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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He hasn't expressed any sort of thought that dating a reporter is a bad idea. Thea and Lance both made it clear that they thought Oliver dating Susan in particular was not smart, but he did it anyway.
  2. I guess. Chase said he got rid of the evidence though, but I suppose Prometheus might have a copy of some evidence somewhere. Seems like his MO would be to give the evidence to Susan to use against him though, instead of just turning it over to the police.
  3. Now that I think about it though, if the reason why the cops come after Green Arrow for Billy's murder is because of the piece Susan writes on it (which seems likely), even if she hasn't put 2+2 together about Oliver being the Green Arrow, she at least suspects it, so that seems malicious. Even if she never bothers to actually connect the dots publicly that Oliver is the Green Arrow and was lying about his time away she's still royally screwed him.
  4. I especially liked the one she was doing inside, that made it look like she was blowing through the world's largest straw.
  5. I think it's more like he knows this makes Oliver look like a moron, so he's preemptively telling people that it's okay because she's not going to screw him over in the end so they feel better about him being a moron. I'd love to be wrong about that - if she doesn't do anything other than get the ball rolling on the authorities coming after Green Arrow, how pointless. (Blackmail her, Felicity. Pls.)
  6. It certainly seems like some people want her written off.
  7. IDK, I think that pursuing a relationship with a person that he met while she was manipulating his sister into giving her info so she could run an expose on his administration is stupid enough. Pursuing a relationship with a chick who he knows is shady and also investigating a murder he committed is actual rock-eating moron territory. If he's in this with both eyes open and isn't trying to make it 'real,' that's one thing. If he's not then that's pretty freaking stupid.
  8. Yeah, I liked it too which surprised me because I thought I'd hate it. My only issue was Oliver continuing his dumbass streak, but I don't think that's going to be broken anytime soon.
  9. Yeah, she definitely comes off as the type who would be leading her own team, not on someone else's. I didn't dislike her here either, and yeah - that cry is stupid. Was she trying to learn how to control it in the mansion they were staying in? When she knocked over that vase?
  10. I'm hoping this is just another Mericle Special that doesn't actually play out at all. Because she obviously slept with him to get a peek at his chest, and he slept with her because...he's a dumbass, I guess? I keep hoping he's not as oblivious as he seems, but good night nurse he makes that difficult. I'm hoping him not being willing to talk to her about any of it was an indication that he's not as dumb as he seems but LOL @ me, etc.
  11. So, Shady Susie publishes her article about Green Arrow killing Billy, Felicity looks into her and finds out she knows all kinds of stuff about Oliver, finds some blackmail material on her in Pandora, and threatens the hell out of her. Pls happen.
  12. I thought the whole thing was great until Oliver doubled-up on the stupid and slept with someone who he knows is investigating the murder of a guy he killed. Unless he's trying to keep tabs on her, which then just makes it extra gross. Other than that, it was pretty great.
  13. I like how they waited until after Oliver was well aware that she's investigating a story about a guy he killed to have him sleep with her, like...it's idiocy x infinity.
  14. It was post-coital. Oliver said that he learned that his past isn't his anchor, he thinks that's what kept him from moving forward with her. She fondles his chest, asks about the tattoo, asks what happened to him on the island. He tells her he doesn't want to talk about it, but maybe one day.
  15. In a good way IMO - Tinah was snarky/annoyed with him, Oliver was annoyed back - there wasn't anything "intimate" about it, which is kinda how it came off in the writing (to me).
  16. That Tinah/Oliver convo came off a lot different on screen then it did in writing, haha.
  17. Ah, okay. I had blocked that idiotic trial.
  18. Wait, was it common knowledge that Quentin worked with Damien Darhk?
  19. God, if this isn't a keep your enemies closer type thing - now that we know Susie is doing a story about Billy's murder Oliver got impossibly more stupid for dating her, and them "progressing" (if it comes to that, which I guess it will?) will be so much more gross. YIKES, SHOW
  20. He puts his mask back on so someone else can play him?
  21. Yeah, she was on IMDB as someone who had a superhero alter ego - I can't remember the name though.
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