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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. But it's Oliver's dream, isn't it? It would've made sense to include her since he was listing people who died in front of him - she was one of them. Not a big deal, I just thought it was weird.
  2. Oliver was telling Barry that he understood why Barry went back in time to save his mom. He told Barry about Robert killing himself so Oliver could survive, and that he watched Slade kill Moira while he wasn't able to do anything to stop it, and he gets wanting to go back and undo things like that.
  3. The first half was a little too much exposition, the second half was a little better for me, but I wasn't particularly engaged throughout any of it (but that might be because I quit watching The Flash and no longer care about Barry's angst or whatever's going on with Wally, and I don't watch Legends so I don't really know what's going on with Stein).
  4. So, I liked that tonight set up Oliver's dream world scenario, although I think it's weird (if not typical of these shows) that he didn't mention anything about wanting to do anything to save Laurel from dying even though a really huge part of the scenario seems to hinge on her, haha.
  5. I don't really get why it wasn't all hands on deck - use everyone, even Wally. Gotta have dumb drama though, I guess.
  6. Team Legends was the one who suggested nominating a leader, and none of them suggested her. Seems like if anyone would've, it would've been them.
  7. I'm guessing the having everything he ever wanted part is the reviewer's interpretation, and not something that is actually conveyed in the show (unless we get two aliens chatting about the parameters of these dream worlds they're putting everyone into). And it seems that if it was actually supposed to be everything he's ever wanted then he wouldn't leave it voluntarily regardless of any kind of obligation he feels to the city, so I'm guessing that's not what they're going for here (although it's possible that doesn't translate so well, as is often the case with this show).
  8. I think the baby mama drama was definitely a holdover from some original O/L plan they had and were too lazy to rewrite. It isn't okay for him to lie to anyone he's in a relationship with, but with Laurel his willingness to keep it a secret would've actually made sense. If they'd progressed to being engaged and had managed to overcome Oliver's cheating in the past, of course he'd want to hide a reminder of the guy he'd finally convinced Laurel he wasn't anymore. Felicity's kept his biggest secrets for years and he knows that, so...ridiculous, messy and stupid.
  9. Given that AK had a hand in writing this Oliver and Laurel's toxic-ass backstory, if the way Oliver treated Laurel is something he considers to be "great love" material, I feel very sorry for his wife.
  10. Just a suggestion, but maybe you should stop making fun of and antagonizing those fans and their passions then?
  11. But Rory doesn't get to decide that Logan doesn't get to be involved in this kid's life. Once he knows, he has all manner of ways of getting involved if he wants to - there's no guarantee that he's just going to roll over and give Rory all the power like Christopher did. She has all kinds of life experiences to draw on with regards to whether or not the kid would be fine without its dad, she didn't need to see Christopher for that. She got insight from Christopher about what it was like to be the father in that scenario - which is why I think she was trying to justify to herself that not telling Logan would ultimately be the best. She's a garbage person in any scenario that doesn't involve notifying Logan and giving him a chance to be involved in his kid's life, though.
  12. Yeah, she was just repeatedly the absolute worst throughout, and that was like the shit cherry on top of a shit sundae.
  13. I got the sense from Rory's talk with Christopher that she wasn't planning on telling Logan about the baby.
  14. There's what looks like it could be the Arrowverse's version of a presidential seal on the podium, and some people in military dress and some in civvies in the audience. So it seems like recognition to me, instead of a call for help. Sorry that's so huge, yikes!
  15. My guess is that maybe Black Siren found her way down into the lair through the revolving door side entrance.
  16. Part of the sex scene from 3x20 was included in an end-of-season sizzle reel.
  17. Looks like he's in Claybourne Pharmaceuticals in the old pic too, based on the sign on the wall in the back. Same place maybe (based on the Level 6 in both pics).
  18. I thought it might be that since it was the last part of her message.
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