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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I can see him being introduced as a cool gotcha and nothing else. But I am wondering why they had Susie's PI (and IIRC her as well) aware of his existence.
  2. I think the way the show set him up he could.
  3. He definitely wore a mask (Felicity put it on and imitated Oliver). I'm assuming he had a bulletproof vest on too - I don't remember that being shown, but it probably was.
  4. If they were concerned about keeping a twist a secret, they could just have HT Oliver talking to real Oliver down in his lil trunk prison. Real Oliver could call him "Chance" or whatever, show us a FB or two of him pretending to be real Oliver in 5x05*. *I know this is a HUGE reach, but I'm desperate for something less stupid than we're being shown, haha
  5. Sometime after the sex and before he told Chase to stop covering up Billy's murder, maybe? I mean - I just can't figure out any other reason why Oliver would be okay with Chase covering it up two episodes ago, and suddenly not okay now that his girlfriend is digging into the mystery - there's zero reason for him to want to get caught as Green Arrow or Billy's murderer here. It would be deliciously evil for whoever would be behind a HT doppleganger situation to have him fuck Oliver's life up and then take off, leaving real Oliver to pick up the pieces. If only the show would ever go there.
  6. Yeah, I think it'd have to be a total Mad-Eye Moody situation since the logistics of having the real Oliver around would be too tough to navigate. He can't be missing for some things and then around for others, since like you said - the real Oliver be totally confused.
  7. To me it's not even careless at this point - it's self-sabotaging. Like...Chase was pretty clear that he was keeping his guys quiet. He stops keeping his guys quiet, either they come forward about what they saw, or Susan asks it out of them like Oliver knows she's doing. If the Human Target actor had been spotted on set I'd almost think we'd find out that he's been working with Prometheus or some other baddie and pretending to be Oliver at certain times - THAT'S how self-sabotaging he's being.
  8. If Chase stops covering up Billy's murder then Susan doesn't even have to write anything about the Green Arrow killing Billy - that's why it's doubly stupid for Oliver to tell him to stop doing it. Not only could one of the cops or the coroner that Chase was keeping quiet come forward since he wouldn't be keeping them quiet anymore, but he knows Susan's digging around that murder too. Unless, I guess...he wants to get caught? Certainly seems like it. In which case Human Target better have the real Oliver hidden in a trunk ala Mad Eye Moody on Prometheus's orders, because otherwise...WHY?
  9. Yeah - and there's potential for those people coming forward with what they knew - taking Susan out of the equation for exposing Green Arrow as Billy's killer, too.
  10. It was pretty much him - he said that he was "taking care of" the other cops on the scene and the coroner.
  11. Either that or she doesn't run her report but no one knows how the cops put the pieces together, so since it's common knowledge that she's investigating Billy's death (Oliver and Diggle were present when she mentioned it), Felicity looks into her to see if the info came from her/what else she knows about Oliver. I really hope someone breaks into her apartment and finds a weird murder wall with red strings connecting random pics and news clips together about Green Arrow/Oliver.
  12. What I'd like to know is HOW anyone could know what info Susan has on Oliver - her PI is passing her pics in an empty parking lot at night. Did someone hack a satellite to follow Susie day/night? Are there cameras in her place?
  13. These are her usual clothes - I'm pretty sure she gets an actual costume in this ep.
  14. I canNOT with this: If I wear my hair the way I normally do, and the same street clothes I'm always wearing, they'll never be able to recognize me in a mask! Dinah Laurel Drake, doing wonders for the collective IQ of the SCPD.
  15. http://archiveofourown.org/works/4599999/chapters/10992845
  16. Yeah. Chase knew and he said he was "taking care of" the other cops on the scene and the coroner to make sure they went along with his story/that the truth didn't get out. Why Oliver was okay with that then but suddenly isn't now - especially now that he knows his "good reporter" girlfriend is sniffing around? Anyone's guess!
  17. Yes. It's intermittently sad, but is in a good place now.
  18. Right? Chase literally told him what he needed to do to protect himself and he was like, "No and no." Such a pretty, pretty moron.
  19. Yeah. This actually makes some kinda sense to me (I mean, as much sense as this shitshow could make), and ugh.
  20. I saw spec in the AV Club comments that Oliver is ultimately going to give Susie a Barbara Walters-style exclusive interview explaining how he became the Green Arrow. Nonnnnnononono.plsno
  21. There are basically no requirements to be an SCPD officer. You don't even need to be able to hit the broad side of a barn with a machine gun. They're so short-staffed that if you want in? You're in.
  22. Yeah, same. Had Curtis been the victim of gun violence? I was under the impression that he was arguing from a place of fear and statistical likelihood of being a victim, not from his actual experience as one. And Rene wasn't a victim of random gun violence, either. And the shooting at City Hall WAS a terrorist attack? Like...that argument makes no sense.
  23. It's the one Friends quote that continues to have relevance in my life all these years later. :)
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