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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Plus, IIRC Felicity's whole thing with not wanting to break Digg out of jail before was because (stupid though this is) he wanted to stay in there.
  2. I'm guessing that's to do with her being a meta, as indicated in that reddit spoiler for 5x09. Also, regarding the hating vigilantes: I wonder if that was incorrectly reported or something about her that changed after casting.
  3. LOL @ Curtis finding Tina on the internet. Guess the team is swiping right.
  4. I know, shhhh-shhhh-shhhhhhhhh I'm trying to forget.
  5. You don't, because it's abandoned and it didn't get abandoned in a good place. I get people losing interest - I lose interest in stuff I'm writing all the time. I have a whole folder of fanfics that I probably won't ever finish. I think that at the point where it becomes habitual and you've got a lot of stuff out there that people are still invested in and curious about that you probably aren't going to finish, and yet are still asking them to get invested in your new stuff despite your track record...maybe you should just ignore the requests for updates and not complain about it.
  6. I enjoy her fics as well - I think she's a great writer. I will say though that I cannot express how much I dislike it when fic authors who habitually abandon WIPs to start new WIPs get an attitude about people asking when their fave abandoned WIP will be updated and then turn around and pretty much beg for reviews.
  7. For whatever reason, after I read a chapter I almost always completely forget the story exists. But then when it updates it totally makes my day.
  8. No, IIRC she tweeted something out about Oliver and Susan and maybe mentioned Mayor Handsome in it? That tweet was her response to the people who were upset.
  9. Snagging a beard hair with one of her rings for a DNA sample? Otherwise IDK.
  10. I thought that screen cap was an unfortunate pause, but he actually has vomit face throughout the whole ordeal in the promo. Why, show. Why.
  11. "Knows Oliver in 'his bones'. Enjoys platonic cheek cupping."
  12. No. I think he's probably always going to regress in some ways because the writers are hacks who can't come up with a storyline that doesn't involve him being a moron, but I think this season specifically he's so obviously regressed because they're trying to tie Bratva Oliver in with current-day Oliver, and also because they have a big bad that was created by Oliver's actions in S1 (or however they've phrased it), so they're having him behave in S1 fashion so Prometheus can dredge up all the bad, angsty feels he's spent the previous four years trying to get over. And I think Wendy's comment about Black Canary was just an excuse for why they were bringing the character back after they killed Laurel off last year. Oliver's only real issue this season seems to be that he thinks he's always going to be a killer, and he's avoided drowning in a pit of angsty despair over that (so far - provided he doesn't go off accidentally killing another innocent person or two), so IDK how she'd help him become better since he's already re-learned the basic lessons of a real boy (again) because of the newbies: to be a leader, to trust people, to trust their instincts, etc. And he clearly doesn't have an issue confiding in anyone like he used to, dumb as the confiding may be. But anything can happen on this show I guess!
  13. Yes, but that doesn't mean that they've all noticed something's wrong with her emotionally that Oliver is ignoring. They could see her doing something or talking to someone when Oliver isn't around and just don't want to rat her out to him. But they were together then when he would've felt well within his right to push her when she deflected, and Felicity herself has said since then that they don't talk much anymore. So who knows?
  14. We're either going to get Oliver so wrapped up in Susan/Mayor stuff/Green Arrow stuff that he just doesn't notice anything is wrong, or we're going to get Felicity putting up a front while secretly exacting her revenge, letting everyone think she's okay. I think either option is a possibility considering TPTB don't ever consider how anything looks, but at the moment I'm leaning toward Felicity hiding the fact that she's feeling anything at all (possibly brushing off any concern about her until it's time to deal with that plot) because of what MG said about how dark this "darkness" is gonna get and how they don't want to lose the character or whatever. So I think she's going to exact this plan with a cheery disposition.
  15. Sorry, my wires have gotten crossed between the actual conversation (which I considered the "pity party" comment to be in reference to), and his desire to distance himself from the team (which my initial comment was referencing, and why I thought that he was thinking about them and their pain in his mindset at the moment). But...no need to rehash it since we don't agree!
  16. Imagine Felicity cleaning all the Crayolas out of Billy's desk at SCPD. Weeping as she takes down all the pictures he drew of the two of them together.
  17. Channel 52 lady is the gold standard of Arrowverse reporting. There through earthquakes, and mirakudude attacks, and biological weapons attacks, and nukes. Susan could never.
  18. I thought that said secret was going to be whatever alliance it is that Felicity builds with whoever she winds up building it with (and the things that she does with regards to that), and that Oliver's going to be let in on said alliance in 15. I'm not sure how much SA knows about what WM has already said about this storyline, but we know she's going to be turning to people who aren't the team and going into her "darkness," so it seems like maybe he was talking about that coming out? I can't imagine that they'd give her that AND some other dark secret, but who knows!
  19. Going to wallow in his feels at an empty grave also seems like a pity party to me? Without the gross issue of him getting comfort in the way he did, of course, but his conversation with Susan was what started this particular debate, not what happened after it. I'm not arguing that he should've gone to Susan's BTW - I think it was stupid. I'm genuinely trying to figure out what the people who think he was being selfish with what he said would've considered proper acknowledgement of other people's pain over his own within the parameters that the show set, which was that he wasn't going to talk about this with any of the people he would normally talk about it with and did, in fact, turn to Shady Susie.
  20. But how do you talk to a third party about something you've done that caused someone pain that is totally about the pain you've caused and not about what you did to cause it? I'm just trying to figure out how this conversation could've gone differently that wouldn't sound like a "pity party." The text was pretty clear about why he didn't confide in Diggle or Thea or Felicity - because they were lumped into the group of people whose lives he believed he was ruining. If he'd just talked to Susan about the people he loved hurting without acknowledging that he had something to do with it, wouldn't that be interpreted as...denial? I imagine if he'd said something like, "Everyone I love is hurting" without mentioning that he was the cause of it would've been met with a, "yeah, because of you, you moron!" Seems like the self-awareness that the hurting is coming because of their involvement with him (which is true, since Prometheus is the one who is targeting them in his quest to take Oliver's support system away from him) is pretty important here, since both his first and second instinct was to distance himself from them, and ultimately he's not going to.
  21. No, I said that that based on the way he explained his belief that he ruins the lives of people he loves that he was thinking of them and their pain by getting away from them. I never said he wasn't thinking of himself-I think that it's natural that he would given the fact that he considered his involvement in their lives the basis of their pain.
  22. In what way is he supposed to talk about what he's done to hurt people without talking about himself? What he said is no different than if he'd gone to Diggle or Thea and said, "What I did really hurt Felicity. I keep doing things that hurt Felicity." It's just less descriptive because he's talking to someone who doesn't know her or what he's done.
  23. But Oliver explained that he felt like he ruined the lives of everyone around him and getting away from them was what was best for them, so...seems like based on his headspace after the fact he was thinking about the people he hurt. He just did it in the typical dumb Oliver way which is default removing himself entirely from the situation.
  24. Those were bad examples, but the argument is solid. The network generally doesn't seem to care all that much about ratings, and Pedowitz even mentioned in an article posted today that being able to "cross-pollinate" the DC shows was important to them. The Warner Bros CEO also mentioned in that article that the CW was a "very important strategic outlet" for them wrt DC properties. It's near impossible that the EPs were sitting around waiting to figure out where this season was going to end pending renewal. I would bet they knew they had it and have known for some time now, and what we're gonna see at the end of 5 is what they planned to give us from the get-go.
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