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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm just not sure who exactly she's supposed to draw in? The only people who would even care about Dinah Drake are comic readers, and any of them who have tuned out because of the show's divergence from canon are probably unlikely to tune back in at this point, and if some do then the effect on the ratings would probably be pretty negligible.
  2. I didn't see any numbers for it, but it was at the top of my trends for a long time before dropping to third or fourth later on. Sometimes the # of tweets show up (like last night when Dinah Drake trended for a few minutes with under 2k), but sometimes they don't. How do you see the # of tweets about the trends that don't have numbers attached?
  3. Wow, Arrow was trending almost all night last night in the US, but it didn't make the Nielsen Top Five.
  4. I thought the "bashert" was a little trolly, but I do think they were using it in the general "destiny" way in order to explain away the absolute ridiculous "coincidence" that they were selling with the replacement for a Dinah with a canary cry being a Dinah with a canary cry, because people who don't read or know about comics and don't give a shit about canon (which according to MG is most of the audience) would probably be like...huh?
  5. It is really weird. Like, he's actively trying to prove Prometheus wrong about ruining the lives of the people around him, and he's bringing more in! And yet he still thinks he's this hopeless killer because Prometheus said so after he killed Billy, but he seems to have already accepted that Billy's death wasn't his fault? And based on last week's ep when Felicity told BS that Oliver saw her as his chance at redemption - that carried over to Tinah, his second chance at it. So...how hopeless can he be if he's looking for redemption? Looks like he's constipated with a case of the plots. Deadly.
  6. Dinah Drake did trend for a couple of minutes, haha. Twitter had it at 1,030-something tweets though, and it fell off pretty quickly. Arrow's been trending all night, but it seems to be a real mixed bag of people just generally tweeting about the show, lots of Felicity, some mentions of Black Canary, some Tinah, some Laurel, and some Talia.
  7. So much of what they say is going to happen is so vastly different from what actually happens I'm morbidly curious about how that even plays out. I'm not going to be watching though because Susan's face makes me want to punch my television.
  8. Because if they filed correctly it would ruin the surprise!
  9. I think the only one who isn't is Rene, who's running interference for Lance because Shady Susie wants to interview him about his time in rehab like the asshole she is.
  10. It's not: OLVIER RETURNS TO RUSSIA — A mission takes Oliver (Stephen Amell), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and team to Russia
  11. A little like he wasn't sure if he had gas or needed to poo.
  12. I'm surprised we even got these, haha.
  13. Little known fact: every time you use the word "lovers," the clock slows down
  14. He said earlier that he didn't want Black Siren to be all that was left of Laurel, and since he failed to recruit her in the last ep (and basically spent all this ep trying to recruit Tinah the same way) that Tinah was his second chance to help someone redeem themselves since BS said nah, son.
  15. It's a little weird that there weren't any EP interviews posted after the ep aired. I thought for sure there would be something singing Tinah's praises. Those would be up by now, right? I recall usually seeing them right when the ep is over on the east coast.
  16. At this point I just don't expect anything to live up to expectation or to make a whole lot of sense, so...IDK
  17. My guess is that she stays put in the lair, just dips her feet back into hacktivism and uses Pandora for missions, possibly taking to the dark web to get leads on Prometheus and doing more risky stuff like going out to meet people like she did tonight, only not as nice as that girl. Maybe she goes lone wolf on her own time?
  18. I wonder what his power will be? Spitting bullets? Will he be bulletproof? SUSPENSE
  19. What story do you need when you're already such an awesome lady and amazing fighter tho?
  20. I legit thought that was symbolic of her giving redemption a shot and deciding not to go it alone anymore. After reading the dialogue earlier I really did expect it to be a romantic setup, but I didn't get that at all, even with the light. I'm not naive enough to say it definitely won't happen - but I didn't get any romantic subtext from anything that was shown in that scene.
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