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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I don't think simple laughter can be interpreted as defending someone, but it IS outright dismissing the idiocy of Felicity and Friends (which he's always dismissed), so works for me.
  2. I was reading spoiler info about two shows I keep up with (not Arrow), and both of the EPs mentioned "game changing twists." NAH SON
  3. Oh yeah - MG didn't say anything to imply that she was going to suit up or "get in on the action" at all. It seems like the answer was cobbled together by answers MG gave in other interviews, so I'm not even sure what MG was talking about when he gave those answers - I'm just vehemently against her suiting up/fighting/whatever, haha.
  4. Thank you - I didn't think the chip had anything to do with this particular spoiler, but I had been thinking about it lately and wasn't sure if Emily was the only one who ever talked about it. I figured we'd get a passing mention of it at most.
  5. Sort of unrelated to MG's answer, but has anyone besides EBR mentioned anything about the chip at all? I feel like SA or someone maybe mentioned something about it at a con, but I can't remember if A) that actually happened or B) it was an actual thing that was planned, or just something he thought would be cool.
  6. Plus, since there's so many of them, they don't have to get too deep in the weeds on character development, which is something they don't seem to like doing. They can keep it pretty superficial since they have quite a few people to write for.
  7. When SA mentioned asking for more time off to be with his family, IIRC he said that he was getting used to working a more condensed schedule, which indicates that the newbies aren't entirely picking up the slack for this time off, but that they're also fitting in more scenes for him during his allotted work time (at least, that's what it seemed like to me).
  8. IIIRC, WM has said that Laurel's last words (the same stuff Diggle and Felicity have been saying to him for years about not going it alone) were going to carry out through what seems like the end of the series? So I kind of got the impression that the days of a smaller team were gone, and that there was going to be a cast of characters in the field in addition to Diggle, Oliver, (and I'm assuming Thea). Maybe not the same masked people from season to season - apart from Curtis - but masked people nonetheless.
  10. Oh, yeah. He is. I missed his hood there. Ugh.
  11. Getting a cool shot with a bunch of superheroes standing in The Flying V trumps sound strategy! I wonder if Thea and Felicity are in some kind of trouble, or if the whole gang's on-site for one giant group takedown, and they're off somewhere else. Seems like Ragman isn't part of the festivities. He's canonically a superhero, right? At least that's possibly one superhero horde member gone. ETA - never mind, he's there.
  12. Sad to see Digg's helmet doesn't seem to look all that much better.
  13. I think the new guy Nick Zano is playing comes from Star City, so tying the universe together is probably part of it, and getting more viewers to tune in might be part of it too. Depends on how they market it, I suppose.
  14. I rewatched some of it before I commented, haha. Barry and Oliver have a conversation where Barry asks Oliver if he's going to tell Felicity about his kid. Oliver tells Barry that he doesn't think it's any of his business. Barry says that he knows it isn't but that in his experience when he messes with time, time messes back. Barry encouraged Oliver to go off and be a daddy, and then we get the rehash of his convo with Samantha that picks up with him promising not to tell anyone, not even Felicity (indicating their second conversation went exactly the way their first did). There is a scene in A.W.O.L. where Oliver tells Laurel that Barry changed the timeline and that he's been "tortured" that what happened to Felicity happened to her because he didn't listen to Barry. But he never really elaborates on what exactly he thinks he should have done differently, and as far as I've seen never expresses any kind of idea that he lied for any other reason than because Samantha said so and he is a moron. I mean, the pieces are there for losing Felicity to be a reason (the talk with Barry about telling Felicity, the thought that she got shot because he didn't - I guess, since he never really says), but the show doesn't put them together.
  15. I just don't recall Oliver ever stating being afraid of losing Felicity as a reason. And I'm not sure it was ever even implied that it was because Oliver and Samantha's conversation picked up in the 2nd timeline with him agreeing not to tell anyone, "even Felicity," which indicates that he asked if he could tell her in the 2nd timeline knowing that she broke up with him in the first. So...still seems to me like his only motivation was because Samantha told him he couldn't tell anyone. And later, because he had to "protect" William, which...LOL.
  16. I recall him lying to her because Samantha told him he had to or he couldn't see his kid, and I recall him justifying it by saying he was protecting William, but I don't recall him ever being worried that Felicity would leave him. That seems like fanon to me based on Oliver thinking Felicity broke up with him because of William during the crossover, but maybe I'm wrong and I blocked it.
  17. She wrote one, but not the one I'm thinking of. I don't think this person posted a whole lot of fic on AO3, mostly on Tumblr. And she wrote a lot of Nyssa/Sara stuff and it's driving me crazy that I can't remember! YES, that's the one!
  18. Why does Oliver's mask make his pupils disappear?
  19. This conversation has me thinking about a one-shot that someone posted on Tumblr that was a companion to ash818's Legacy series (but it wasn't written by her) about Jonathan getting stuck back in S2-ish time, before O/F were together. Felicity knows he's her son, and Oliver's kind of in denial about it, then Barry and his kids run Older Oliver back through time to bring him back. Anyone remember this fic? I can't find it, ugh.
  20. I stopped watching Suits this season, because I keep wanting Mike to get fatally shivved. I'm tired of him/Rachel's angst over him.
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