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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. But we already know how Oliver could date Susan. Because Felicity had moved on and he decided that he should too. She told him she wasn't leaving a door open for them. There isn't anything about that that needs to be expanded on.
  2. I'd worry more about a flashback being meaningless if Steve hadn't started talking about trust being an issue between them, and that fences could be mended, etc. Sad and glad this got spoiled. It was a nice few days without the ever present doom and gloom, haha.
  3. I don't find it weird that they'd have a slip-up, but I do find it weird that they had a slip-up and wound up with Oliver seemingly not knowing where their relationship was after. It makes sense that she'd hide Billy after that, but...doesn't make sense with much else. Ah, Arrow.
  4. I found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/24ykhj/hi_im_jay_mewes_and_this_is_my_heterosexual/chbz3as/
  5. I like him too. I liked him more before he became all about pot (but maybe he's backed off of that some?). I also feel like maybe there's a long-running thing with him and MG, like...something with MG's wife Tara and some other show she worked on? But I could be remembering that wrong.
  6. I think someone made a Se7en joke about putting her head in a box and he liked it? He was a mess that day.
  7. I think the one with "Oliver" in a tux is from Water for Elephants.
  8. Plot twist: Chase is part of the Bratva too!!11!!
  9. Thank you - I didn't think of looking through stills, haha.
  10. The windows above the door, the beam in front, the rounded arches off to the side all look like the bunker to me.
  11. I've been thinking... Since Prometheus seems to know that today's Green Arrow is the Hood/Arrow from 5 years ago (given the Claybourne murder scene re-creation and the explanation from the EPs that something Oliver did in S1 is what created Prometheus - Is that gonna play into things (maybe turning Susan against Oliver, getting him in more trouble legally, IDK), or is that a gaping plot hole that they're gonna pretend isn't there?
  12. Could be. Or if they're "stuck" there and it's dark, maybe there's a power outage or some other kinda thing in the present day.
  13. Isn't that the lair? Looks like SA and EBR are standing in front of the elevator?
  14. I know what you meant. I only replied because you wrote that the scene was "literally useless" when it literally wasn't. The picking up her pen? Sure. That was either for fun or for foreshadowing, I don't care either way. Most of the character moments we get on this show don't amount to much plot movement, but do a lot for relationship building.
  15. Wasn't that visit to Felicity how he got the info he needed to get to someone connected to Claybourne or whoever he was trying to find that made him go to her? Seems like it moved the plot forward to me.
  16. I'm not really sure why they'd waste time on a relationship flashback that doesn't move the plot forward. I mean, it's Arrow so anything's possible and I won't rule it out, but what's the point of explaining how Oliver and Felicity got to where they were at the beginning of the season if they're not going to overcome that? Like "Hey, even though you've been watching them behave like this all year and we haven't explained exactly what happened since S4, here's your explanation in episode 20 but btw it's not changing." Seems like a lot of effort to put into ship bait that's ultimately going to piss off the people they're baiting? I know TPTB are terrible at anticipating reaction, but...even that should be a no-brainer.
  17. Yes, I would also like more of Josh Segarra in the background of videos saying, "'bout to get swole? 'bout to get swole?" LOL
  18. Since - per the paps - they weren't filming *the* Olicity scene in question yesterday, maybe the suit scene is the flashback scene that ties into the present sex scene in the bunker.
  19. I want Thomas to be my trainer. Mine is much more...aggressive.
  20. He was living in the bunker bedroom in 5x03 (or whichever ep where they broke Digg out of jail), and someone from the show - can't remember who it was right now, indicated that's where he'd been living (and I'm guessing still does?). Didn't she give her reason when she joined? Something about not wanting to get burned when she fought fire with fire, and wanted the Helix team behind her? If anything, it seemed to me she was motivated by Digg's speech to her.
  21. Oliver does live in that little bedroom now (which I think was referenced last season when Quentin stayed there as being on a separate level?)
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