happens? Though, now that Oliver's killed Felicity's boyfriend, it's ick enough (to me) that he went to Susan to comfort his hurt feels afterward, but him having killed Felicity's boyfriend and then taking up with a member of the team right in front of her face on top of that? Yikes. I totally think they'd do it - no one on this show seems to think about how anything will come across ever - but I hope they don't.
  5. I imagine Prometheus and Evelyn curled up on opposite ends of a couch eating popcorn and sharing a box of chocolates as she catches him up on all the hot goss concerning these people's relationships so he can make his move. Gilmore girls is playing in the background. There's sparkling cider - Prometheus may be a murderer, but he's against underage drinking.
  6. And you know people here don't do this...how? Plenty of posters here do engage with people who have differing viewpoints - with people who hate Felicity and Olicity even! Just because we aren't leading the charge to go to anti-Felicity forums and try to change people's opinions of her - a true exercise in futility - doesn't mean that people here aren't aware there are people who hate her, and that we don't respectfully engage with those people elsewhere. Hmmm...I don't think so. If TPTB didn't regard her as a draw, as a fan favorite still, she wouldn't have been on all three episodes of the crossover this year. This is something I'm sure the network has hard data on - and are going off of more than just the general temperature of the internet. Not true. You're free to go back to check the evidence, but that she died shipping was pretty much universally hated and criticized here. Regardless of how posters here feel about Laurel, I can't recall a single person who didn't think that was a gross disservice to her as a character. We talked about it at length when she died. Also talked about at length when she died? That she was killed by Damien Darhk to get back at her father - to further a man's manpain - when Damien Darhk had plenty of reasons to want her dead himself (since she put him on trial and all).
  7. I was confused by the whole "I'm not going to kill him, I'm going to make him wish he were dead" thing wrt what actually happened in the episode, because I assumed all actions taken against the team were committed specifically for Oliver's manpain. But Oliver likely has only a modicum of concern about Curtis's marriage breaking up, and even though he was the one who broke Diggle out of prison, Lyla led that charge, and Diggle (eventually) went along with it. Oliver did have a hand in Billy's death, but only because he was tricked into it - something that Felicity was immediately understanding about. Either Prometheus's whole plan is just a cool line they could use as a hook in trailers that never amounts to much (like with Slade's "corrupt the ones he loves" spiel), or Oliver's going to wish he was dead because Prometheus targets the people who work with him and destroys their lives simply because they're part of Oliver's life. I guess they're going for the latter, and that's why Billy - the guy who Felicity could barely get herself to refer to as her boyfriend - got killed? Hardly a life ruiner, but I guess there wasn't anything else to take from her since she doesn't seem to have a job, any prospects, or any friends outside of her Arrow circle.
  8. I think it's fine to say "I understand that you feel (emotion), and I'm sorry" because like you wrote - that's not admitting fault. I do think that saying "It's understandable that you feel that way" as mentioned above is admitting that that there's something to be upset about. I think Steve definitely has a bad attitude sometimes and can be dismissive sometimes as well. I don't read a whole lot of his Facebook replies, but it seems to me that he often does acknowledge people's disappointment and expresses his hope that the show can win them back.
  9. He's not going to do this, though. To acknowledge that people's disappointment is understandable is to acknowledge that there's something to be disappointed in. Maybe it'll happen over the summer hiatus when they're selling the fix to whatever it is the EPs decide they've done wrong this season, but it isn't gonna happen now.
  10. Flashpoint doesn't mean anything to Arrow either, but look how that turned out.
  11. No, they're looking for Prometheus's mother. Oliver said he was working on tracking down Talia.
  12. Since she's working on tracking down details that would lead her and the team to Prometheus - the dude that was ultimately responsible for Billy's death - seems pretty in character for her to be on the job to me.
  13. Maybe she wanted to see if she could suck his remaining brain cells out through his mouth.
  14. Oh, I'm agreeing with you! Sorry, that wan't clear. I do think it was a setup, it was just a terrible setup since Billy got kidnapped while he was doing his work as a cop. I think it would've been a better setup if he'd been out doing something that Felicity asked him to do for Green Arrow business or for Oliver or something. Since Oliver killed him without knowing who he was and can't be blamed for Billy being in the circumstance he was in that led to his kidnapping, it just seems like a weak wedge driver to me, which...maybe it was supposed to be since Felicity immediately told Oliver not to blame himself for it.
  15. I was trying to see if there was any sense of be made of the "Billy should be worried about his connection to Felicity" thing SA and WM were spewing at the 100th, and it never quite connected. I guess Prometheus might've had plans to kidnap Billy regardless, but the way it was set up - with Billy following leads that Felicity asked him not to - was something he did on his own and would've done on his own simply because he's a cop (like he argued). It would've been something else if he was on a little side mission that Felicity asked him to do for Oliver or something, but he was there on his own volition because he wanted to do his job. Curtis's husband took off because of something completely unrelated to anything Oliver did. Diggle got caught unrelated to anything Oliver did (because I firmly believe Lyla would've found a way to get him out regardless), and Felicity lost her boyfriend completely unrelated to anything Oliver did (as far as putting Billy in the situation that got him kidnapped and killed - obviously he's the one who actually killed him), and none of these things are going to drive a wedge between any of them it seems. Weak round one, Prometheus.
  16. I hope the next clip they release includes whatever assumption it is they're working under for why Laurel just popped up one day - miraculously alive - in the lair, and everyone just accepts it. I had anticipated her showing up while Oliver and the gang were out fighting or something, not insinuating herself into the group as the real Laurel.
  17. I *think* someone asked him if Oliver and Susan slept together after they got drinks and he said something like "I imagine they did"? But then the way they greeted each other at the Christmas party wasn't the greeting of two people who were having sex. So...these people -as per usual- need to get their stories straight.
  18. Someone posted a comment on his Facebook that Oliver sleeping with Susan after he'd just killed Felicity's boyfriend and leaving her all by herself was out of character-and he replied that Oliver didn't sleep with her. He also mentioned them just "smooching" in his Facebook live, but I don't think there was anything to take from that scene but that they slept together. Not sure why he's so sure they didn't-unless they do in a later ep and a bigger deal is made of it.
  19. He's saying that Oliver didn't sleep with the reporter in this episode.
  20. I'm wondering what she's gonna tell them about how she's back? Based on the clip it seems like she doesn't try and pass it off as Flashpoint since Oliver specifically mentions getting her up to speed on what's happened since she's been gone. Is she gonna claim there is another Lazarus Pit they don't know about and that someone they don't know dunked her in it? Is she gonna be like, "I just woke up one day and was alive again?!" Oliver just saw Sara say goodbye to dream world Laurel and was present when she said that she desperately wanted Laurel back but knew she couldn't use time travel to accomplish that so he'd know she didn't have anything to do with it. Seriously, what way do they accept this Laurel without looking like total morons, haha.
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