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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Plus, she completely missed the point - the writer isn't arguing that Laurel isn't a good person (which I know some people here have opinions on), just that she wasn't against killing, and wasn't some beacon of non-violent conflict resolution. I think Felicity is a good person, and she's been in favor of killing (and I think her waffling on that point is due to how Oliver feels about it, not how she feels about it). I think Oliver is a good person, and he's killed. So has Diggle. The article was about the show making Laurel into someone she wasn't - and she wasn't a person who found killing abhorrent.
  2. I was just gonna say - the comment on there is LOL. Thanks for the early morning laugh, Mary Anderson!
  3. I'm glad you liked it!I'm not going to go back and read that chapter, but has Felicity (or Oliver, for that matter) mentioned any concern that
  4. If it isn't a legit Twitter for the movie, then Katie should probably stop @ing it.
  5. He did, but there were other people listed in that article as making that much and more.
  6. I don't think article or anyone here is insinuating that anything underhanded is going on. Just seems like the amount of money that people are making ($100,000-$250,000 for one weekend worth of work is a lot) is a little shocking to those who didn't have any idea, and the article's revelation that SA has positioned himself to get an even bigger cut of an already large cut of money is kind of a surprise. I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing it - if he can charge $80 for a pic and people will pay it, more power to him, I guess.
  7. When HVFF first started out, they were offering a signature, I think? Maybe a photo op was included too, but it was for the last hour of the last day of the con, and was subject to actor availability. I don't know if they've changed that since.
  8. I'm a little confused by the talent agency thing - did he create one to get a cut of bookings just for cons, or is that an actual legit agency for other gigs as well? The actor, who is said to have irked traditional agents by competing with them, says he "wanted to control the whole front- and backend of my operation. I didn't see a need for representation." I can't tell if he's saying he acts as his own agent in all dealings or just in con stuff. I also think it's pretty funny that he got such a major focus in a mag like THR is because he's so great at monetizing fandom, haha.
  9. Per SA's response to a fan question on his Facebook page, the trailer released today contains clips from 7 episodes.
  10. I mean, who knows how big of a part of her storyline this is though? And putting that kiss in the promo was genius, because it's got people talking where they weren't before.
  11. I think it's tough to tell - the right side of the jacket is circled in the screenshot of the trailer, but the left sides of the jackets are circled in the pics. And the circle in the screenshot looks more like a collar button to me than a pocket, which doesn't exactly match either jacket.
  12. His hair looks brown to me - which would make sense since he's supposed to be able to pass for Oliver.
  13. My gut says she's kissing Human Target, but I would need profile shots of him and the cop, along with a clear pic of their beard hairline and a whole lot more time on my hands to make an educated guess.
  14. Side note: "If you hit me again, I'm gonna kill you." It made me feel some kinda way.
  15. Well - the marketing team doesn't really seem to think much of her, so I wouldn't read too much into it. If that's all her plot line entails once the show picks up again, then that would be upsetting.
  16. Yeah, there's a clip of Oliver getting shot in the same area where Wil Traval claimed he "spilled ketchup," (or however he phrased it) in a BTS photo he posted so there appears to at least be another 5x05 scene in there too (unless Oliver gets shot twice, damn). The dead don't want things!
  17. On rewatch - is it the guy who's playing Human Target?
  18. Is it just me, or does Felicity's new boyfriend have a freaking mullet? ETA: I think it's just the lighting
  19. Has dear 'ol Cassie watched any promos for S5? Cause if she's seeing Olicity somewhere, I want her to show me what it is she's looking at.
  20. To be fair, it was cute before she drugged him, haha.
  21. I don't think she was lying or embellishing - I think she probably legit considered the "so that happened..." scene to be a "morning after."
  22. The latest Green Arrow sales are what, like 5% of Arrow's measurable viewing audience, and probably a minuscule percentage of the number of people whose viewership doesn't get counted in the actual ratings - yeah, they likely don't care, haha.
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