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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Did I just hear correctly that Cody Rhodes' character is a dealer dealing a drug named Stardust?
  2. The writers on this show are nothing if not hacks, so...Oliver found out about Felicity and Ray by walking in on them kissing, so we have every reason to believe that Oliver will find out about Felicity and TH by walking in on them kissing. Surprise me, show!
  3. Possibly. I was hoping not, because I would hope her boyfriend wouldn't just leave his arms dangling to the sides like that when his girlfriend is kissing him, but maybe his hands are heavier than they look and a little unwieldy.
  4. They should've kept the badge normal-sized, haha.
  5. He better prepare those tiny hands for the shoulder massage of their little lives!
  6. Also, someone please remind me - when was the last time MG said Oliver's reaction to something wasn't going to be what we'd think it'd be. Was that with Ray?
  7. We'll know if we get a shot of him coloring after a long, stressful day at the good 'ol SCPD.
  8. Yeah, I assume his reaction will be the exact opposite of what a guy who was close to getting married and still hoping they'd reconcile would be. "Cool. Good for you." ::platonic shoulder pat::
  9. Digg has his wedding ring on in a preview that just went up, so...oversight. Or taken before he and Lyla got married.
  10. If I had to guess at a reason for the drop - since we'll never really know - I'd say it was probably some combination of time travel getting increasingly complicated and useless for the general audience, Barry continuing to make the same mistakes over and over and over again, and that the writers didn't make a very strong case for Barry messing with the timeline (again).
  11. Agree. It's just too short to look good in a ponytail. I know it's her trademark, but leaving it down at this point would be better. I thought the braids last night were...not great.
  12. I just wondered because he isn't in a military uniform there (and I'm assuming he wasn't in the military at all when this pic was taken, that the timeline still stands and he reenlisted at the end of last season), and he did previously wear one (he was wearing it in the season finale).
  13. Did anyone else notice whether Diggle was wearing a wedding ring in that pic of him and his ::swallows rage:: son last night? He usually wears one, but it didn't look to me like he was wearing one in that pic (but it's tough to say).
  14. Felicity doesn't need to tell the characters - but I figured they had Barry tell her so she could somehow explain it to the audience (like, muttering about it to herself maybe or, I don't know). Then again, I guess maybe the writers on this show are dumb enough to not ever make mention of it to the audience, and just slip John Diggle, Jr. into the show like nothing happened at all.
  15. If they do bring on another BLACK Canary, I hope someone goes down to the wharf and tapes an identifying number onto Laurel's statue.
  16. Laurel told Oliver not to let her be the last Canary, not the last Black Canary. Oliver had a statute made for Black Canary, so I don't think there will be another one. I think any new one will have a different color before her name.
  17. Okay, thanks for the correction. I started dozing off when he closed the door so he could write on it.
  18. They didn't just change Sara into a boy - they changed Sara into an OLDER boy - he is not the same age she was.
  19. To be a little fair to this idiot storyline, she's still alive somewhere, just not in the timeline we get to see. Still utter garbage, however.
  20. I think her knowing about Flashpoint is how she's affected because they only showed one change, and that was that Diggle has a son and not a daughter. If there's anything else, they didn't show it tonight.
  21. Yeah, the way it was explained on the show - it seems permanent. All the changes Barry made to the timeline in Central City are permanent, so I don't see why that wouldn't be too.
  22. He's a tool all right. This would also change some other stuff too, like John seemed to be at least a few years older than Sara - so...was there still a rift between Oliver and Diggle because he left the kid unattended when he kidnapped Lyla? I guess we're literally to believe that they changed this one thing and everything that happened after was EXACTLY the same? Toss this all in the garbage.
  23. Not a damn clue. I guess maybe they could have Felicity confide in someone about Flashpoint? Or they'll just be lazy as hell and just not bother explaining it. My shipper mind is now wondering though - where did Oliver and Felicity's first kiss happen? Where did he pre-break up with her? Inquiring minds!
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