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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Right? "I wanted you to keep looking up to that cop killer as a hero!"
  2. Yeah, I don't think she is just given the episode description - if she wasn't still with the team, there wouldn't be any reason for her to need Helix's help, so they wouldn't have anything to hold over her head.
  3. I hope the payoff of spending 12 episodes setting Susan up as a shady asshole when she wasn't and we ultimately had no reason to think she would be was worth making Oliver look like the biggest fool alive.
  5. Yeah, I legit can't tell. I mean, he knows where she lives so it's not like he can't just go over there if he really wanted to?
  6. Not stanning, but is he trying to fix the relationship? I wouldn't be surprised if he was, but so far (unless I've missed something), it seems like maybe he just wants to let her know he's trying to make it right? Although that's still peak stupid, although at this point I guess there isn't a point in denying he's the Green Arrow.
  7. That would be weird, because Chase is the one who decided to cover up Billy's murder, and Oliver was the one who told him to stop. It would maybe make sense if Chase isn't Vigilante. If he is, not so much.
  8. Probably because they needed Oliver and Thea to be alone when he asked her to make things right with Susan. One less person going "Are you serious with this?" helps.
  9. He's so sure it's Prometheus that I'm certain it isn't. I'd love for it to be Susan, but I'm guessing it's someone random like Talia or some Russian with a grudge who will be revealed as the end of ep cliffie.
  10. If he makes it through impeachment I can see this happening. Especially if she actually does follow through on bribing that councilman.
  11. Don't get me wrong - Arrow writes garbage storylines, but Felicity "doing" for Thea is the whole point since everything she does for Thea gets her deeper in with Helix. Not saying *that* storyline won't be garbage, but...
  12. The selected Vice President is on a ballot. He/she gets elected.
  13. Yeah, I'm not the best person to weigh in because I think Barry is garbage and I don't think much of his relationship with Iris at all. I just figured that since he was reminded in the MSF that he couldn't change the past but could change the future, that that's what he's been trying to do.
  14. I think she'll put the brakes on it since it seems like he might be doing this to change the future and not necessarily because he wants to at this particular point in time, but without a breakup and with him just asking her at some later point in time after Savitar has been defeated.
  15. I thought the adult conversation was about Felicity's secret keeping, which SA mentioned took place in 15?
  16. I thought for sure the show had moved past all break-up related issues into Things We Don't Talk About Anymore. That SA so clearly identified them does make me think that it's likely it is addressed at some point (only because I don't think it's something he's thought that much about, but maybe saw in a script or something), but I don't wanna get my hopes up.
  17. Felicity's already had a breakup storyline - twice. Three relationship storylines (however half-assed, like Curtis and Paul's has been so far).
  18. Nope. But he does have an article up about how ditching the romance is part of why season 5 is "making Arrow great again," so his comment his lulzy anyway.
  19. LOL, I'm aware of how the federal government works. My city doesn't have a deputy - we have a vice mayor who was on the ballot. I thought the first person in the line of succession (initially) was always elected, but Professor Google tells me that some municipalities do have appointments first in their line of succession. Cool, Quentin it is then.
  20. Yeah, I don't think so either. If he gets impeached - again, not that this matters with Arrow - but it seems kinda difficult to get him back into that job, and he doesn't seem to have any other career prospects. I guess if they do out him at some point this season that the idiots of Star City would forgive him pretty easily.
  21. Marc Guggenheim said she was in 14 of 23 episodes this season. “Everyone’s, like, ‘where’s Thea?’ Well, Willa’s [in] 14 out of 23 episodes this year. She’s not in all 23. That’s not her contract. So we’ve had to write around that,” Guggenheim told reporters.
  22. He wasn't elected, so I'm not sure. It seems to me like the guy appointed by the guy who just got impeached for corruption might not be the best successor. ETA: Not that that matters for Arrow.
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