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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, probably something along those lines.
  2. I guess so - can't think of any other reason why the wife is there if she wasn't a victim. I guess maybe Pike takes the brunt of the Arrowing and that's why he's in the hospital?
  3. Thanks - I haven't watched Flash in a while and last night I was only half paying attention, so I wasn't sure if I missed anything!
  4. It's nice to see someone talking about people who matter to Oliver and aren't named Susan.
  5. Didn't he say last night that he proposed to her because he was trying to change the future? I never thought the "destiny" talk regarding the two of them was all that great - and it seemed to be a motivating factor for Iris when she was trying to figure out if she wanted to get involved with Barry. So, I don't think a "I was going to do it anyway, and this way maybe I can save you too" is such a great foundation. I get having doubts about it since Barry wasn't doing it purely out of a desire to be married to her. I don't think that's a stupid reason to question things. And didn't she ultimately decide that she did want to be married to him? It seemed like she was admitting that she was wrong and that what she was concerned about ultimately didn't matter in the long run, and then Barry asked her for space. So, while Iris initially expressed doubts, Barry's the one who actually followed through with it.
  6. Good point, I forgot that was a Wendy special!
  7. If we're judging things based on the start of the storyline - when she got Pandora - it has been about more than Oliver. She freed Diggle, helped stop the sale of some nukes, some other stuff. If we're talking strictly about her joining Helix, it seems like the motivation there was more for the team (given what she said to Kojo Sledgehammer, or whatever her name is - about fighting fire with fire). This particular stretch of the Helix storyline though - her doing them a favor (which I'm assuming has to do with finding Oliver once he's kidnapped), and perhaps some other stuff since I guess he's gonna still be held at least part of next week does definitely seem to be just about Oliver. The only part I don't really see playing out at all is her doing any of this to avenge Billy. I don't recall that being mentioned at all - or even hinted at yet.
  8. I wasn't sure because even though this thread has Arrow in the title, it's not the main Arrow thread. Noted!
  9. He was convinced they were over for good - and for some reason thought that MG had admitted to regretting ever making them a couple.
  10. If this is right, then it seems like she goes to Helix for help with Susan first, and then Oliver. Unless someone else goes missing, seems like her "friends" are Susan and Oliver. I guess maybe she's going to have to do the favor to help Oliver, not Susan. If that second tease is Oliver and Felicity, then it's nice that he heads off his concern being about (what I'm assuming is) Prometheus possibly hurting Susan.
  11. I still can't tell if they've broken up or are just taking a step back from the engagement, LOL. It seems like yes because Barry said he wasn't sure how they could "move forward like this"? This is all very dumb, especially given Iris was willing to stay engaged and Barry's the one who broke it off? Ugh.
  12. Josh Segarra did in an interview after the last ep. That her being a reporter was part of the plan. I guess because she's able (and I'm guessing at some point after her kidnapping) and would be willing to reveal that Oliver's Green Arrow.
  13. The only thing that would be weird about this is Talia knows about Oliver's ties to Russia and the Bratva - why would she send Susan on a scavenger hunt with some PI when she could just tell her what she needed to know? But then again, I shouldn't expect this show to make sense, so maybe it was kind of a game to her, IDK.
  14. Yes but my point was that by choosing to join Helix for Billy instead of Oliver - she's doing all the things she'd be doing for Oliver (no matter how scared she was) in order to avenge Billy. The same decisions for a different penis. Yeah, I don't want her kidnapped. I just want Susan kidnapped without all the "meaning" behind it that the show's never bothered to actually take the time to explore. He could be frantic to find her just because she got pulled into this by being his girlfriend, and he's a fundamentally decent person who doesn't want innocent people harmed. It's not that difficult show!
  15. My guess is it's a talking point because they're aware of commentary/complaints about what's actually been shown. Or maybe they're all delusional.
  16. Seriously. When I was in high school, the bell rang at 7:10 - I had to be up at 5:30 at the latest to get there on time.
  17. This will never not make me angry, haha.
  18. Some people on reddit are really holding out hope that the flashback sex is Oliver remembering Felicity fondly after she dies, lol.
  19. To me, it doesn't make much of a difference if she's deciding to step out of that box to avenge Billy, or to do whatever it takes to save Oliver. She's still making her own decision to step out of that box, and that decision is because of a man. It *could* tie into Havenrock and her paralysis either way - the fact that she seems willing to get her hands dirty now is the same regardless of why she chooses to do it.
  20. It seems like the same motivation, just a different penis.
  21. I hope this is just part of a season-long arc about Oliver having a traumatic brain injury.
  22. Does Oliver think her father is someone else? Because Ra's WAS a psychopath OMG.
  23. Could be - maybe I'm looking too much into "working with" instead of "working for."
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