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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. That was the rule IIRC, but seems like MTV chose to break it.
  2. They could totally have done it accidentally, which seems to be how they nail most things character related.
  3. I enjoy some of Gail's trolling, like when she talks about Cyclops or Catman (and even when she used to joke about being an expert on Arrow) and its funny and good-humored. Her Arrow trolling has reached incredibly bitter levels, to the point where it's just plain mean-spirited and pointed at a subset of fans. I get she's upset that Arrow EPs put forth a shitty version of a character she loves so much, but I don't think it's very productive or fun to engage people like this: Hope she's having a good time with it, though! And I'm glad most Olicity fans seem to be ignoring it (from what I can tell).
  4. I'll take one for the team. Breakdown: If Laurel had lived, in S5 Katie would've liked to see more of Laurel out in the field, Laurel being part of the team, and more BC and GA interaction because "it started with the two of them, (I feel like) it should've ended with the two of them." She had a fangirl moment with Gail Simone - she's amazing, etc. Gail is a lovely woman, mentioned that they should do Birds of Prey. She read up on Black Siren once she was told she was going to play her on TF, and mentioned that she found out she'd be guesting the week after she found out Laurel was in the grave, and that the producers were thoughtful to include her and she tried to play against the dialogue. She thinks playing a villain is "so much fun." She told people to tune in to the 2nd season of Vixen.
  5. He has stated repeatedly that he hates photoshoots, and I personally don't mind him taking certain things off of the table if he is uncomfortable with them. The time to take those things off the table, however, was before he asked people to take their time to vote for something that is surely going to benefit him with the Blue Jays organization in some fashion. He presented a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" situation, but then turned it into a "I'll scratch yours except for here. And here." I'd like to believe it was an honest mistake and that he hadn't heard about some of these things until yesterday, but people have been @-ing him to get him to participate for days, so...nah. Seems manipulative, which is ick.
  6. It's a combination of message and timing. If she'd posted this before a group of mostly white officers got killed, I don't think people would've jumped on her. The equalization of the deaths of the cops and the people who have died at the hands of law enforcement + the timing of it = a firestorm.
  7. Not going to fight with you over it - I'm not a POC so this issue doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis, but I'm not about to tell someone that does experience it how and what to feel. I think the problem that people had with it was that her post didn't come off as providing support to a black person or to the BLM movement, it came off as a paraphrased "all lives matter" sentiment that she was agreeing with - which...isn't supportive at all, and in fact undermines the issue of police brutality and misconduct that is an epidemic. Given some of her past posts on social issues, she seems to be a very "equality for all" kind of person, not wanting to be labeled a feminist, etc. This is absolutely not the right time to assert that particular point of view, IMO. I mean, the same thing happened when SA went on his Not All Texans rant - if you're gonna express your opinion on social media, you've got to be prepared to take the heat for it. I think her deleting her Twitter came down to just not using it very much, and not wanting the hassle of people's notifications on there. The backlash clearly didn't bother her that much - the post is still up on her Instagram.
  8. I think it's perfectly all right to be disappointed in an "all lives matter" stance, regardless of who she's agreeing with.
  9. His motivator to do the opposite of what she suggests? That's so Laura!
  10. Well, if they aren't going to kill him off, at least some other shows have to deal with him now. /looking at the bright side
  11. That was the one where Slade showed up at the House 'o Queen and planted all the cameras.
  12. I didn't know he asked for 5k RTs, haha. Since he's obviously doing this to bolster his relationship with the Blue Jays, I'm just going to not participate and do something productive with my time. Like watch paint dry.
  13. He mentioned it in his Live video last night, but I don't remember all the details other than he mentioned that he's an EP and he wants to open it in China to get that $$$, and he thinks he'll be able to be really involved (which to me means that he doesn't expect to have anything big lined up next hiatus, since that's when they're supposed to film, unless that's changed). After that, he has to go on the Today show. "You're glib, Matt. You're glib!"
  14. He's mentioned "kids" before in his interviews, but never really elaborated on it, so I'm not sure if he has just one or more. He occasionally posts picts of children he's with, but usually their backs/feet/other non-identifying features, which is great.
  15. He has permanent residency - that's what that tweet was about.
  16. I know absolutely nothing about DR's private life, and I like it that way.
  17. I could be wrong, but I thought he said he wasn't trying to become a citizen when he was talking about getting his permanent residency? I suppose he could've changed his mind, I just remember him saying he wasn't gonna do it.
  18. It's the comics version of "Sorry, I suck at summaries."
  19. The 4th of July post is the most recent in a series of FB/Twitter/Snapchat posts about the lengths he goes to in order to spend time with his daughter. Literally no one needs to know this information about his private life and travel arrangements. He chooses to share, and I refuse to believe that he's oblivious to the picture he paints when he does. I don't know if he's desperate for validation from his Facebook followers on his amazing fatherhood or what, but it's disingenuous to me to hand people puzzle pieces and then get upset when they start putting those pieces together and ask why he has to go to such lengths in the first place. So, I hope his Twitter comments aren't in any way a reaction to his July 4th post, because that's his own damn fault. I appreciate that the guy wants to be "real" or whatever and run his own accounts, but if he's gonna do that than he needs to pay attention to the ramifications of the things he posts, and/or be like Queen Elsa and let it go.
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