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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. sees that Green Arrow and Black Canary aren’t together in this reality, and he mentions how wrong that is. LMAO. Everyone's a shipper! I will admit that the write-up is the first thing I've ever read that actually made me want to pick up a comic book (even though I probably won't). And the convo in the comments is really interesting, and hasn't devolved into nastiness like I'm used to seeing regarding comics continuity and such.
  2. The studio's budget for this free pizza promo must exceed the promotional budget for the entire CW.
  3. The picture that PB posed of him on the lair's med table looks like he's wearing a shirt similar to the one he has on in 4x22, so I'm guessing it was in the finale.
  4. Could be! I just remembered him retweeting a friend who had harassed him about not eating dairy, and like @Midnight Lullaby wrote, his wife posts a lot about being anti-dairy, so I figured he was just going along with that. If he's back on the wagon, I approve. Cheese is one of life's greatest pleasures.
  5. Either it's Curtis talking about Paul, or Paul talking about Curtis and they pull a switcheroo and Paul bites it, sending Curtis on his inevitable death-inspired superhero journey.
  6. Kinda through the whole interview. His inability to look people in the eye when he's talking to them is probably not helping things. He looked elsewhere about 98% of the time.
  7. I felt optimistic after Genesis - which I thought was truly great. But then the following two eps happened, and I'm more excited for it to finally be over than to actually watch what happens, haha.
  8. I've always been really excited (at the very least nervously excited) for the last few eps of the season. I'm pretty indifferent about it this year - I just don't feel like there's much to look forward to. That's why I don't believe any recent ratings drops have much to do with Laurel. I stan hard for this show - it's my favorite - and even I don't care about the finale (and haven't really cared about what's going on the past few episodes).
  9. He claims he doesn't eat dairy (not sure I believe that), so if that's true he was probably worried about...something happening.
  10. I hope that's marinara beneath his lip and not the beginnings of a soul patch. ETA: It is marinara, and he had it on his face the whole time, lmao.
  11. Don't they do that, too? I thought they had killed at least a couple of baddies this year.
  12. I just wasn't sure if it was an all nukes are ballistic missiles but all ballistic missiles aren't necessarily nukes kind of situation.
  13. Ballistic missiles are mentioned in the preview, so it seems like something other than Rubicon threatens them in finale? I'm not up on my weapons though, so maybe they're the same thing.
  14. Glad to see Oliver keeps his bedroom decor on theme. Hope he gets that feels-related insomnia taken care of!
  15. I misunderstood, haha. Combined with the post before yours, your question is perfectly clear.
  16. I could be wrong, because I have no idea how far back in the thread the price list for CoH is, but I think the duos were like, £5 or so less than whatever the two people's individual photo op prices were? So theirs was probably more because SA's individual price was a lot higher than everyone else's.
  17. I'd really love to watch the version of The Flash that the people like James Queally are watching. I know Arrow isn't high art in the slightest, and that The Flash benefits by being "lighter," but it's kinda losing the thread IMO. Barry's still a dumbass who continues doing dumbass things, and the plots are kinda repetitive and hole-y. Although I guess maybe the holes are less likely to be called out when they involve time remnants and other made-up science-y things.
  18. From what I can tell - not sure if it'll be the same in the show - but there's a drug that he takes that increases his strength and speed for the hour after he takes it.
  19. I think he's probably talking about becoming mayor.
  20. Poor @nksarmi keeps having an issue with the board posting her reply before she's finished writing it, haha.
  21. He's so excited about this movie. I wish it was something I had even a small desire to see.
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