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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think Curtis is the most expendable too, although if they do separate to A and B teams, then surely someone will need to be on comms for the Bs? So that makes...no one leaving. Unacceptable!
  2. It's weird because I usually hate the eps he thinks are "exceptional" or otherwise worthy of standout praise, so this should be exciting since he's so clearly not excited. But everything I've read about the eps in question makes me not want to watch, so...dilemma!
  3. Pretty soon the Arrow cave's gonna need an HR department.
  4. The Arrow becoming an ensemble conversation/fear has been around since S2 when Laurel first got let in on Oliver's secret, and has varied in who the ensemble would be depending on who was in the lair at the time. This seems to be the actual real first push into it, but there being too many people on the team seems to be a pretty universal complaint this year, so they'll probably do another course correction next season and take some people out. I think we're likely stuck with Tinah - the rest IDK about. Not sure why a startup that would presumably be in Star City would be a signal that Felicity's leaving the team - I can't imagine that as long as she lived there she wouldn't be working with Team Arrow. If they wanted to write her out, they could just have her take a job offer somewhere else out of town or something. Smoak Technologies coming into play would indicate to me that they need a way to bring in another character (like Curtis with PT), or they need a front for all the experimental tech stuff the team would be getting their hands on or something along those lines. Either way I wouldn't expect that much screen time to be devoted to it. Jobs on Arrow are always plot convenient, and I don't think that's ever going to change.
  5. Never really a good thing could also be Arrow's tag line.
  6. Tinah's more distinguishable IMO, but Susie and Talia look a whole lot alike - it doesn't help that they seem to have the same hairstylist. It helps that Talia's wearing the hood in the flashbacks - IDK what's gonna happen when she's in present day and dressed to the nines like reporter Susie always seems to be for whatever reason (I'm guessing she's supposed to go on a date with Oliver and he calls it off to go to Russia or something?).
  7. Not just a scene, but it seems as if she's gonna be hammering a guy fresh out of rehab to talk about his alcoholism. This shady reporter-with-a-heart-of-gold storyline just won't stop giving! What a gal Oliver's rebounding with.
  8. If she winds up staying, I hope they take away her meta powers (unlikely, I know, but a girl can dream).
  9. My guess would be that Pandora didn't come for free, and once Felicity starts using it and following a trail/trails she becomes more and more willing to do whatever she's asked to do in order to keep access to it. She made herself beholden to Helix by taking it, seemingly without giving it a whole lot of thought. The closer Pandora gets her to Prometheus, the more she'll be willing to do to hold onto it.
  10. WTF is the point could be Arrow's tagline, haha.
  11. IMO that isn't such a great idea. At least as a beat reporter (or whatever she is now), she can still be present in whatever limited capacity she is to help Team Flash with whatever villain is terrorizing them. If she was a TV reporter, she'd either be stuck behind a desk reporting on what was going on and unable to help, or off helping instead of reporting - which would make her look like an awful reporter.
  12. But what are they listening to? He loves pretty much everything they do, and yet every off season it seems like they're out to fix what was wrong with the season before it. If the writer for AV Club has little to criticize and they're changing things anyway, there's not much influence there. But I guess if they are listening to the praise of a handful of reviewers despite sinking ratings, well...they get what they deserve.
  13. Seems like Prometheus is taking the typical mid-season vacation (based on the synopses for eps 12-14), so maybe he's out of sight, mostly out of mind with random throwaways about trying to find his mom or whatever in the hell they were last working on wrt him.
  14. The guy who writes reviews for AV Club would gush over anything. He's only given a grade lower than a B 5 times throughout the course of the show - 3 Cs in S1 (3, 15, 18), 1 C in S3 (6), and 1 C (14) in S4. He's loved the show through all the so-called course corrections over the years, so IDK what kind of influence that site has, if any.
  15. I hope the secret is Pandora or related to that hacker group-keeping a secret from Oliver about his girlfriend risks him telling her stuff that he wouldn't (or shouldn't, since who even knows with him this season). It puts them all in danger-so I hope they don't go there or that if they do it's resolved quickly.
  16. Felicity mentioned something in 10 about Oliver having blinders on about people. If she keeps Susan a secret from him it could be because of that (maybe she wants to find out more about what she's up to first?). Which will be annoying because if there's anyone he shouldn't have blinders about it's Shady Susie. Then again, isn't 14 the ep where the cops are going after Green Arrow? She could just keep it from him because she doesn't know what SS's endgame is and doesn't want to stress him out about it yet. Which is also stupid and annoying.
  17. My temp cutoff is all-ins with Shady Susie. Oliver's a dumbass for being with her, and her idiotic Russian anvils coupled with her smug, punchable face makes that a no-go for me. I won't watch any of those eps but would tune right the hell in to any ep with a hint of comeuppance. I would permanently tune out of BC/GA version 3.0. No thanks! Olicity pulled me into the show and made me love so many other things about it. Those things seem dead dead dead, and Oliver and Tinah pretty bird snuggling it up would be the end of the line for me.
  18. What's wrong with wanting Shady Susie to step in a puddle near a live wire?
  19. Who's getting electrocuted this year? I have a very long list of preferred candidates.
  20. Anyone have any idea which eps CP might be in? I can't remember if she was in town for 12/13 - and I recall some arguments about her being in 14 (I think she was in Australia or something during shooting?). Seems like she's in 15-17 IIRC.
  21. I wonder how he's gonna get out of it this time? Since he actually did kill the dude, and there isn't a Roy around to take the fall. Unless one of the newbs wants to step up and be a real hero.
  22. Guess Oliver decides he can do more good as the mayor than he can as the Green Arrow because he lit'rally can't go out as the Green Arrow. Didn't expect that for whatever reason.
  23. Maybe! It just seems weird to me that they'd go to that extreme when it seems like they were so worried about the general audience thinking the Dinah/Dinah Canary Cry/Canary Cry connection was so ludicrous they had to explain it away as destiny, haha. Plus, it's not as if they hid the fact that she was going to be the next Black Canary - they gave that part away in previews, so her being Dinah Drake wouldn't give anything away that we didn't already know. It seems like such a weird decision for what ultimately amounts to an easter egg. But this show's promo is nonsensical, so IDK why I'm trying to make sense of it!
  24. She's still around, and she's still watching. :)
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