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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Team Flash are useless idiots, led by the most useless idiot around.
  2. I liked that episode apart from the multiple times that Oliver was so incredibly stupid about Laurel. And the plotty plot pretzel mess they had to twist themselves into in order to make this episode possible. Didn't feel like the episode right after someone was murdered mood-wise, either. Typical Arrow!
  3. Point! Not to mention that she tried to do a hit piece on him earlier in the season. She's just straight-up trash. I probably wouldn't be super receptive to any temp love interest, but this chick is terrible in more than one way.
  4. If Susan is legit a "good person" and this isn't some kind of misdirect, I will never, ever, ever understand why they introduced her as a shady asshole. There is no point to it whatsoever story wise and is incredibly dumb, even for the Arrow writers - who are all very dumb.
  5. Maybe Oliver just stared at Laurel for a reaaaaaally long time.
  6. Depends on when these interviews were - it seems like some of them were from the 100th party?
  7. Plus, Oliver heard Sara - on multiple occasions - say that there were some things that couldn't be fixed and that you don't use time travel to save people you love (paraphrasing what she said to Barry's dumb ass during the crossover), like...he had two brain cells to rub together at one point, but now I think he's down to a single.
  8. He even knows what Laurel was wearing in Oliver's alien dream world! The villain to end all villains tbh
  9. IDK, it seems to me that the "he wouldn't have been killed if it wasn't for her" is more of a player than her actual feelings about him. So I'm not sure if she's getting over him or getting over that.
  10. She didn't say that Susan was his light, but that his relationship with her is a "place of light and hope," which makes sense generally - since relationships are supposed to be bright spots in your life. I'm iffy on what happens when the other person is investigating your past behind your back, but...who knows? If he doesn't break up with her after that, the place of light needs to come from a medical professional shining it in his eyes to check for traumatic brain injury.
  11. I'm angry that he thinks Susie's the finest example of a journalist on the show to date when we've had 4+ years of the amazing, unflappable Channel 52 lady, Whatsherface.
  12. I think Susan probably has tens of fans who can't wait.
  13. I feel bad for laughing during that scene with Curtis, but I laughed during that scene with Curtis.
  14. I highly doubt that any "damage control" tweets in response to a BI about an extramarital affair would involve SA commenting about EBR giving him forehead kisses.
  15. That's the first interview in a while that hasn't made me angry, so...good job Marc? He must be really tired of having the T-word in his mentions, haha.
  16. I went to Iceland in February to see the northern lights, and it is not a good time to visit. I've never been so cold in my entire life. We took a guided hike on a glacier and the wind was actually knocking people over, haha.
  17. If the writers wanted to, they could have had her put it off to tell him at the apartment. I really don't care where she told him btw, I only addressed your comment about them setting the scene in the police station for outside reasons because of the conversation upthread about not using outside reasons as excuses for poor character decisions.
  18. It would've worked wherever the writers wanted it to, and they wanted her to tell him in a police station. And if she was going to continue to keep her secret from Billy if her hand wasn't forced, doesn't that indicate that this relationship was casual for her too? Either she's genuinely trying to move on and taking steps toward that with someone she's committed to and trusts and wants to share with, or she's just casually dating (like Oliver), and trying to see who fits. Billy seemed to come out on the casual side of things IMO.
  19. She didn't say it mattered to her if it was real or not, she told Oliver she was waiting to tell him until she knew whether it was real or not. That to me indicates that she cared a lot about how he'd take the news and that she knew he might not be over her - it doesn't really say anything about her feelings toward him. At this point Oliver hasn't done anything other than casually date Susan and kiss her after an ill-advised confession session post-murder. Not the greatest beginning, but we didn't see Felicity and Billy's - she could've ran into him and thought, "sure, why not?" and had a casual fling with him before deciding to try for something more. Again, I'm not arguing that Oliver is choosing the right partner but how does the partner either Felicity or Oliver choose reflect at all on their feelings for each other? Felicity is not available to Oliver right now - she has made that quite clear. She's not an option and as far as he knows - based on what she's told him - she isn't ever going to be an option for him again. What does it matter who he dates, or whether it's casual or not? He can't date Felicity. She could've told him at her apartment - he had a key, and seemed to spend a lot of time there.
  20. Good point. And also I took that as her having trouble introducing Billy to her friends as her boyfriend (which she also seemed to struggle with), not actually introducing him to her friends, haha. So never mind!
  21. I would say that Felicity probably had a hard time telling Oliver that she had a boyfriend because she thought it would hurt him since he was the one who wanted to get back together and she was the one who didn't, and had difficulty introducing him as her boyfriend to pretty much anyone because she just wasn't into him? Because lingering feelings for Oliver wouldn't really affect how she introduced Billy to people who weren't Oliver. But what does who either of them choose to date have to do with their feelings for each other? It seems as if the argument here is Felicity moving on is okay because she chose a good person to move on with, and Oliver moving on is not okay because he didn't choose a good person to move on with (as far as we know). I'm seriously not advocating for Oliver's choice in mate here - it is stupid, and it is reckless (I also think Felicity telling Billy she was working with the Green Arrow - in a police station no less - was reckless, it just worked out in her favor). I just seriously am not connecting the dots between their feelings for each other and their choice of boyfriend/girlfriend.
  22. Not to be argumentative, but I'm genuinely curious - where in the show was there any indication that Felicity was struggling to move on from Oliver rather than struggling to make something work with a guy she just didn't have feelings for? She never indicated she had any residual feelings for Oliver, never indicated that she had any desire to be with him at all, and turned him down when he asked about it. She definitely had trouble committing to Billy, but that seemed like her own issue, not something that related to getting past her relationship with Oliver. I mean, I think Oliver is a dumbass for letting anything happen with Susan at all, but if he winds up trying to have a real relationship with her and winds up telling her he's the Green Arrow (which is dumb dumb dumb as hell, but that's not the point), he didn't do anything at all different than Felicity did?
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