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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think anyone who knows about Pandora is aware of Helix. I don't think she told Rory?
  2. Yeah. I think that if Felicity goes to great lengths to get to Susie and agrees to do whatever for Helix to get to her (which, if Helix is a Chasemetheus plant, what they ask her to do could be interesting), I think she's probably ultimately driven by thinking it'll bring her one step closer to Prometheus.
  3. Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking.
  4. Probably, if he gets desperate enough to find his soulmate, SusieQ.
  5. My only guess is that it's going to be what the EP's have been saying all along - that Chasemetheus is a chess master, and all of this stuff is setup before he rips the rug out from under Oliver, and Oliver being in a good place right now is actually the point? It seems like Chasemetheus has gone to pretty great lengths to know his opponent - maybe we're supposed to believe that he knew Oliver would fight against everything Chasmetheus was telling him he was? He does seem to be counting on Oliver's "better" instincts at this point for whatever reason (not letting Chase take the fall for the cover up for Billy's murder, finding an 'honorable' way out of the impeachment proceedings, trusting Susan even though he shouldn't, etc.). The chess master storyline working unfortunately hinges on Chasemetheus being oddly prescient, and able to accurately predict pretty much everyone's reaction to what he does, but I think that's what they're setting up - and that the stuff we've seen so far has actually gone according to plan and that the actions he's taken weren't to divide the team at the time he took them, but to divide them at a later date. And maybe our initial read on his actions was wrong? Like, maybe tricking Oliver into killing Billy wasn't actually a setup to get between Oliver & Felicity, and was intended all along for the cover-up/impeachment setup. He made sure Diggle got put in prison, but he also helped him get out with thanks to that conveniently obtained evidence from Helix/Pandora. Maybe Diggle's imprisonment was what planted the seed for Felicity's separation from Oliver and the team by introducing her to Helix, and Oliver's idiotic blind trust of Susan (Chase commented on not trusting her in front of Oliver, LOL) is set up for Felicity to get deeper in with Helix in order to help rescue her. But ultimately it could be for nothing since it seems like Chase might be manipulating Susan into thinking Oliver has betrayed her over some as-of-yet undetermined thing that JS mentioned in that interview in the Spoiler's Only thread. And Oliver's attempt to be good and trusting comes back to bite him, because she still has his secret, and he bent over backwards to make sure that her credibility got reinstated after the plagiarism fiasco. Maybe Quentin going to rehab was just setup to make sure Oliver had a friendly ear from Chase in the mayor's office while he was gone (did Chase push for or setup anything during Quentin's absence? I can't remember), or maybe it's a seed that was planted for payoff at a later date. I don't know why Chasemetheus would care about Curtis and Paul breaking up, but maybe that leads Curtis to do something stupid that's also supposed to pay off at a later date. Just some thoughts. #whydoikeepdoingthistomyself2k17
  6. Don't forget about that favor Felicity's gonna have to do for Helix in order to keep using Pandora. With the way this show is going that'll wind up happening because she needs info to find good 'ol Susie.
  7. From the Spoilers Only thread: Please Jesus let this be a Wendy-ism. I just cannot at all even remotely buy that Oliver would be at all even a little psychologically broken because Chase took Susan.
  8. It's not Susan's, it's Pike's (thankfully).
  9. There's no way of knowing at the moment. If the general audience dumps on the show for whatever reason - they usually stop tuning in. That probably won't show up until the ratings for 16, if it shows up at all.
  10. I felt bad for laughing when that one guy was like, "Tiny Hands is in a shoebox down at the morgue..."
  11. Oh good - I don't want him to be a bad guy.
  12. I gotta say, I love Chase's, "I'm ten steps ahead of you, and you don't even know what game we're playing yet." I'm kinda rooting for him at this point.
  13. He could be. I don't think they've ever been in the same place at the same time before. I can't figure out why else he'd be laid up, so maybe he got pushed off a building and then T-Sphered into a coma.
  14. Did they? I thought it was pretty clear by the way they were smiling at each other before Chase and Quentin interrupted that the answer was going to be yes - and that Oliver was the person she was going to meet for dinner when Chase interrupted her. It didn't occur to me that it was maybe supposed to be ambiguous, haha.
  15. Sorry, Steve. Seems like so far his plan isn't working? Oliver's ridiculously hopeful to the point of putting trust in a reporter he should be questioning. He's trying to guide people on the right path. He's bringing people onto his team, and trying to get them to want better for themselves. GREAT PLAN, VILLAIN!
  16. I'm guessing he's not using the "life or death" story angle as a way to lure her into Prometheus's clutches, so he must be giving her a legit scoop on something, I just can't figure out what it is. But it seems like that would have to be the thing that gets her to feel betrayed? And I'm not sure how Prometheus would play into it all - is he for sure the one who has her, or is it maybe Bratva-related? I had a rage blackout when I figured out what they were doing so I might've missed something, haha. Also, are we supposed to believe that Green Arrow is done in Star City? Oliver outed him as a murderer but wtf does it ultimately mean when Green Arrow made a successful case for feeling suitably guilty about it to Pike? The people are just gonna hate him or...what? And now that he's come out against Green Arrow as mayor, does that discount Oliver coming out as Green Arrow? It would make him look nuts, lmao.
  17. Yeah, it's weird - mine shows up like a tailored trend (it shows me who I follow is tweeting about it), but I have tailored trends turned off. Are there exceptions to that or something? Like Twitter's way of showing you what your friends are tweeting about among other legit trends?
  18. I do too - I don't have tailored trends on and it's showing as trending for me?
  19. Maybe? To have it done by someone Oliver trusts and "cares" about? I wonder what he's going to do to make Susan feel betrayed though. I'm guessing maybe it has something to do with something that happened in Russia? There have been too many Russian anvils with her for it not to be involved somehow. And it seems like whatever he would manipulate her with would be the truth...I just can't figure out what exactly he'd use to get her to feel betrayed.
  20. Or she gets rescued, but by Chase and not by the Green Arrow, lmao
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