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Everything posted by heebiejeebie

  1. Not to mention not paying a cent of true emotional cost when the giddy "fun" turns destructive and dark and despairing for all truly involved. Brandi wasn't doing shit for Kim. Brandi was trying to do shit for Brandi. I bet if the cameras had not been there Brandi would have been too busy sitting her black hole of a sagging ass at the kitchen counter topping her wine glass.
  2. What is odd is that there was a bit on another board about how they changed it. They shot an ad using the real word. And then replaced it. Not only that but they forgot initially and in closed cpationing the real word was there. but they spent money and pulled it so the inserted fake word was put in instead. Insane. Acura? How does your car make me drive like a boss? How is being a boss a car that answers the phone automatically without your knowldge? Yeah. That's Carl Icahn auto-ness there.
  3. What is so disturbing about Brandi is how incredibly destructive and harmful her behavior is beyond the silly caught on camera intrusive and inappropriateness of it all. The last thing an addict who has fallen needs it someone isolating them. Making them feel like everyone else around them is "against" them. Enhancing and encouraging their feelings of entitlement and justification for bad choices made. Addiction specialists around the world should unite and beat Brandi like they are Russians and it is Baby Seal season. Whether Brandi is identifying her own addiction with Kim's or worse, it is exploiting a moment for her own advantage, well being of others be damned. This is toxic and even potentially fatal behavior. The show needs to start addressing that shit stirring is one thing. Feeding into an addict's fall from grace on camera is something else entirely.
  4. Yeah rehoboth, I think Brandi knows her feud with Lisa Vanderpimp only gets her so far as keeping her on the re-signing list for future seasons. Ironically Kyle being willing to interact with Brandi at the top of the season might have played a role in Brandi staying on as full HW and not just a friend since Vanderpimp has been intent on freezing her out. I'm not sure if it is yet another round of Vanderpimp being "over" something and therefore everyone else has to be or whether she finally realized that freezing Brandi out in this manner leaves her little to work with storyline wise and helps open the door to hopefully shove her through it come another season. I wonder if the fact that even if just playing for the cameras, Kyle didn't go into full nasty reality show feud mode and at the very least appears to want some kind of rapprochement with Vanderpimp and Brandi decided to throw herself entirely behind using Kim as her drama/relevance vehicle at the same time getting a dig at Kyle i do wonder what we would have seen if Brandi was not three sheets to the wind herself. Nasty I'm sure. But I think it is telling that Kyle is on Cohen's show tonight. It seems production at the least has chosen a side. Sober Brandi might have read the rest a bit better and not decided to make it all about her. No. I'm serious.
  5. Being cancer (Monty) I was thinking Dilaudid. But the more I saw of Kim the more I also think she might have taken a painkiller and also migh thave already fallen off the wagon. The weirds back and forth in the limo was beyond chilling in how Kim seemed to flip a switch, convince herself she hadn't then flip back again in what looked like actualy seconds, not just condensed editing.
  6. First a couple of holy shits. Holy shit what was Lisa Vanderpimp wearing in the little clip about Gigi? the flowered thing with the ruffle and the fact I'm pretty sure witnesses could give a sketch artist plenty to work with in regards to tracking her down via her genitalia. holy shit how evil is Brandi to use Kim's addiction and dysfuntional disorder to separate her from Kyle? I'm not saying Kyle is right and maybe she is part of the problem. But those last few minutes showed clearly that Brandi is not and never will be part of a solution. To pretend that Kyle pushing her was somehow unprovoked. I would have hauled back and laid that flabby sack of skin wrapped around bones and plastic down to the floor with my fist two seconds after that arm went up. Holy shit did Yolanda barely repress her cackle of glee in her talking heads about having both daughters as models? Jesus woman put that erection away already. Nice to once again marginalize what family you had growing up. You were not in some Nazi factory. you were modeling. If you had not been modeling likely both you and your brother and mother would have survived just fine. Get the fuck over yourself. Holy Shit Kyle get a stylist already. Walking beside Kim who many ways is just a slighter version of yourself as seen when you hug, in those sandals and that dress? You looked like a talking stump from some Disney Woodland Fairy Tale Musical. I know this is unfair but gambling for some reasons touches buttons with me. For some drinking is unpalable. Or marijuana. Or porn. Or all those other things we each have an issue with. Or maybe not. Still gambling is something I just find character challenging if you will. No offense to gamblers. I just find it yucky. How's that for being intelligent? So it doesn't help eeing Eileen and her husband since something just has always seemed off to me. Unpopular opinion I know. I get that the Vanderpimp might not either be all that eager to share fantasies. Both Brandi and Lisa Rinna have always thought their version of bawdy makes them fun and even more attractive. While I think both women have different levels of were to go, I also find both dead wrong in their assessment. But I hate people like the Vanderpimp who wait until everyone opens up before dismissing it as being beneath them. It might have been chance tonight but I have seen her do this again and again. I can get being dismissive of a topic but to me she always does it in a way that dismisses not just the person who brought it up but she does it in a way of anyone who dares engage and have a bit of fun (for once I actually could get Kyle and the stripping fantasy even though I find stripping no matter what the gender stripping creedy and cheesy and completely unattractive as a means of selling sex). Vanderpimp always somehow not only dismisses it but makes sure the rest beg for her participation. Which to me is just passive agressive bullshit.
  7. I will definitely be rewatching to catch the fake "historical" references. I howled at the Freeman Woodley bit. I liked the first episode tonight much more. I think in huge part the random silly bits April revealed as to what else the Harrison museum offered. I was actually hoping we would get the feud stretched out a bit more. And I would have been fine if Morningstar was left unanswered. As long as the rest of the season was strong. And I did think it was. It just felt too neat and I enjoy when the writers and the actors get to play something out. Being the last I like the fact this is one of the few sitcoms to consistently write storylines that carry over multi episodes and almost have a religious awe and duty to give some of the most silly and delightful nuanced bits to characters and backgrounds that pop back up in the oddest and yet best places. I think the show made a huge leap after the two initial episodes. Looking back at last week's and I feel in some ways this it was a bit like watching a long jumper in slow motion. Last week was the leaping run to get momentum. Tonight's two were seeing the athlete take air.
  8. This is true, but the convenient for the plot jerk moments still leave me with the impression that he's a jerk. For me it is reverse. I think Lord Grantham since season two has been pretty much almost nothing but a jerk but then has the plot twist to redeem him (at at least attempt to in my opnion) or mitigate him being an asshole. Whether it is a stupid Walton's Mountain cricket match win or the downright bizarre convolutions to rehabilitate him in the fallout following Sybil's death to having the straw horse of Bunting say the right things but at the wrong times and in the wrong manner. I've always felt that Robert and Mary have turned out to, more often than not, be the voice of what Fellowes thinks and feels about certain issues and how tragic it is that the poor homosexual loving, black entertaining, thief/molester (Thomas crawled into bed and tried to fondle someone, had it been a woman the howls would have been heard by the audience around that Atlantic) hiring Earl and his way of life are being put to shelf. No matter how stuck in the mud over certain select issues Robert is, Fellowes makes sure to show how anachronistically and completely out of character enlightened he is overall on an issue today by the end of the season.
  9. I do hate when Jon and the show provide a vehicle for the likes of Huckabee, O'Reilly or Rubio to point to and strengthen their base to show non-show fans how "moderate"and "willing they are. Most people watching regularly can right through their bullshit. The problem is when morning news shows simply show a line or even just the bloated privilged pig smirking at the desk across from Jon and it lends them a much different image than their own words and the rest of their actions do. The real issue I have is that Jon will skewer them in segment after segment. He will mock them politely but thoroughly during their appearance on the show. But then subsequenting tell us, the audience, in a following bit about them, how in real life they are such a great nice person He has done that with O'reilly and Huckabee both. I find both to be hate mongerers or just whores of hate opportunity if deep down they are simply spouting what they do for cash. In either case that is what I find bad about these people being on Jon's show. Somehow they tweak his ego or simply his good will by having been on his show. We got sold the John McCain package in part because he played Jon and the show so well imo. I bought it. But looking back I think McCain was playing the reasonable moderate conservative (none of the other three come close I will admit) and in no way was actually the affable laughing McCain we saw prior to 2008 on the show. I don't blame Jon for that. I blame McCain. But I do think the show mitigates some real disgusting people in ways that I just wish it would not.
  10. I'm not sure if that was a directing problem or a set design one. Or both. In either case I thought it was jarring since it happened with someone who is a going to be a regular It's not huge but it seemed like something they should have worked out before the first airing. I love Larry. I like his approach in a segment. I'm just not sure it will hold up night after night. Plus I felt like his segment tried to be both the singular themed one that he did on TDS and what the TDS usually does in the opener. But it also skewed a bit like Colbert did in covering a sequence of related but still different current events of the day. And here it just ended a bit jumbled. I'm not sure I like the panel notion here. Panels are hard and depend on a smooth host to make sure it works and even than relies on the members to not suck the air out of the room or get off topic in a way that is boring. I was not enthralled last night at all with the panel. I do like the 100. And I loved that Larry wasn't buying Booker at all. There are things I like about Booker, but at the end of the day I get a strong whiff of politics about him. Much much stronger than I ever did, with say, Obama or Edwards right before they ran for the first time. Too much of a "who, me? aww shucks" bit to ring true. Sure I'd take him over Hillary any day. I'm just not willing to gush or giggle over him. I never thought The CR was smooth out the gate. And even when it found its stride initially, I wasn't that big of a fan of the show as a whole. It was only when TDS seemed to cede devoting the whole show to a specific new story or meme to TCR that I felt the show came into its own (and by that I mean TDS seemed to only devote real insight to issues that either outraged or were so pervasive -- too many times I saw their initial take on an issue as "oh the media paying attention to that is just silly *giggle*" whereas TCR hunkered down and looked at things a bit tougher and more thorough right out the gate -- the so called IRS scandal, bridgegate to name two off the top of my head). So I'm definitely going to give it a chance to find itself. And in many ways TDS has grown so much better than when Jon took over and that has definitely been thanks to election coverage. So I think starting in 2015 is a good place for the show to expand and evolve as 2016 gets closer and closer and the idiocy already starts. Oh course it could falter even if eve election madness initially helps the show. But I think the social political landscape being so active as it will can only help the show find what kind of voice it and Larry give. I do like a show that can be a commentary on this area, focus perhaps a bit more toward entertainment and avoid the pimping product placement interview that often ends up feeling tacked on or simply out of place entirely. I get that TDS has become a "get" and TCR did too, But in character Colbert was always a much better interviewer than Jon was or ever will be. Larry is a good conversationalist it seems but I would be glad to take a bland panel over the interview that is for sure.
  11. Dunkin Donuts needs to hire better writers. To say something tastes good because it essentially tastes like the components it claims to be made of is just stupid. I've eaten a donut from their establishment after they stopped making at site and while even if blind, would have found it a "donut" I would not have said it tasted good, let alone it tasted good as a donut because it tasted like a donut, So the whole taste like "turkey sausage" is hardly a selling point when turkey sausage is what you are claiming to sell in the first place. As a little kid I heard about botox and know even before it was approved by the FDA in the early nineties it was widely used. Now it is much more commonplace but before 2000 it mentioned on shows like Roseanne and The Nanny to name two of the many more (I watched too much Nick at Night into the wee hours). So I'm thinking it was probably more like thirty years ago the idea of shooting poison into your face would have been laughed at if not looked at with derisive awe. Twenty years ago I'm guessing the wave was starting but still already there in a "where can I get that" kind of way. ETA: Other than two brothers who used to be firemen trying to create (and exploit) the whole Fireman thing, does anything see any connection at all with the subs they name and claim are rooted in firehouse traditions? Wait. I take that back. I realize all this time every time I see a hook-n-ladder fire truck go by I think "ham and cheese" No. on third thought I don't. At all. I remember my oldest sister was a huge cooking fan and the firehouse theme in the early nineties was huge in the cookbook and television shows area. So a cafe or diner chain that employed the tradition of good solid homecooking might not hit the nutrition/portion areas of concern in customers, but I think economically a good hearty meal that is a value would be a huge selling point. Not another sandwich place that has no really bearing on its name or theme.
  12. I failed to note who was the guest despite the constant and, by me, much appreciated efforts of trow125. Wasn't paying attention during the show either so when I saw the guest it took me a moment since I missed the caption underneath, who the incredibly pear shaped obese man was at the desk with Jon. Hit mute. and just laughed my ass off at how bloated and huge in the middle Huckabee has let himself become. I hope it hurts when he shits.
  13. Especially when Huckabee espouses a lot of what, when Joe feels he needs to pander to the middle, is rabidly and vocally against no matter how much Huckabee tries to wrap it in front porch "gosh' and 'gee' geniality. I think the moderates and just slightly left that are potential vote fluctuations see right through Huckabee no matter how folksy and friendly he tries to see even as he espouses what, to me amounts to hate and intolerance on his best day. And how freaking huge is he getting? On The Daily Show he looked as wide at the waist as he is tall! Where was Mika's "set down the donut" joshing tirade she has had no problem giving others? I'm thinking from what I have seen of Huckabee is he actually incredibly thin skinned and I wonder if the show knows that by now? I recall him being on once before and it never, ever came up he had a show on a competiting network or held to account for comments he made there on the very matter they then discussed on MJ. Weight is an issue. I get that. But it reminds me of my late great aunt who said "Republicans were born without an upper lip" (which seems to be true more often than not") and white men who gain power and privilege tend to do so starting at the waist. Dick Cheney, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Dick Morris and several others at one point or another have all proven this true. I always use to say it was the demon they agreed to let be incubated within in exhange for power in the contract they signed with devil reaching full term.
  14. To be fair though, why do some people love mushrooms on pizza and others don't? Or a dog barking keeps one person up and it doesn't another? I think part of it is in strong part because Fellowes is rather one note even with what he does well So some people notice some things and they annoy and others note others, For me the naming seems a bit lazy from a writer's tandpoint. In a book it would be maddening to have so many names alike (Robert Jordan and George R R Martin made and are making millions though there is that). Doesn't matter if there were a millions Daisys in the same house as a million Roses and Ivys and Flowers, Bugs, Bees and Trees if it annoys people who might overlook such matters if the overall writing was better or not so self-derivative I suspect. I know the lower the quality overall or the less I am engaged in a book or a movie the easier it is to be annoyed with something that I might not otherwise find tripping or even noticeable. Or despite the show being the bestest ever ,could simply be the 'mushroom on that pie' type of annoyance. I guess in future, at least as my posts are concerned, I'm simply airing my thoughts and feelings. Not trying to drag someone over to the dark side or "convince" them to see things exactly my way. I think my biggest issue with Edith is that Marigold is English not French or German seeming for the adoption agency or initial adopted parents to have provided. So the name came either from Edith (which I suspect) and therefore insane since it harkens to her sister and nemesis Mary. Or it came from the Drewes. Which is odd since she would and should have come with a "name" when she was placed in their home. I can't see them giving her a new name or having her arrive as "orphan". And even if she did, I would think if Drewe was willing to take the child on for Edith he would have given her the consideration to naming her. But this is one of those plotlines were Fellowes is at his weakest as it makes people go to the extreme of common sense or logic. Something that many people do. But the problem is he then sets that matter in a paradigm that insists we as viewers follow certain rules that leap in the face of what ends up being rank stupidity. Just having Edith trying to hide the child from her family would be enough. She easily could have included Mrs, Drewe in the knowing and have plenty of more logical and even more compelling (for me at least) tension and suspense and drama.
  15. Running it in between the two shows makes it easy to misunderstand walnutqueen. I get that Bravo doesn't want to just cast aside a show because someone died tragically. Let alone speak at the top of the show in any way that pulls the curtains back and shows how fake these relationship shows are getting (I wonder if Millionaire Matchmaker's production is behind the new slant on singles candid reality shows BRAVO is putting out?) But maybe they should have devoted more than a graphic to the matter? I think Gregg Plitt would have jumped at the chance to be a regular on VPR. He was more than happy to play Jackie Warner's grungy bad boy and have a "relationship" with a co star. Did Mystery Millionaire and now this. If Lisa could have fit a trainer into the show's storyline as a regular he would have jumped all over it. And, I guess too late to speak ill of the dead, from what I knew of him, would have fit right in and loved every minute of the camera time. From a girl he pursued after Workout, he came off as charming for ten seconds and vapid self aborbed for the remaining 50 and anything past a minute made you long for a root canal and she actually had a picture of him looking at himself in the reflection of a glass at the table they were sitting at. Damn fine body though. Certainly better by far than anything on this one. If I have to look at Schwartz or Kristin's pretend boyfriend in a swimsuit again this season I'm going to have to record more and ff through as I cannot stand either's skinny-flab white puffiness. Schwartz looks like he is preparing for the role as a popped open can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. For a model his body is so soft and doughy and yet scrawny at the same time I immediately "put a shirt on". Of course when Jax comes on I yell the same thing Well first I yell "put a bag over it, a family size one cause that noggin is something even Linus would find threatening."
  16. CoolWhipLite I'm fine with most whistling but I feel your pain. There was a small persistent trend in sitcoms last year where each scene would have a weird cacophony disguised as "music" to carry the break between scenes that drove me nuts. I think Mom or Two Broke Girls started it and there were a couple of short lived sitcoms on NBC that also used it -- the one with the sad failed Superman Routh was one of the worst. I'm not sure what to call those riffs but they literally hurt my ears and made me all ragey. The trend seems to have died already along with most of the shows that featured it. The closest analogy I can come up with is take that screeching old man from the H&R blocks and his "get your billions back America" and translate it into some kind of electronic percussion 30 second track and you might have some idea. That guy on the H&R Block ads makes me wish they would stop all research and development in Smell or Taste o vision (no matter what the best episode of Top Chef can inspire) and work instead, tout suite on Punch in the Face o Vision.
  17. I think Ariana represents the dichotomy that exists for all these people On one hand they work there. On the other hand they are eagerly jumping through silly hoops and playing some kind of late eighties tween dating board game that too many seem to get more invested than just playing a part would or should allow. And while Ariana clearly thinks she is "above" it which I suspect is in huge part because a lot of what she is doing is fake, she is also stupid enough to realize that the disdain she seems to have shows through and illustrate why she is on the show and attention whoring for the Vanderpimp while serving up drinks and not a regular actress on a real scripted drama/comedy and why the only talk show she will ever be asked on is Cohens where she has to simper and pout and pretend to find him witty and fun in between him spacing out every time he sees something sparkle flash or merely reflect the lifght for an instant. I think she is probably the smartest of the bunch and has no real emotional ties to anyone. Including that vapid rat toothed Tom she dates (At least for the show, they seem even faker than he did with Kristen and that was before Kristen started that bizarre method acting approach to letting her inner crazy just take the fuck over). So part of what I sense is that she thinks when the cameras are off she can "go back" to what she is and the rest of them are way too invested in this show being IT. But smarter than the rest of them doesn't mean she isn't a raging moron in not realizing that for her? This is IT, too.
  18. Yeah I'm guessing most of the dislike for one or both of the hosts has to do simply with them and not an appreciation or lack thereof of "Brit humor" which while it might seem homogenous comes in all shapes sizes and soundbites. What with it just ebing like that everywhere at the end of the day. I do think just one might lower the forced efforts of the other and it seems Mel is always a bit more interested in delivering up info instead of a soundbite. I do wonder if Diana was miffed at finding someone's work ina freezer she felt it did not belong, took it out and didn't really think it through as to what she was doing. Ultimately it is one the show to sort it out so the mitigation from her camp seems a bit over defensive since we do know she took it out and we do know what happened to it and the level of melt I find not matching the production's timeframe excuse no matter how hot it was. There were stumbles, Iain paid for it and it seems odd if the show was as strong for the decision to send him home to put it all on him really in the end. That is what I have an issue with when they could have been pro-active on the shoot with weather or they could have tweaked it to let Iain stay and tell them two would be going home next challenge.
  19. I missed this Was it really tacked to the end of VPR? That is so incredibly odd and random seeing as his new show was scheduled to follow right after (I did not see if it did and think it crude and crass and rather disgusting if it did....i.e. BRAVO). Why wouldn't it be on the airing of the fake relationship show they slapped together hoping that 1. no would notice it was nothing more than a revamped version of the previous Singles Experiment which turned out to be nothing but a slightly spun version of yet another singles pretend to hook up candid reality show. Again....i.e. BRAVO. Or why would wonk eyed Cohen be given the part as the live/up to date voice of BRAVO programming to mention it instead and try to at least put some kind of spin as to why the fake show is still going to be run (I have sympathy for the Plitt family but he seems like he was just downright stupid and it caught up with him -- nice body, overtweaked face and huge famewhore...may he rest in peace -- I wonder if WE will trot out his just Mystery Millionaire episode? They are worse than BRAVO in terms of grace and class). Vail is someone who strikes me hard and heavy as someone who needs to have constant affirmation that she is PRETTY and hot and boys like her. and is too shallow and self absorbed and has been lucky in life enough despite her powdered woes to not know what to do with it once she has it or really care to. In other words perfect casting. More and more as I watch these people who are my age or horrifically even older and living the life the guy who moves out to live with a bud while delivering pizzas for rent and free grub so he can otherwise play video games all day, sleep to 2 pm and basically think he is living the life at the age of nineteen, I'm amused and find it not only a huge ego boost at where I am. But I also wonder in L.A. just how many Peters Jaxs and Toms there are who refuse to give up and just settle in low rent scuzzy apts that will never be a home or have a true life. Because this small representation clearly thinks via this show they have it made. That is what makes watching this a save from being so sad and pathetic as a whole. They go to San diego to mingle in a pool smaller than mine with a broken down sound system some skanky babes and buds who the fuck knows what is in the water and these people think they are living Large! I can be a thrown it down and leave it where it is kind of guy. For a day. Cameras coming? You could perform bowel surgery on my floors counters and pretty much every other surface. So I have to wonder if Peter is just that dim or if he actually thinks the filthy chaos makes him look youthful and "free". All it does to me is make him look like one of the mule riders of the VPRpoxalypse.
  20. I don't need or even care if Hallmark ever does a same sex romance. I would like to know they know we exist. It seems downright pathetic in this day and age. they can sell us cards celebrating us but they get their panties in a bunch? Seems they are trying to have it both ways. And endless reruns of the Golden Girls is not going to work as some kind of sop. And not just because I loathe the Golde Girls. Give me the original Designing Women and I might calm down a little. But I am really letting myself get annoyed at how provincial and disgustly outdated they are in their judgement by omission.
  21. I can't help but think Peter lives in a pretend world where he is the shirtless, or at least shirt open three quarters hero of some old late seventies romance novel and women are just waiting for the moment to swoon with heaving breasts into his arms. Just because. And there is an underlying perplexity why women aren't doing this. His hair is low on the douche scale but it is still on there. He also looks and acts like he has a few years left before he skips to Vegas and hopes to be added to the cast of gigolos. Peter seems as scintillating and charming as Jax's latest scar. But I think someone needs to point out to Jax that part of his critique seemed based on the fact he has never seen Peter fuck another woman I think most men fall into that category of co-workers and friends. You might suspect it. you might witness circumstantial evidence, but Jax seems to have the coitus rundown in rather intimate details that I find reflects a lot more on Jax than it does the guys he is lording it over. and again. Servicing people is not the same as "game". Pox/Jax needs to think on that. Once he figures out how to use his brain for something other than simple gratification of gazing at the tree stump of a head and thinming how pretty he is. I just wish the cast had bucked Lisa and as a wholehad simply frozen Stassi out. Force the Madame herself to slur and over drawl with Stassi alone and no matter how interesting Vanderpimp thinks the girl who raided the dumpster behind Anne Taylor Loft, Stassi would be gone. I do wonder if Eileen had anything to do with sending tattered Vail the Vanderpump way. It seems awfully coincidental that Eileen joins one show and Vail joins the other. Sort of like Scheana and Brandi. I've never bought the ridiculous various backstories Vanderpimp keeps doling out whichever agenda she is pursing. L.A. in some ways is a small town but it is not that small. If not, if Lisa was really as smart as she is greedy, crass and attention addicted, she would have hidden cameras catching Vail manning the hostess desk the day Eileen is brought in for one of Lisa's martyred fake gatherings.
  22. Other than the Christmas season Lifetime likes salacious. Maybe WE or Oxygen will get back into the romantic made for tv movie Matt Cedeno and Laura Pepon were in one and Matt was shritless more than once proving there is a god. And he is either gay or a healthy hetero woman. Is there even the offensive safe "pet" gay who helps the heroine with her clothes does at least one finger snap and a "girlfriend" in a single Hallmark movie? Or don't we exist outside of buying their overpriced cards?
  23. Eh if you're not going use Antonio Cupo as the lead why bother to hire him. He is definitely one of the better actors they use. Autumn can be wonderful in even the worst so it really seems weird to cast two that I think have a nice following in this odd little niche thanks to the Thanksgiving Parade film, I know a lot of disparate folks mention it as one of the few Hallmark marathon entries they will sit through. And put them at what looks like odds for the end. Odd enough as I already said, to match two again as leads when they already have a smll bit perhaps identifiable assocation elsewhere on the same channel. And then it looks like Crumple Face McGhee is the eventual romantic interest. The guy has a smoking bod but he is so weird in his inflections and the slight movement of his face is either Did Not Want To Know orgasm face or he looks like he is passing a kidney stone, and yet another instance of having hiring someone who should have at least one shirtless scene. Hire pretty bland soft guys who look good in something Rick santorum would wear and be done with it already. Hire from the neck up. Not from the neck down.
  24. No. I meant the outrage about Bunting by the exiled aristocrats. I know about the Romanovs pretty much and Russian history. My point was that the reverence might have some truth but again if you go back and read my post, Nicholas even after his horrible death was considered much to blame for the ills Russia experienced and the entitlement by the. well titled, considered it his fault in some part, from Russia's entry to WWI to the chipping away at the autocracy to the subsequent revolutions to Nicholas not simply walking away when he had several chances and it seemed clear things were going to get worse for him and his family not better. If you want to apply logic to Greene's murder it would also mean the person had to have enough time to not just ride the trains back and forth but follow him on the street to the right moment. Which to me would mean the person set out to do it had to have more time even than was eventually needed since it sounds like, from the exchange, he was stalked and then killed at an opportune moment. I'm guessing logic though is not a huge part of the puzzle's solution.
  25. Well the comment about New York suggested Mrs Astor rather than trying to get accepted by the sometimes equally snotting Jewish society that I think consisted of the Kuhns and Warburgs among others. It will be interesting to see how Fellowes handles Judaism and intermarriage what with Almina (the real countess behind Highclere castle aka Downton Abbey) the natural daughter of a Rothschild. If you were a practicing Jew I'm betting you could not get in the front door of Mrs Astor's Fifth Avenue manse let alone break into society (which in some senses where the same thing -- it is funny how Fellowes either ignores or does not realize that the Bucanneers often came to Europe because even with the titles, breaking into society was easier than the ridiculously rigid NYC set -- the recent converts being more fanatical than the ones raised in the faith as it were; Cora could have had a much bigger role in family and social life than Fellowes lets her in what I presume is a fallacy of where women stood in British society at the time). But I think there were men who made it big in the midwest who moved to NY and let their filthy lucre do the talking in hopes no one would look past that to where they came from. Or who. The only religion that mattered in that time was excess and belonging.
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