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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If I had to take a guess I'd say it's probably Iris being estranged from Joe in the new timeline.
  2. Oh, I didn't mean that they were doing that in terms of shutting down or moving away from Olicity. I think that since they're currently separated, these hacks are going to stretch that story out for as long as they can - they've already given some interviews that indicate Olicity is still on the table - we know to look out for 5x05. They'll give us some clue that one of them still has feelings (Felicity, likely). Maybe something else will happen, or maybe Oliver decides to start dating someone else at that point (because Felicity doesn't say anything about said feelings, and we likely know that Oliver still has feelings for her based on Doc Brown's review of the first ep) - so in post ep interviews they'll probably talk about that, and we'll get some indication of when we'll have another carrot dangled (maybe they tell us to watch out for the MSF, or some other arc), and so on and so on until they're ready to get them back together again.
  3. Anyone watching Flash, I need some clarification: Did Barry just appear in the Flashpoint timeline? Like, it seems as if this Barry has only been in this timeline for a few months (his mom's comment about him hugging her every morning before breakfast for the last few months, him keeping Reverse Flash in a cage and feeding him which he wouldn't have been able to do if he was "reborn" in there) - what happened to the version of Barry he replaced? And why does he have memories with Iris in this new timeline from when they were young like everything in Flashpoint is the same as it was in Barry's normal reality? Did I miss something?
  4. Or I suppose it's possible that they're setting up a storyline that they think the audience who is interested in that will be curious enough to tune into for the rest of the season, given Wendy Mericle has been teasing Olicity's ambiguousness over the summer and promising some clarity in 5x05. And, I guess we'll get a clue that there's still something there in 5x05 that they think will make those people keep tuning in to see some more. Just like they've been teasing the Laurel stuff for people who want to see her. I guess it could work that way, too.
  5. I didn't think anyone was all that serious about the rehearsal dinner scenario (should there even be one).
  6. I think @kariyaki might be referring to our discussion upthread about WM's commentary about Havenrock being aimed at a certain audience, etc.
  7. They aren't necessarily contradicting each other, but okay. Cool!
  8. You don't think it's possible that Pursuit23 just hasn't seen the call sheet and isn't wrong about the mansion, but just isn't aware of another scene being shot? He's talking about what people have told him - this other account is mentioning what they've allegedly actually seen.
  9. Not necessarily - they could just be wrong about the date. I suppose they could've made it up, but they quoted the call sheet.
  10. A Van shooting twitter tweeted about a rehearsal dinner taking place (on Friday, I think) - they've seen the call sheet - there's some confusion about whether it's for 5x08 or 5x09 - the Oliver getting married to Laurel is just speculation that 5x09 could include a "what if" Christmas Carol type of ep about what would've happened if Oliver hadn't gotten on the boat (since that's what MG said they were treating as Arrow's 100th).
  11. I wonder who Oliver's side piece would be in said ep? Surely he'd duck out of the rehearsal dinner to go bang someone who wasn't Laurel, and that person would hopefully not be Felicity, but one of Laurel's other relatives just to keep the theme going.
  12. I usually rewatch Arrow eps, but I didn't rewatch any of 4B - I forgot that the Monument Point nuke was separate from the nukes in the finale (and got the other Rubicon nukes confused with just the one headed toward Star City). So, just to back up my previous point it would still make more sense to me if Ragman got upset that Felicity couldn't stop the nuke that hit Havenrock rather than being upset with her for somehow being the one responsible for the nuke. A minor distinction, but an important one to me, haha.
  13. Unless I'm completely misremembering, I'm pretty sure there were more and that they addressed them by doing something unbelievably idiotic like shifting their trajectories up into the atmosphere (maybe even exploding them there). I feel like there was some reason they couldn't do that with some of them (the SC and Havenrock ones) because they were too close to hitting? I can't remember.
  14. Yes, but I'm just not talking about the bomb that hit Havenrock specifically, but the fact that there were however many in the air at one point (in the 20s, IIRC) - and it was broadcast on the news - so the entire country was aware that this was happening...it just seems kind of illogical to me that Ragman would go looking for the person responsible for Havenrock getting nuke since there was a whole sky full of them that Felicity & co tried to stop and mostly succeeded. Unless, I suppose, he's not angry at her for being the one who accidentally nuked Havenrock, but he's angry at her for that being the one nuke she couldn't stop. That's the only way it would make sense to me. At all. But this show is nonsensical, so...it's whatever, I guess.
  15. Since he said it doubled-down on its worst qualities - I wonder what he thinks its worst qualities are? I don't follow him or listen to his podcast very often.
  16. Hmmm...that tweet about him quitting doesn't seem to be quite right. IIRC he quit after 4x10 when he said Oliver wasn't a hero he could root for anymore. ETA: he clarified
  17. Right, but what I meant was that there were a bunch of other nukes that she, her father, and Curtis somehow stopped. If Felicity hadn't stepped in they would've landed - so blaming her in any way still doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since once she admits to being involved in stopping the nukes, like...it's pretty obvious that the entire landscape of the US/world would've been irrevocably changed if she hadn't - including for the people of Havenrock.
  18. Maybe? I guess maybe I'm just not remembering the idiotic end of last season very well, but weren't there nukes headed to, like, everywhere? Seems like the good people of Havenrock's lives would've been changed regardless. I suppose it doesn't really matter, the show's gonna show. God, why did they have to pull the trigger on such a dumbass storyline. So many are dumbass, but that is DUMBASS dumbass.
  19. She could've at least chosen that tangy zip of Miracle Whip. Seriously though, if they announce that Charlotte Ross is back for 5x09, it's sandwiches 4 lyfe.
  20. Glad he's making his world the way he wants it after erasing everyone else's. He is garbage through and through.
  21. I wonder who the rehearsal dinner is for, since SA posted on Twitter that they're filming 5x09 on Friday? Some randos who are gonna have a really memorable story to tell their children about the Green Arrow showing up and wrecking it? Tobias Church and his lady friend? The DA? Is Felicity going to make a permanent condiment choice by promising to put only mayo on her sandwiches for life in a MSF fake-out? Diggle for whatever reason that better not have anything to do with Barry fucking with the timeline? Thea and Anarky? At this point in time the couple who would be closest to getting married is O/F, and no way is it them. So...randos, I guess?
  22. I'm fuzzy on the details and don't want to watch again, but what was the scuttlebutt about who set off the nukes in the show? I know Channel 52 was on it, but can't remember if they mentioned DD's name, or was it never mentioned and no one bothered to look it up in the 5 months since? Because someone coming to town to get to the bottom of things doesn't really make me feel all that much better about how they're going to handle the storyline, haha.
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