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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Right- I was just talking about what they could've done to show that she actually did care about Oliver outside of the story. I don't think leaving out the publishing comment indicates her feelings for him either way. It seems like based on EP interviews she is supposed to have feelings for him - but that wasn't shown. At all.
  2. It's funny because all they needed to do was switch up Susan's first confrontation with Oliver - and have her list all of the info that she had on him then, have her tell him that she really cares about him and didn't like that she was lying to him, and have her admit to having the info she had on him as wanting to figure out what her boyfriend was up to behind her back. The way everything unfolded indicated that she WAS just with him for a story, which...isn't what they intended, I'm sure.
  3. I wrote this in the ep thread, but if she isn't the one who leaked the cover-up to the nice Channel 52 reporter lady, then I will be so very disappointed. She doesn't seem like the forgiving type, and if she was, Oliver should be immediately suspicious. But Oliver is also dumb so...who knows?
  4. Does he still believe what? He actually DID kill a guy in October to keep his secret. There's nothing to believe. It doesn't make sense for Oliver to call Thea to task for obliterating Susan's career to keep his secret since he's actually MURDERED to keep it. He acted as if his delicate sensibilities were offended because she went all Moira on Susan when he's done much worse to keep the same thing hidden.
  5. I love fake married trope but it only works for me as a way for people who don't realize they love each other to admit to their feels. Add in the fact that O/F nearly married voluntarily, and I'm afraid I'd probably hate it.
  6. Yeah, apart from the Susan idiocy, I actually liked it. It was completely dumb, but entertaining.
  7. Prometheus should try getting him to destroy someone's career. Since that seems to be worse on the bad scales now.
  8. Damn, the extended promo- he's actually having an impeachment hearing next ep, haha. I wonder if Felicity and Helix are gonna do something to get him out of it.
  9. But then what happens to real Oliver? He couldn't show his face as himself or be Green Arrow at that point. There would be no show, haha. Wait, never mind - it's late and I guess you mean that HT would rip off his Oliver mask and say he was the one who did all the bad stuff?
  10. IDK - he didn't even really seem to be all that upset about it apart from what Thea did to make it happen. But that seemed to be more about Thea than Susan. Like, I'm sure he'd rather not have had this happen, but there wasn't a whole lot of angst over the relationship, just over line crossing. But maybe that's because he thinks he still has a chance to get back with her.
  11. Yeah, if the were going for making her the sympathetic character they shouldn't have had her go to a PI right after she slept with Oliver for the first time, or had her bring this up to him in the intervening two weeks, or had her confront him with the information she had on him when she first asked if he was the Green Arrow. I don't know if they intended to or not, but they made it look like she was using him for a story, and he was just a naive fool who fell for it. So I hope there's more there, but sadly he also seems just that dumb.
  12. I'm gonna be REAL disappointed if she's not the one who leaked the Malone cover up to the excellent, ethical lady reporter Whatsherface on Channel 52.
  13. I like that he's apparently forgotten that he killed a dude to keep his secret at the beginning of the season. Like, if protecting the secret warrants murder, why doesn't it warrant this?
  14. I think she's in every episode from this one till the one they just filmed (18?) (except for maybe the mostly flashback one?). Not sure if she's in 19 yet.
  15. His convo with Thea tonight ruined that theory for me, sad as that makes me. That he showed concern for her crossing a line and not just completely obliterating that relationship means that the dumb Oliver we're seeing is the real dumb Oliver.
  16. Not if he's Chase and going after Oliver for corruption that was his - Chase's - idea, haha.
  17. It's because he's locked in a trunk, man!
  18. Maybe. But how could one personality be so smart and conniving, and the other so, so dumb? So many questions.
  19. Also - can we talk about Vigilante going after Oliver next ep because of his corruption, but - assuming Vigilante is Chase - the cover-up was his idea and Oliver actually told him to stop? LMAO
  20. So, I need someone from the show to explain to me why Oliver is so certain that Susan wouldn't rat him out after she said "and now I can't go public with it" directly to his stupid face?
  21. Yeah, I would've gotten feelings more if she'd said something about being upset because she missed him and wanted to spend time with him instead of an interrogation about whether or not he was the Green Arrow.
  22. He was swearing her in, and she seemed to be the only recruit, haha.
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