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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oh, I don't think it was written that way at all. I just think that's how it was delivered.
  2. It just seemed a little...sultry is all.
  3. Maybe she's in town for the following ep? It should start shooting soon, shouldn't it?
  4. So, this increases the likelihood of Malcom being the shady American businessman meeting with Russians, then?
  5. I wasn't planning on watching, but now I want to see how that whole thing goes down. I didn't rewatch or retain a whole lot from that ep, but didn't Oliver tell her about Prometheus when he revealed himself to her (like that he told him he ruined the lives of the people around him or whatever)? Or did I make that up.
  6. No, he just looked normal. A little constipated.
  7. I don't know if he was looking at her the whole time she was talking, but he did look at her at one point, haha.
  8. I half expected Tinah to shrug off her coat and crawl across the floor toward Oliver, lmao.
  9. If she was a good reporter, yes. But she doesn't seem to be a good reporter.
  10. I posted an interview with David Ramsey in Spoilers Only, where he mentions something about Dinah being susceptible to Prometheus. Ugh. I hope nothing comes of that, because it either makes Oliver and team look like idiots for bringing someone else onto the team when it was obvious that they shouldn't, or they'll go the way of her being v. strong and unable to be manipulated by him, which is also garbage.
  11. Wasn't last year the all-masks one? I don't think she's been since S3. Never mind, wrong event!
  12. When is this scene where we think he's gonna get the tattoo? 14? Because I find Oliver replacing a Dinah with a Canary Cry with a Dinah with a Canary Cry more believable than those two going 2 1/2 months after kissing without having sex, haha. I don't! I just thought she was filming right before the holidays - I thought they ended on 13, but I could be wrong about that.
  13. Isn't she though? I thought she was in 12-16. Or is one missing in there?
  14. I figured they'd want to show her seeing the tattoo for the first time, but the more I think about it the more I think that doesn't really matter - I figured since they'd been so anvil-y about every other damn shady thing that they'd show her caressing it and being like, "Oooh, what is this," but I think all that's needed is an understanding that she knows what the tattoo is and she's seen it before, and that could easily be accomplished with a line or two. So, who knows. If we dodged the first time bullet, then hooray IMO.
  15. This is why I'm hoping that Felicity threatens her into not outing Oliver as Green Arrow. Seems like tonight Susie starts putting 2+2 together (I don't know who else could be saying the "If Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow" line since the only other person who doesn't know is Chase, and he's not investigating Oliver like Susie is). So, surely if she thinks Oliver is the Green Arrow, and two weeks later a warrant is out for his arrest for the murder of a cop she'd be compelled to report on that? Felicity knows that Oliver was tricked into killing Billy, and would be in a unique position to be able to persuade Susan to not tell (thanks, Pandora!). Maybe Felicity goes digging into her past and the scar on her wrist and some other kinds of connections come into play that ultimately result in her deciding to keep quiet. Otherwise, I got nothing.
  16. I'm not really sure how this relates to my comment? I think they have set precedent that Susan can be swayed by personal stories/involvement with people, and it seems as if this precedent combined with Stephen's comment about Susan just being a reporter looking for a story/not Isabel 2.0 indicates that she isn't going to report on what she's found out about Oliver. She can dig into him all she wants for as long as she wants with all the intention in the world of following through, but if she doesn't then her intent is useless. So, ultimately I think she's going to decide not to report on what she's found - whether she's threatened into it (my preferred scenario, even though it's a reach), or decides not to on her own because she realizes that the Green Arrow does good and the city needs him. I'm guessing the whole being wanted for murder of a cop thing is going to come into play with that in 14 based on the synopsis (which is why I hope Felicity threatens her to keep her quiet, haha).
  17. My preferred resolution to this storyline would be for Felicity to find out that Susan is shady before Oliver does, then gets to her and basically threatens her to within an inch of her life if she reveals anything at all about Oliver's past, his Russian ties, etc. And she decides not to do it because she has genuine feelings for her own life, and not Oliver.
  18. Yeah? She gave Oliver a 30-day reprieve on reporting on his administration after a 2-minute convo. She seems like she's going easy on Lance after a 2-minute convo about the kind of guy he is. She's been shadily at least casually dating Oliver for a month in show time (who knows what the state of their actual relationship is now) - he's confessed his insecurities to her twice, and who knows what else she's learned about him off-camera, or what will happen from now until the ep where she has to decide whether or not to out him? I'd love for them to swerve and have her actually out him, but at this point I just don't think it's gonna happen.
  19. Seems like the Lance thing is foreshadowing - we've seen before that she can apparently be swayed by personal connections. I think they're just setting her up to give Oliver a pass.
  20. I would only be interested in it if it resulted in a "trusting her was stupid and you are stupid for trusting her" kinda way, but since they seem to be setting her up as the kind of person who goes easy on people once she learns about them (she should seriously go work for People or something - investigative journalism isn't for weak-ass people like her), that's not gonna happen. And I'm guessing that's where they intended to take it all along.
  21. It seems to me - based on SA's interview with Seat42 right after Susie was introduced as a LI for him - that they probably always intended her to be ultimately "good," but wanted to make it impossible for the audience to nail down her intentions. Like, we're introduced to her as shady because she totally screws Thea over, but then we see her with Oliver in the mayor's office where she seems moved by his story about wanting to do good for the city. She decides to give him a reprieve on exposing his administration - she seems like a nice, reasonable lady, but wait! She's totally digging into his past and seems to also know who Human Target is - and maybe is aware that she's was dealing with Human Target that whole time and not Oliver when she made that promise. Later she persists in asking him out for a drink but she's been dropping these dumb-as-shit Russian references like she just wants to get caught, but Oliver stays oblivious. Then he goes to her - twice! - with his insecurities and deep feels and she seems to be genuinely counseling him, but oh...there's that Russian vodka reminding us she's a shady bitch! I think ultimately how Oliver comes across by dating her is secondary to keeping us guessing about what she's up to. Typical Arrow!
  22. Yeah, but they were an established couple who were living together at the time - first-time sex on this show has always included follow through. That's why I figured they actually hadn't had sex - because surely the Bratva tattoo would be a point of interest that they'd want to anvil about, so surely we'd see Susan's first reaction to it? But...I wouldn't believe they've been dating all this while and still haven't had sex, so...guess not.
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