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Everything posted by heebiejeebie

  1. My problem with the camel/hump day ad is the suggestion that what we see with the yelling at camels is commonplace. What zoos do other people go to. I've seen people try to get the attention of animals but I have never heard anyone yelling "its hump day" at a camel let alone so many who I think actually expect a response of some sorts. I think Insurance companies really cannot resist running a general campaign concept into the ground.
  2. I don't know where this belongs. Because it isn't outrage or such. i guess here because I find the NFL having an official yoghurt an odd selling point. I also find Cam Newton a rather odd choice to schill it. I do love (as in mocking jeering scoffing) at how bad cam Newton is on camera. He has a pretty smile. but he actually starts delivering his next line before one actor is finished saying his. Definitely amusing. i hope someone with his best interests at heart is managing his money (and by that I mean not his family). Oh well at least it is not Peyton Manning. Still it is odd how few adverts the most recent winning quarterback of a Super bowl got in compare to, well others who have not or were soundly beaten by such.
  3. The editing seemed really coy. And reading about I have to wonder if a good part of Iain's over the top reaction was he knew someone else did it to him. Accident or deliberate the slightly dotty old dear caused his downfall And I think the chiding about not having his sponge to judge was a bit off. How bad would the other effort have to be to earn him the toss instead of ice cream less Iain? It is a bit of a shame that week prior one of the hostesess can drape herself over a contestant's shoulder to the point of performance distraction but neither can keep an eye on the tent to notice the ice cream being left out. Not their job I know but since someone else seems to have done it to another contestant and that cost him his place, the show seems to have stumbled a bit production wise and tried to put it all in Iain's hands. I wasn't invested in Iain one way or another but it does seem like he was cost his place in a manner that should not have been put on him. The mention of him giving them what he had seems like an admission on one hand that he might have gotten a pass, but also it managed to make their decision his fault entirely and something they simply had to do. I can see why it upset fans initially (and probably still).
  4. I'm gathering that the whole ride Tony to see if you want to put him the garage was really nothing more than churnign water for Mary and making sure to hammer a few more nails into the crosses that the poor poor miscommunicating Bates' must both bear. I'd sell everything I own and completely be the sole support of the closest PBS station for a year if i could get a promise that the two of them would hang by the end of this season. I'm so tired of them. The Russian outrage might have been rooted in some historical truth, but to me it just screamed a set up to put Bunting at odds once again with Robert. Fellowes doesn't just milk a cow dry, he takes the shoes he made from the carcass and shakes them over a glass in hopes. Nicholas might have been mourned as a symbol of what was lost, but considering how his own family not to mention any nobles who were part of the court considered him, I think the real anger of exiles would have been to blame poor Nicky for their predicament as much as mourn him. Fellowes did wiki how the revolution process started in Russia didn't he? Of course he didn't. Can edith just die of grief already? How many times do we get to see her stumble past someone else barely holding back tears? i'm guessing she has to trip over Isis at some point and kill what Robert loves most since she didn't burn the whole place down. Or introduce some contagion when she sneaks into the Drewes' cottage and brings it back to George and Sybbie. Since they seem to be dropping Germany as a possible plotline for her she can't be blamed for Hitler.
  5. Just wrap some tinsel around the telly, spray fake snow on the top and top it with a tiny tree and you have the exact same thing. The ratings for the Christmas theme'd marathon are telling. With the upcoming Valentine's Day min marathon I'm betting if it goes well, every day that can have a bunch of cheap fluffy romances built around will get their own three weeks in the sun. Fourth of July already has the fireworks meme to tie in. Labor Day could be movies that all end in a baby being born to Twu Romance. This is 2015 though, if you are going serve mancakes as the male lead, tap into the former Soap opera stables more please and take some shirts off. It is getting bad when the men seem to be recycling to the point I feel I am stuck watching ABC's The Bachelor. This week's villain is next week's romantic male lead. Also it is 2015. These people can have sex can't they? It seems like the movies get newer and the physical contact becomes more Amish. Of course if Candace Cameron is involved I'm betting this year's Christmas romances starring her will be lucky to have a handshake as the climax of love realized. Or maybe just a wave across the room. Anyhow it is not like you have to show it. You don't even have to show them in bed. But even the movies with married couples make them appear to have all the chemistry of a three-way. He she and the sheet with a hole they employ. The advantage to it being a non Christmas movie is not being distracted by the extras trying not to trip over the fabric piles or walk on the white carpet that pretends to be snow.
  6. So Violet gets the only real plot development since last season. Odd and amusing.
  7. For me as well it says something about the person who gets engaged to someone the movie makes clear aren't really into the person asking. And to mitigate tossing the engaged person aside so blithely they most often make the tossed a complete ass. Which opens it all even deeper as to why is that person with someone so shallow or greedy or creepy. Yes they often "hide" some attributes but it is still pretty clear. Dylan Bruce is worthless with his shirt on. Take note of that producers/directors. A very handsome man who manages to make himself unattractive with his clumsy poor acting. I do like him on Orphan Black though so I think a big part of his novel love movie performance was due to the director. The female lead was downright unlikeable a lot of the time, the writing was plain silly (someone quits that very day and everyone is all warm hugs and kisses? Don't think so, editor would have been pissed) and the acting of the male and female lead and the older woman who was his agent family friend was so over the top and cloying. It was the watching equivalent of being body wrapped in fly paper. And if I was faced by the rejection reason the female lead gave our simpering sap, I'd have heaved a huge sigh of relief to have dodged such an emotionally self absorbed asshole. In a way its good they did not have some conniving female villain trying to get the man because I would have been rooting for her. If this had been a re-telling of Samson and Delilah, I would have been chomping at the bit for the appearance of a pair of shears. A Hallmark reboot of Superman? Where's the big chunk of kryptonite. But as bad as that was, I found the movie that aired last night and watched this morning, even worse and could not even pay attention half way through. That was a real dump fiance piece of garbage. The lead male is all kinds of hot but he looked a bit scrawny here. They were in another movie that is older and part of the days of Christmas package. Not sure why you would reuse the same leads in different but similar roles. Especially so close together in viewing time since the flavor was very different. it was so weakly written that there was nothing to work with and the whole thing (that I paid any attention to) seemed incredibly flat. I get that these movies are froth and fluff. The movie last week was a bit bland but it had a more defined storyline for me.
  8. According to tv guide and my comcast this was the one BBC-A had set to air. Which would not be the first time they have skipped and gone back. I remember checking on Friday and then again on Saturday both. Mainly because I forgot to see what was one prior for a 10:15 start. And noticed because I find Jessie J annoying as hell and can't figure why Weinstein sits his fat ass on the couch. Mainly because one of my sisters attended a White House dinner and was stuck behind him going through the press room and he thought the room was there for him to give long long pompous commentary and not just pause for a couple of flashes. Huge douche. Still I'm puzzled why as of 8 pm last night it was still saying it was going to air and then never did. Some Heather Graham movie instead? I guess she never guest starred on Star Trek so they had to settle on this film instead.
  9. While I love the take on the conversation between Zanna and Dmitry, it makes me wonder how many times this season has the same thing essentially happened? Zanna makes an observation about a particular designer only to have a more specific judging prove her absolutely wrong. She was trying to say Dmitry needed to change to win. He didn't change even though he politely agreed he wanted and should have a win. Tim Gunn has been just as bad last two seasons of the original recipe version. I never liked Coles to a huge degree because I felt there was Nina Garcia type "I will always know more and better than you" arrogance in some of her critiques. But the plus was that she did have fashion knowledge and sense. Whereas from what I have seen of Zanna she just wants to be in front a camera no matter what and will let anything fall from her lips as long as it is noise and keeps the camera on her. I don't doubt for an instant her exchange with Dmitry was in part prompted by her deciding to make a cutting room moment for herself.
  10. I'm not sure of the verdict either. The show tends to ignore or gloss over details so they get to tell a story that has a suspenseful reveal. So maybe there was more about the husband than we saw that lent to his guilt. I think he was a crappy husband. I think he probably was involved with the foster daughter. Maybe not physical but it went beyond any "father - daughter" relationship. Flirting and petting at the minimum I suspect. I'm guessing he had a totally inappropriate relationship with the foster daughter that developed into a us versus her mentality with both (her being the murdered wife). I wonder if the husband had reached the point he said aloud how perfect their life would be without the wife. I'm not sure I believe that he masterminded the whole thing. Or even at all. From the amount of rage involved in the murder, the foster daughter certainly had it in her to commit the crime on her own. I just have a hard time thinking the husband thought he could convince the foster daughter to stab his wife to death just so he would be free and get the money. I think you can have a husband who falls out with his wife and have a teen who has no feelings for the wife except anger and resentment or even hate pick that up and act on it thinking she is going to "fix" the situation to her liking. I wondered at first if the wife found the two of them together and that was why both decided she had to go. But, while I missed a segment that won't load, I never heard that in the trial. And I would think that would have been introduced since they were trying to paint him as the mastermind who lead the foster daughter to being the murderer. Wouldn't that have played into his motive to do so if he was raping (she is a foster daughter. don't care if she agrees, it is rape) the girl and the wife knew? What I did think telling was the savagery involved in the stabbing. To me that not only says rage and hate but it also says the murderer might have been caught up in a pyschosis of detruction. Not just killing her but removing her existence as completely as possible. Cutting the wife out in every way so she could take the woman's place. Again. I do think the husband was a creep who seemed to revel in the largesse his wife afforded him. I just don't think that alone is an indictment that deserves a life sentence. And the foster daughter's word is hardly enough. I've seen too many idiots who lose a spouse or parent or even a child who have nothing to do with the death still go nuts with money. Sometimes it is simply the way they express their grief. Other times it is simply they are greedy assholes. But it doesn't make them murderers. I can't help but wonder if his guilt bought into the bad adult mitigation which people can deal with better than the idea a foster "child" can stab her mother as many times as she did.
  11. whimsey98 That was my huge bad. I only watch the runway anymore and with the volume on half mute most of the time. I thought I heard someone say something about haute courture and thought it was that challenge. You are right, it was simply the Avante Garde challenge. But I think it is safe to say you could replace my mistake with the reality and pretty much most of my statements stand. It did seem odd that Dmitri wasn't called on his past design redux. Or that so many of the contestants, Jay, Fabio, Sonjia and Helen aren't being reamed for an Avante Garde challenge and they are producing what amounts to theme'd versions of their same old same old.
  12. RE: Pampers Not a huge niche in the market but I could see this being helpful if you are traveling. Yeah most trips have places you can change a baby but as mentioned above about the kid sleeping? , especially say ,take your infant to Australia and the kid is asleep? On a plane full of people three hours in to a fifteen hour flight? Wrap 'em double I say and send Child Services my way all you want. And since coughing is now a huge social crime (get a dvr Delsum douche mom and your reality show self centered-ness) I can't help but think a crying baby on a really long flight is about three seconds from passengers going nuts on the tykes parents.
  13. I've only seen the extended preview and ads but I did come away with this. From what I saw, like Jeopardy, the show is not going to delve too deeply into the real intellectual challenge aspect. Because if the show truly operated at the level these kids are suppose to be at, the rest of us wouldn't understand a damn thing. They'll throw in a couple of toughies, but I'm betting most of it will be stuff you might not know to answer, but you recognize when it is mentioned (sort of like how Jeopardy has gotten pretty bad that if the category is Opera no matter what the money, at least one answer will be dealing with Mozart, one with Puccini and one with Wagner it seems) Also I'm betting no matter how smart the kids, if the parents aren't bringing the crazy 'Lil Einstein can go MC squared. It is shows like this that make me wish hell did exist. So no matter what level I'm roasting at, I know there are some people a couple levels hotter and more painful.
  14. Just make the ruffles bigger. I just saw an ad that included Justin's look from last night and I realized it was like one of those routines that do one side of the body dressed as say Stevie Wonder and the other side as Paul McCartney to sing Ebony and Ivory. Only in this case the model looked like she was a man in drag who would break out in a baton routine to the theme of Dynasty since the dress and styling was some bizarre horrific melding of that show's Joan Collins and Linda Evans.
  15. I really hate this. I think Chris gets a bit envious of the fun and he can't help himself. But for me it hijacks the show and can bring the flow to a screeching halt when he takes over in midst stream. I loathe the fact the show seems to think there needs to be some kind of opening "bit". But I will take the rant over the filmed bit I think they tried at least twice. The new set is really odd. And the lighting is not flattering to Chris. It makes him look like he has had bad work done or an unfortunate run in with botox and hair plugs gone a bit awry.
  16. Considering how Kris insanely thinks she will be so much more wonderful in the public's eye if she copies her porn star daughter with the fake ass, I could actually see Kris not being unhappy about the wild rumor about Kylie since it would hand Kris her own mixed baby on a silver platter. Kylie doesn't have much so maybe she is going to go into the trenches as Kris' brood mare and save her greedy ass mother the costs involved with adoption. Or should I say potential nanny placement.
  17. I don't care how much Brandi loathes Eddie and Leann (though any bets how soon she'd take him back if he decided to do a 180 on Leann?), how much he hurt her. Skank better have sent both a gift basket for mentioning her. Imagine the cameras on her (I suspect they cherrypicked an episode to make it work) and Eddie and Leann not mentioning her or referring to her AT ALL? Crickets would be deafening. And Brandi could be shown the door by the show's production/casting tout suite. What else has she got. Aromatic oils and a scented candle Brandi. That way when Eddie bangs the purse in the bathroom he has to think of you. Win win in the world of scum.
  18. So glad Justin finally left. I was so tired of him. And even more of Helen and Michelle trying to show what magnificent humans they are because they CARE so much about him. Blech. Jay is sketching so much better than he is designing. I like his work over all but on this show it seems like he can't figure out how to get the vision to the body form in the amount of time given. Everything that wasn't bad wasn't haute couture. I think, like Top Chef, but even more, the show gets so invested in THE CHALLENGE they think that allow is what makes for compelling viewing. Well it doesn't. Top chef's lackluster line up this season makes Restaurant War meaningless. This season of All stars is even more ho-hum so the HC challenge is stupid and inane as such. Throw in time constraints and it becomes ridiculous. And people who are supposed to be at this level having a "theme" handed to them for this challenge. Is moronic. All you should do is give them enough money and time and tell them to create a HC and if it ain't no matter how pretty? It sits on the bottom. It is time both the judges and the contestants learn the meaning of the word or at least be forced to follow the definition. Blech.
  19. And here Anna could have just gone to the store about some fresh handkerchiefs instead of the mortification of birth control.
  20. God that sucks. Talk about rotten employment luck Next time you interview for a job you might want to counter their questions with a simple "do you follow state and federal evacuation orders". if the answer was no and you still want a job I'd pay close attention to all those 'Sue 'em" ads lawyers put out there and make sure you have some numbers. People have made quite a bit of money off of idiots who don't follow the common sense laws most do. Heck my cousin right out of college spent three weeks being bounced from one Home depot to another and back again as the threat of hurricanes along the gulf sent him and the rest of the regional managerial staff scurrying with stores opening and closing. Not to mention two years back's camping trip and driving through two huge ghost town shopping strips before it occurred to us that maybe there was a reason everything was closed. Again nothing person but you have really bad luck in a post Katrina world.
  21. Also the determination by one religious group to try and make the rest of the world act according to that group's beliefs is ludicrous. using violence or the threat of it should make millions march in my view. Damn I miss Stephen. I think we would get way more from him and his writers on various hypocrisies as well as the true (already done on his show more than once) issue of free speech and expression versus the advocating of hate and violence which is something even here in the states we find a crime. Land o' Liberty and all. Instead we have mostly unfunny silliness (why not just have Jon fart La Marseillaise) and two segments devoted to nothing more than a Presidential hopeful (doubtful) with copies of books to sell and a bolstering of false moderatism that an appearance on the show lets him pretend to. I wish Jon's movie had done better so he would move on as much as I do love and appreciate what he has done with this show or it had done much much worse and he could settle back down since the election cycle is beginning already. Maybe that will give him more focus and resolve. Because so far in 2015, I find the show pretty much a huge miss. That or Larry's show might rustle up something on tDS. Maybe some good old fashioned in house friendly rivalry. Something. Please? Something?
  22. I'm not sure what is worse. The fact the show is desperate enough to use someone who changed their name to "prince" and was adopted by a man who did the same and don't have an ounce of the Anhalt blood in their veins or any of the style or societal mores they think the name automatically gives them. Yeah those actually come from within and despite the class snobbery aren't something you are born with. But if you were? Neither this dunce or the tool he bought himself as "daddy" would qualify. Morons. But then you have Kristin Cavalleri. I'm guessing after forcing her quarterback down the aisle popping out a couple of monthly child support checks and several attempts via her skeleton bestie Rancic to wedge her onto to E! permanently only to fail, she will do just about anything, including lick Stanger's ass to be in front of a camera as a "personality". Is it fame? Is it the idea that her husband is pretty charm free, probably doesn't have long as a first string player and bringing in the cash (when are people going to learn that football players are rich only in the moment if they don't do some serious investing and refuse to adopt the silly lifestyle of having that contract pay for the rest of their life?) and likely at best will have local car dealership promos to pay the mortgage? Or that he already regrets having not continued with his initial regrets that kept him from marrying her the first time? Still I just can't decide what is the most pathetic here? Pretending Cavalleri has anything to do with anything I can get. Bravo and E both are the networks aimed pretty much at making as many people famous for being famous. Even on a small scale. But Cavalleri had to know her stock, as penny as it is, has taken a huge tumble if this is what is putting her on television. Maybe she can convince Jake to do a couple therapy reality show before he finally tires of her completely. But surely there is a Borghese who needs a camera that a shopping network fix won't fulfill?
  23. But i don't think Leslie hates Ron. And I'm not just going by my gut but how Amy played those scenes. She hates where Ron's action have put them. And I think the rage she kept expressing was because Ron put himself so far on the other side from her on the same issues that set the series off in the first place just on a much larger scale. It is a park. Yes there is the whole issue that I suspect will either be mentioned to death but never actually revealed in its fullest or be the onion of contention that gets peeled back a little bit each episode. In either case, I don't believe or feel from what we saw last night that Leslie hates Ron for an instant. They could surprise me have actually deep the divide and never heal it in any way but if I had to place a bet I'm guessing as the battle goes on we see Ron and Leslie once again the incredible friends they are with deeply opposing outlooks on life and business but working together for a true common cause (the park, not drying a stake through the heart of Jammy).
  24. Rubio has all the charm of Mitt Romney and nowhere near the old JC Penney male model with young boy as his son in underwear pointing at something looks.
  25. Yeah I think that is what made it such a great bit. It was simply called a re-boot I believe. I re watched bits and did think the Tammy 2 imitation was one of the best bits of the show. That and the address to the people of Gotham.
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