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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Well...I think we have four and a half seasons of Arrow that proves they don't care about canon.
  2. I used to think that The Flash would CW Iris and Barry at some point, but now I don't know. They never really tried to drag out any suspense over a will they/won't they, and they couldn't be bothered to do much buildup to it. Just a little bit of "destiny" talk, and then destiny it was. Since TPTB wouldn't (or couldn't) milk much drama out of them becoming a couple, I'm not sure what kind of drama they could milk out of them being apart. If the way the audience seemed to react to Cisco this season is any indication - while he was mad at good 'ol Bare for a perfectly legit reason - I would say Iris in a breakup doesn't stand a chance, especially if Barry gets all weepy over it. The only way it could work IMO is if Barry breaks it off with her because it's too dangerous or whatever (which wouldn't make a whole lot of sense given the way he's handling this first death threat, but these shows often don't make sense!), and then I think Iris would have to spend her time pining over him and trying to get him to come back to her. No thanks! No matter how much of a dumpster fire of a human being Barry is, things mostly seem to go his way. I can't imagine why this wouldn't. He'll probably meet very little resistance to making Iris his inspirational speech giver for life, although I would be pleasantly surprised if he did.
  3. Barry says in the promo that they have to figure out the events leading up to Iris's death - and that if they change one of them, that'll stop it from happening. The future isn't set in stone, but it's not as if Barry and Iris are just gonna go about life and do whatever and hope it turns out for the best, and the whole Savatar killing her thing doesn't happen. They are actively trying to figure out which thing led to the chain of events that ended with her death, and are purposely going to do something differently at that point. He should know from, oh...every experience he has with fucking with time - and he has a lot of it - that changing one thing often changes others, and not always for the good. So...I don't see how the scenario presented in the promo isn't selfish? I mean, it's not a value judgment on whether I think Iris should live or die. I like her! And surely Barry can't just allow her to die. But if they're going to keep putting him in these types of situations where he is actively messing with the timeline to benefit his own life and save the people he loves while allowing who even knows what to happen to other people to achieve that end, they need to stop with the Flash Days and the cups of coffee named after him at Jitters. He ain't that guy.
  4. I think there's still some time travel shenanigans for Barry in store - I highly, HIGHLY doubt that he and the team will leave anything to chance, and just assume that they've altered the course of the future without doing some kind of checking (even though it's pointless, since the future can change at any time - but this show is sketchy with its own rules). I also wouldn't be surprised if he ran back to that point in time, saw Savatar with someone else he cares about and not Iris, and then he gets all angsty because he checks the byline in Gideon's weird future paper, and either Iris's name still isn't on there, or she's no longer Iris West-Allen.
  5. I went looking because I thought it was a joke - I can't find anything in-depth about it, but judging by this I'd say it's totally serious:
  6. Are there any spoilers that he actually gets out of prison anytime soon?
  7. She's gonna blatantly feel up his Bratva tattoo to remind us - again - that she's totally shady about Russia! Get your barf bag ready, friend.
  8. Felicity's new frands are going to be Vigilante and...who else? Does Vigilante have any BFFs? Also: Yikes, omg.
  9. Hopefully she makes him rethink his outfit.
  10. I think it'll probably be January 4th-ish, and if Suzanne Gomez has anything to do with it, will read something like: A FALLEN HERO RETURNS - With Laurel miraculously back from the dead, Oliver celebrates her reappearance in his life. The team throws her a welcome home party, but Felicity suspects everything isn't what it seems. Diggle decides to fight for his freedom, and Oliver secures his representation with an unlikely alliance. Prometheus makes another move. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks: bloobedy blah blah, bloobedy blah.
  11. I was thinking that the get together would be less about a ruse to snag some DNA, and more about maybe getting her in a relaxed environment and talking to and about people she knows to see if she slips up and indicates that she's not who she says she is. That kind of thing. I do agree that the thought of celebrating is gross, that's why I'm kind of in a wait-and-see mode since the tenor of the thing and how it comes about would be a factor (for me) in evaluating just how gross it is. I don't really have high expectations, haha. Or just contact Sara to see if she did what "Laurel" is saying she did? I mean, we know Felicity knows how to contact Sara - she did it just two episodes ago.
  12. I looked here before I read the update and thought there was just going to be a mention of Ellie's drawings on the wall, not really expecting what was actually in the chapter. Uh...yikes.
  13. But then we wouldn't get Oliver being stupidly hopeful about a return he should absolutely question, and he wouldn't get to say dumb things like that he could help E2 Laurel get back in touch with her good side, or that he was going to keep her close in case there's any bit of Laurel (he didn't even know) left in her. It would be throwing away a perfectly good opportunity to retcon Laurel's importance to Oliver while she was alive. Can't have that!
  14. I agree that it would be super gross if Oliver was leading the charge to have a party shortly after he killed an innocent dude, but my point was there's nothing in that spoiler that indicates that's what's happening, or that Felicity will somehow be strong-armed into it, or will be doing it for any other reason than because she wants to and the team as a whole decided to go ahead with whatever this get together is. There are definitely a lot of ways in which this could be awful and with this show's track record it's more likely than not to be awful, but most of the determining factors in that awfulness are unknown at this point. Like, is it an actual party (gross) or just a get together (not so gross IMO)? Who actually comes up with the idea? If it's Oliver? Gross. If it's Felicity's idea (for ulterior investigative motives or whatever) and Oliver goes along with it because he's taking his cues from her given that he just killed her boyfriend? Not so gross to me. Does Felicity let Oliver know of her suspicions about Laurel? Is that a determining factor in moving forward with it? There are some pieces to this puzzle missing, provided the spoiler turns out to be 100% true, like...how does Oliver even know about Black Siren - IIRC no one on the team even knows she exists, but the spoiler indicates that she calls Oliver up and outs herself and he appears to know who she is. Did Felicity make a call to Barry somewhere in the middle of all this to ask about Laurel's E2 doppelgänger? Is Oliver making toasts about miracles bringing them together so as to not tip E2 Laurel off that he and Felicity might be onto her as they investigate? No clue. My best guess is that it's a party/get together for plot that doesn't make a whole lot of sense for where people are emotionally at the moment, and that's why it's a "group" decision (or possibly a suggestion by one of the newbies, since they would be the least emotionally affected by what's going on).
  15. He looks like he's been going hard non-stop since he left set last week, haha.
  16. The reddit post indicates that "they" decide to throw a party for Laurel - so it doesn't seem like it's just Oliver's idea? He, Felicity and Thea are the only three people around who would even care about Laurel being back, since Diggle's back in prison, and Lance is still in rehab. Oliver and Felicity certainly shouldn't feel like celebrating because of Billy, and none of them should want to since one of their teammates is locked up. It's bad timing for pretty much everyone who'd want to throw or attend this "party". If I had to take a guess - based on the spoiler - the plot calls for a party for whatever reason, so they all decide to throw said party despite the reasons that each of them would have individually for that being a totally bad and weird idea, and then because the writers know it's a totally bad and weird idea given what's currently going on with Malone and Diggle and whatever else but they needed the party for plot and couldn't think of a way around it, the characters remark on why they felt they needed to do it even though it's a totally bad and weird idea.
  17. Well, it's certainly very Arrow to jump from one emotional thing to the next without letting it marinate at all. At this point - with just a write up to go off of, I'm finding it difficult to get too upset about it. It's one of those things I'll just have to see to determine whether I think it's tacky or tasteless. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it is, though.
  18. Eh, if they were having a random party I would totally get it. But someone Felicity cares about has just died and someone that she and the rest of the team (well, Oliver and Diggle and Thea) cared about and mourned has seemingly come back to life. I guess if they're having a full-on blowout like they did for Sara it will read insensitive to me, but if it's just a small gathering of friends to welcome her back, then it really isn't that big of a deal IMO.
  19. I'm not really sure what the big deal is with Felicity and the "party" anyway. She cared about Laurel and was upset that she died. Seems to me that even with her suspicions about whether this is the "real" Laurel or not, there isn't any reason why she wouldn't be happy and hopeful at the prospect of her being alive - especially with what happened with Malone.
  20. That's fine by me. I'm not sure why anyone would mention anything to him at all - she isn't his daughter. I mean, I suppose they could tell him there's someone out there who looks like her, but...eh. It's equally stupid that Oliver says whatever it is about wanting to keep her close because if there's any bit of Laurel left in her he's going to find it. YOU DON'T KNOW HER, DUDE. Ugh, this show.
  21. Because the person who posted the 5x10 goings-on over on reddit wrote that Rory "makes a move" on Black Siren. Given the context of the scene it's obvious he goes to attack her - but I think maybe "making a move" is a colloquialism in some parts of the country/world indicating flirting. To me, that's "putting the moves on" whoever.
  22. I mean, it's this show so it's just as likely that no one even thinks to tell Lance. But I'd like it very much if they held off on telling the alcoholic who's already lost each daughter at least once that the other one is back from the dead until they 100% know for sure.
  23. Given that Lance is either still in rehab or just out of it, has already lost one daughter after she miraculously showed up in town alive, and that at least one member of the team is skeptical that it's even his daughter they're dealing with (and from the spoiler appears to be right)? Seems like not telling Lance is a pretty great choice.
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