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Everything posted by heebiejeebie

  1. Lewis Hamilton is much more palatable when he is at the top of his game as it were than when he is just a contender. I hate to think what he will be like when he finally is regulated to a "has been" in his field. I know he is scrambling trying to make some kind of style work so he can segway from who he is dating to a more David Beckham like pop culture figure. Problem is I've heard he can be very nice, he can be very nasty but he always is just a bit dim. So outside of racing I'm not sure he has much of a place (celebrity wise that is). I do wish he and Kit 'The Snit" Harrington were on together. Just so I could howl in laughter. Oneof my sisters is married to a bit of a Someone in London (A SlightOne my family jokes). I believe it was when she was at the Lord Mayors for some some charity event and the women's facilities were off this side hall with marble floors used for celebrities to exit to their cars without the crush of the press. So they would waiting to use the loo and hear clicking on the marble floors. So they would all look too see which female celeb whisked by. Well the loudest set of heels going clickity clack belonged to Wee Kit the Snit (who threw a tantrum when two co-stars showed up at the Berlin premiere of his Pompeii film towering over the wee thing), Almost immediately after he went tapping down the hall, they hear loud clacking heels coming back up the hall. they all peer over to see why wee Kit who is known for his temper is coming back their way. Only to see almost as Lil Lewie wearing heels just as big going back for his phone. Or Nicole. They weren't sure which accessory. Anyway it would have been funny if they were on together and I could watch them try to sit straighter than the other. Then again hearing what a prat Harrington is, I would love to see him on the show next time having to share the couch with the likes of Hugh Jackman and Idris Elba. Pretty much anyone that makes him feel particularly tiny. Speaking of Nicole I wonder if the lack of her also made Lewis a bit more relaxed. I did notice that Jack went into one of his rehearsed (he is good fitting in but his anecdotes seem way to fake to me) stories cutting Lewis off and Lewis was so not amused.
  2. I'll take it even further. Listening to her over the years, even before she was noticed for being batshit arrogantly crazy, there was a theme. Celebrity is good. She loves being one. So anything that threatens that sense of privilege and entitlement is unfair and wrong. So a celebrity being attacked/condemned by a lesser one or, horrors!, a non-celebrity is just unnatural and must be stopped. But I think there is more to it as well. I think the gender thing comes from her own sense of inadequacy. In her stand ups she once talked about being seen as "weird looking". Something she grew to be proud of. I'm sure she has plenty of stories of seeing roles go to men instead of women. Roles going to white women over non-whites. Younger over older and women perceived as being prettier than herself getting roles she was up for. I have no doubts that there is a history of struggle and seeing others get something for having something that is neither skill or talent. I also have no doubts that she thinks there were plenty of roles since she got famous that should have been hers even when she not skilled or talented enough for it. She has a larger sense of worth than what she can deliver in my opinion. But in her one Showtime special I came away with a sense that because she is not a "pretty red carpet" starlet, she is cheated automatically. Problem is I get the sense she dismisses all other female competition as such (the unfairness at least) . She saw Rosie O as being a threat. But what more she saw her as infringing on her own entitlements (it could not have helped that Rosie was "brought back" to shore up the show in the wake of the poor casting choices). I think she is dismissive of women because too often she was professionally always in the margins. I think a huge part of that is the industry and societly and the flaws we still have in where women are allowed to fit in as it were. But I also think more specifically, what we keep seeing her do on this show lately is also why after The Color Purple she was back to silly and often crude comic roles instead of seeing herself in some roles that might not have been blockbuster ones but still would be part of that awards career montage an actor could be rather proud of. Then again she is hugely impressed with what she sees as her own incredible wisdom and insight and intelligence. And she definitely seems to be one of those celebrities that falls into the trap of believing everything you have came solely through your own efforts. I'm not knocking her or anyone else's hard work. But I've noticed those that seem to be the most grounded are those who did work hard and yet still appreciate how much luck chance and the chanced afforded by others played to their current success. Here we saw that celebrity still rules. In this case Bill Cosby, a celebrity, was impacting on, in her own eyes of course, on the entitlement of a far greater celebrity. And by her own rules (in my opinion), that must not happen. That "greater" celebrity of course is Whoopi herself. So the whole sagacious comedian reaches enlightment segment with Dan Abrams. Complete with benevolent look over her shoulders at the lesser beings still struggling up that path to remind them that yes, such levels of knowledge can be attained. By Whoopi.
  3. Well they were mentioned at least twice on The Daily Show. But not on their involvement in politics so I think you are right in that regard. The rich delicious irony is that the media as a whole seems to see them as plain and simple (and not in a good way) Kardashian Lites. Same toxic ingredients but in packaging no one wants to post on tumblr. I fantasize about the day when someone (remember this is a fantasy) manages to force the Hair to realize he is less but just as heinous pop culturally as a semi-professional porn star who has made millions out doing absolutely nothing. A lazy crass self absorbed WOMAN (no less) has made money crop circles around ole brilliant (in his own mind) Jim Bob Duggar. And right now I'd say might even have a less negative awareness by society at large than he does. If it ever sinks in past the hair spray and perm chemicals, it might just sting a little bit how little in terms of socially charged political awareness anyone really sees these folks. Anyone with an ounce more awareness, say your Donald Trump, deeply wishes to have someone like Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow spend the opening segment of their show lampooning you. Not that this was not a big story. But in terms of the level of importance I think both the Hair and his scum Heir consider their voices in terms of societal values in the political landscape? Yeah their sky fell and the chickens, including Little, pretty much kept pecking away. Of course there is always Barbara Walters. I'm guessing if no one else touches them the Duggars and Walters might combine to create a sort of desperate for any attention union that would keep Rick Santorum having an eye out for goats near marriage chapels.
  4. I wish I could remember where I saw this, but he always has someone during the in betweens with Brandi. Whether it is a matter of days or weeks. And by this I don't mean someone he goes out to dinner with but someone who parks her toothbrush next to his. Someone who knows him called him the constant fifth date. the guy who still wines and dines but expects you to fluff your pillow on your way out as well. Since there was a period when this past season started when Brandi on the show talked about how she was with JR but he was cheating on her -- with the woman he was currently living with -- I tend to think that both are simply using the other and at some point Brandi will tweet about being naughty with her ex at the same time he posts his Vegas drunken marriage on his Facebook page (to someone who is not Brandi). I do wonder though if JR uses Brandi to tweak Mauricio slightly and now she has been fired from the show, is a plain old liability. At some point I think that his character as you ascribe to in regards to his age and his proclivity for short term "relationships" with full benefits is part of the bigger picture and how he operates in the professional world as well. He makes a great salesman but a horrible employee. At some point soon I think JR is going to find Brandi or The Agency. The first might allow some sick laughs (because I still don't get what he sees in her unless he thought the two would become co-stars to Kyle's storyline on the show), the second though is what affords him the nice bathroom shelf to let some toothbrush sit next to his for a couple of weeks.
  5. I think though they have shown they are simply incapable of that. Self-absorbsion and entitlement seems their lot. When they should have been only showing themselves in a light already perceived as benign by the general public they simply focused on their own spectacular ness as it were. Instead of maybe peeking out and adding words of thought and paryer to the victims in Charleston, they simply focus on themselves. Or try and adopt a huge judge others approach on same sex marriage rights (stones in glass houses -- more like building a catapult and trying to play catch with boulders in said glass house). They have little to no common sense and an overwheening notion of where they stand as members of society at large. In others words, I think it will take one big damn hook to get them off the stage even if TLC has turned off the lights and dropped the curtain.
  6. It depends. Sending out via the internet? Fine. Pics of baby bumps which show how perfect they are because they can emulate even the most basic mammal and simply breed? Good. Looking up the advantages of pro-creating in ways that lead to happy and healthy families? Bad bad bad. Sending out videos about how piously noble you are for simply throwing yourself into some mission without considering that maybe an infant demands more from the mission than what you in turn are giving it? Damn fine skippy. Using the web to eplore areas that can use extra hands but aren't high risk or just strained in a way that another infant added to the mix makes it a demand? Well that is just Satan dancing his waltz of evil! Good? Anything that imposes the notion that not only are Hair and the Womb good? But better than you and I are or ever will be (but they do want us to try, or at least try by simply admiring them); well that makes the computer the messaging harp of an angel. But taking anything in that might show they aren't all that? Even if it is a recipe that doesn't use a can? Well you might as well weave a tapestry of demonic prophecy in the Devil's pubes than open that laptop (free through promotional deals dontcha know).
  7. I hate this. I really really hate this. No offense to anyone but I read a synopsis about a new series where Princess Elizabeth Tudor (eventually Elizabeth I of some fame and note) is a detective and goes to Istanbul for a chess match and solves a crime there. I don't like these types when they try somewhat to stick to know fact. But to take it this far? Why not just have her fall through a wardrobe and in the climatic solution delivery declare Tumnus did it with a tea spoon! I never understood why authors are so timid (lazy? Bad?) that they cannot create their own characters to move among real historical figures Dorothy Dunnett did it mastefully. Sharon Kay Penman is also very good. To me it screams a bit cheap since the author can shove some of the characterization heavy lifting onto the reader. A good segment will come to such a novel with already some idea of who that person is from the most general wiki' knowledge. Which means the author can fall back on the same and call it "personality:" Blech blech blech
  8. Responding to this from the Cancellation (or as I like to call it The Yay!) thread. I wonder if Fox's approach and the Duggar numb above the neck approach to all this was yet another attempt to bait the so called Liberal media into taking it too far. Fox news has been good with this. Yeah a little thought and investigation turns up their lies (voting fraud videos remember? The so called woman who was hounded out of her job because she was racist towards white farmers seeking their alloted subsidies?) But usually after many other media outlets goes into a frezy over whatever bits of chum Fox throws out. And then Fox collectively sits back and condemns the over reaction. Forgetting their own part in all of it. Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have been able to spend hours playing video games simply because Fox simply throws out both sides as if at a certain hour it flips a switch, pretty much doing the Daily Show's own work except for the poor video guy who has to trim down the hours of hypocrisy to two minutes. Point is I think Ailes used one of his "girls" in hopes of baiting the rest of the media into condemning candidates so they could turn around and pull Hillary posing with someone who is now in big trouble. Too bad Huckabee went rogue fast and spoiled that possible meme. Watching the rest try and say the Duggars were wrong and yet being conservatives weren't really was an amusing blip in this ridiculously early bloated "campaign". It will be interesting if Kelley goes for a reaction interview on their cancellation. I know the Hair and the Womb have this PR firm but The Hair always thinks he is the smartest person in the room (I remember reading the blog of the Today show runner who was always told by the Hair how to do his job.) and can't help going off in the direction he feels is the smartest and the "most" right.
  9. Julia I responded a bit more about Fox in the media thread
  10. For me it tries to be satire but somehow, it takes the approach to parody instead. I know that makes little sense in many regards, but the delivery gets too shrill and too manic and never quite delivers in a darkly comedic way I feel it seems to hint at if not openly promise. The lead is horrible and grating and I hate that the show has so much to deliver and instead of nuanced and clever it decides to stomp all over things. I do chuckle now and again, but I'm not finding it laugh out loud funny. I guess I watched too many episodes of The New Adventures of Old Christine. Julia kicks ass with even sillier premises and situations. Plus it serves as a reminder of what this show lacks. There is some good focus on the Upper East Side in some regards. But it also goes too broad and common when it could skewer so of the more focused aspects that are all the rage right now (Isn't That Rich, Primates... and a third book I cannot remember without checking my galley list on my Kindle -- all are just out about the UES) I hope if it returns they see it as an opportunity to hone and refine it instead of (like that horrible dramedy) thinking a renewal is a carte blanche sign of approval.
  11. I thought this was weak. However I saw the preview episode a few weeks back and it was better. So I'll hold out a bit before I decide that the comic I like on stage isn't funny as a sitcom character.
  12. If I answer that as an actual question and not simply a rhetorical one? I'd say yes. It's called the last season of her own reality show.
  13. I hope the poor kid learns basic math and sees what her father pays in monthly support and realizes that is exactly what it is; her support. I bet Sonja has those BRAVO checks spent long before they hit the bank. I'm wondering how many under the table payoffs there are for poor interns who wake up to having a drugged out naked Sonja trying to spoon them on whatever cot she makes them sleep on. Plus German famewhore barely-models might be cheap when the cameras are a built in benefit, but I'm betting he wasn't completely expense free. Heck even Sharpies can add up when relied on so heavily.
  14. Yeah O'Donell really loses it in regards to Trump. I remember back in 2012? On his show he went into the whole matter of money (when Trump dropped out because NBC "paid him too much money" to do another season of Celebrity Apprentice). It went from cheering to jeering. I was so embarrassed and I'm not a huge O'Donnell fan. It got into this weird ranting pissing contest about what Trump was worth at NBC and O'Donnell bragging out his own history with The West wing etc. I was horrified because it played right into Trump's pudgy sweating hands (rumor is he has a slick palm problem and his father said his handshake was like gripping an eel trying to squirm from the guts of a dead fish -- so avoid shaking hands in business matters -- the whole germaphobe a carefully crafted cover for palms even BP would say were slickly messy). It is interesting that with all Scarborough's vast political expertise not to mention that pretty much everyone who isn't asking his advice is telling him, thanks to their insider perspective, what is really going on. Nothing really gets explored at the growing but still fractured left in Israel that is very wary of Bibi WeeWee's push to keep the nation in a state of conflict or at least always on the verge. Several have pointed out the similar approach that Cheney had when he went full elbow up sock puppet Bush II's ass and invaded Iraq. Or how Putin managed to size so much power during and after his initial grab for power. Or the Nazis in gearing Germany up against Soviet Russia. Heck even 'Carthage must die' is part of the political trend of grabbing and holding power by aiming attention at an outside threat. Iran is not a nation to admire or want to succeed to the level of its leaders hopes and wishes by any means. But lessening threat of nuclear attacks by Israel justifed by some potential threat on Iran should be just as important as lessening the threat of that nation possibly getting the means to do the same. The irony of Wallace getting heaved from the View is she actually had greater scope to outright lie not to mention harangue by cherry picked omission there than she does here. Here she is just another ball washer for Scarborough and has to face people who actually know and speak of the full facts than the head bobbing idiots over at the View. Sure she is obnoxious when she still lies and avoids the fact she has Palin to her credit but also is one of the advisors who cheered McCain's blindness to the financial crises even as in the fall of 2008 his polls numbers were slipping and slidding. Let alone the idea that she possibly 'co-authored" the "let's put the campaign on hold" idea that followed. Poor Mika. I bet she is thrilled Wallace got fired (jealous much?) but now there is another set of spot remover hand-creamed claws jostling for position to cradle Joe's little nads of ego any chance Wallace gets. Then again maybe she can attach herself to one of the Republicans running. Considering how bizarre and poll centric the Republican primaries were in 2012, she might be able to draw a check for almost a year.
  15. I think initially Heather was in her rights to be upset. But then about two seconds later she went from having the right to be upset at the irresponsible and rude behavior of Ramona and Luann (and I think it rude even to bring someone home when all is in the know, libidos are something to be indulged, not given full rein -- go rent a room for an hour or two -- that house manager whose along could set you up fine) to acting like it was a moral crime that was committed (in my opinion -- and not just the slut shaming I felt she waiming Luann's way -- to me it was as if the two women had deliberately set out for the situation to result as it did -- they did not not -- again self centered behavior with unintended consequences is not something you set up a bonfire to burn the culprits). Another aspect I did not like in regards to heather in this was that it almost immediately went from what was done wrong to WHO had done the wrong. Carole and she got more and more worked up because I do think they wanted to mount (sorry pun unavoidable) some kind of crusade. I do think had it been Bethenny it would have been a bit different than the screaming and yelling and acting like they were on some kind of used condom scavenger hunt of disgust. And I think had Carole stumbled home drunk with slam and thank you ma'am who was found sleeping it off somewhere unattended, it would have gotten plenty of salacious giggles chuckles and a 'holla' high five. I'm not saying Heather did not have a right to not be amused and should be able to point out the dangers of such lack of consideration, but she instead made it all about who did it more than what they did. And there she lost me. Not that she ever had me that much. She was too determined to be a "Housewife" from the get go. Ramona handed her own smelly ass as a present, but Heather loved every bit of that conflict her first season if you ask me. I will be interested to see if she is going and if Kristen's rumored fate is true and might have played into it. I cannot imagine Heather being thrilled to be "fired". Also if Kristen is already being whispered about as "gone" and it is strong enough in the right places, I can see Heather not wanting to be marginalized even further even if they did offer her a return. She has Carole. Her bestie. But Carole is also Cohen's object of tongue lapping when he isn't slathering all over Franckel. And Heather never seems to have pushed further into Cohen's little circles. And considering this is the show he is most active as a producer of the Housewives show (by his own admission), I can see Heather being uneasy about another season. Plus I can so see Cohen being jealous of Carole having an off-season relationship with Heather that does not include him.
  16. I thought this was an interesting episode. My problem is that I much prefer seeing Elliott interact with the people at work than the society. I find the society dull and flat for the most part no matter how quirky they make them. It also doesn't help to follow what I thought was an incredibly strong episode last week with one that I felt dipped too strongly into self-indulgent style over substance. I'm hoping this was a rare approach. I had enough with Don Draper flash backs at Ye Olde Whore House and Matt Weiner smugly trying to play who's smarter games with the visions and dreams that tried too hard to blur what was real and what was delusion. Still it is pretty much the best thing on right now so it has to get worse before it gets ignored.
  17. Well this was nice to wake up to. Makes me wonder though. 1.Was the amount of time it took TLC to make what seemed to logically be the only decision based on letting certain contractual details be "clocked" out? I have to believe that even with the help of the likes of Huckabee, TLC has much better legal than Hair and the Womb do. 2.Whether 1 is remotely true or not, I also think that TLC was determined that not a penny more went the Duggars way than TLC wanted. So lawsuits, no backlash. No nothing. 3.I wonder if the inclusion of the two girls was a sop thrown Hair and Womb's way to make them hurry up and sign their severance papers. I don't see it so much as a way to keep them viable. I think this way they include the very people who could make this documentary uncomfortable for TLC. That way when it doesn't paint the Hair and Womb's parenting as Child Services' bestest parents ever in regards to molestation, they only have themselves to blame since they could not avoid the tiny little carrot TLC waves these attention trollope mules way. 4.I cannot believe that TLC hasn't had some idea of a documentary in the works. Maybe even before all this and to repair any Honey BooBoo damage. So it makes that luncheon between the Huckabee advisor who is helping the Duggars and that Dept employee. It might be nothing. But if this documentaray was in the works and it was dangled as some kind of exit interview that let the victims of this situation give the Duggars a final wave goodbye in a way that would be hard to criticize (for the record I don't like the idea of the girls being punished or grilled in any way -- I just wish any documentary used the Fox News interview and then had real experts explain why such words are themselves part of the abuse and never an "excuse".). Makes me wonder if there was some interest in what the Gov't level heads were thinking in regards to the documentary. Again, from TLC's end I don't think this documentary was sudden or very recent as a means to shore up their reputation (though airing something like Paralyzed and Pregnant makes the idea of TLC having some kind of rehab in the public's eye is rather silly). 5.I have to imagine before the decision was made there were some interesting calls between the sponsors and TLC's marketing and legal dept. I do think TLC explored every option of keeping the show in some way. Its all about the money. And maybe it was a matter of days or maybe it took weeks, but I think before that tipping point where profitable became financially liable, the show's future was considered just on hold. I doubt that the show, no matter how more reasonable to the Duggars due to ratings in terms of contractual benefits, didn't have an self destruct button the same as the Boo Boo show did. So the fact that it was kept in stasis so long suggests to me that some people high up at TLC did not see it as "bad". Which makes me shake my head. 6.I do wonder about Fox News. I was shocked that the interviews went the way they did. I know that the saying is in crises, Conservatives fall in line, liberals fall apart (not saying it is true just saying). I did think, a small part of me, that in a Presidential Campaign cycle already in gear, they were setting the Duggars up for a fall, Kelley would let them hang themselves in the interview while all smiles and nods and then inviscerate them in the followup a few nights later. Instead it was the same old wagons drawn in a circle and no matter what no admission of wrong doing. I was kind of shocked. But shortly after the news about Murdoch made me wonder if Ablow had gotten the okay from the Murdoch fils to air his outrage. On the very network that worked so hard to prop the Duggars up. Right now I'm betting if Hair and Womb are checking the web to see if it is possible to place a new born infant inside Womb and pretend she gave birth to the holy twenty? Because I can see them desperately trying to insert themselves back into the public any which way they can.
  18. For me the better response would have been "you mean like voter protection laws" which existed and have now been gutted By her own state among others.
  19. I'm the one who said that. Well the post you were referring to, In no way did I say or even mean that Kyle should style herself according to Kim. I simply meant that on watching the footage of her sister who is very similar in build and compare what that dress and pair of sandals made Kyle in compare in that moment. It was ridiculous looking I'm all for someone wearing what makes them comfortable. To a degree. But Kyle has said in her own comments both as to being on the show and when she started the store how into fashion she is. So maybe she should look more the part. Much more the part. I find Kyle often dresses in a way that does not flatter her at all, and too often even goes into the area, like last night, into the realm of doing herself a disservice. If Kyle doesn't care about her looks, fine. If. Oh if.
  20. Considering the milieu Eileen can invite David Hasselhoff over, give him a drink and let him do the rest. ryebread I think the majority of conflict I have is that I don't think the subsequent actions by Brandi were in Kim's interests and were not something that she should have just taken upon herself to decide how and when Kyle gets to act in the situation when Kim was going after Kyle initially. I do think that questioning whether what Kyle did was best is not only your right in terms of opinion airing but also smack on. I have no idea if Kyle did the right thing ultimately. Nor do I think I know what Kyle was truly thinking. I think Kyle has her own issues in the whole mess that are dysfunctional. Not just as the family member of an addict and from Kim's own comments a third parent for her children in times of duress. But also as a victim of some of the same demons that helped Kim turn to the path of addiction. I cannot say I would have done the same thing as Kyle simpy because I would never ever go on tv like the sisters and others have unless maybe I was guaranteed the entire medical and financial world would promise to devote complete ultruistic efforts to eradicating hunger, cancer and AIDS. Maybe a few other things as well. Thing is though I can see why Kyle acted as she did that is not evil or completely self serving or calculated. I cannot say the same watching Brandi try to determine what Kyle is allowed to do in regards to her openly known addict of a sister under the influence trying to simply "get away".
  21. i could believe Kyle seizing on the moment as it were to use as some kind of lever against Kim. Fair or unfair, addicts wage war against their loves ones and their loved one often wage in return whether they realize it or not. And many times that war can even be effective. But I can't see Kyle even being smart enough let alone evil enough to take the moment we saw on tv and decide how she can use it and the presence of cameras to somehow elevate her media persona. That what we saw Kyle do was completely calculated as to the cameras and how it would not only be filmed but edited and aired. Because for all Kyle or anyone else should have known at most was Kim was under the influence. Kim could have been dead the next day. Long long before BRAVO put it on the air. For me Kim has a history on the show and I suspect her life of appearing under the influence or not appearing because she is under the influence and not wanting to deal with the slightest bit of responsibility or culpability. This was nothing more but getting herself in front of the cameras, being a "star" and then realizing she might be called on her shit. So she throws blame and then tries to skeddle instead of facing the blame that might be thrown back her way. Very much the addict.
  22. As I'm getting my stuff ready for the morning, I find the hydroxy cut ads that take a couple of fitness models and bloat them up with huge water retention and what looks like rushed carbs piss the fuck out of me. Pathetic gym rat here, but these ads are the worst of the weight loss one since you can easily see the ab cuts still on all both the models and the guys still have pec development like crazy. Not "bitch tits" but actual pecs. Because you can layer on weight if you are into fitness professionally and then take it off to cut up. It is what bodybuilders and fitness competitors do all the freaking time. At least they stopped using men who less than year prior to the ad were gracing the covers of fitness mags. But since most fitness mags have disappeared (most were nothing but eyecandy for gay men anyway) maybe I'm putting the horse before the cart.
  23. Not sure how it will fit as a whole. But in specific, the panel discussion about Cosby, and the show as whole focused on Cosby was well done for only the second show out the gate.
  24. I did not know Graham had even the slightest notionhe could run for President. I want that happen even more than I think Jon does. I'd take the day after off of every Republican primary debate if it includes Christie, Perry, Graham and Rubio. Because I'd be guzzling the bubbly every single one of 'em. The dead silence about Sharia law were no surprise. What I find funny though is the same people who spout the Constitution not only don't have a clue about the no established religion aspect but also don't have a cluse to the notion that Christ himself saw the division between state and faith one of import. Plus of course his pesky tolerance for other faiths.
  25. I think feelings hurt because cameras are there are just not important. I think any feelings being butt hurt because Kim was embarrassed are marginal to meaningless compared to the addict acting addicted, getting angry and either storming off by herself or going for a ride with Sippy Travel Wine Glass Brandi. I don't mean to sound mean but what does it matter if a reality show cast member is caught on tv doing something bad compared to the effects of that bad thing? Is being "shamed" on camera so bad? I don't think it even should be allowed in the same sentence as heinous unless a negative is included. What is so bad about Kimbeing exposed on camera? She has no problem getting drugged up to be ON camera. That is on her. Kyle refusing to not address it in fear itty bitty fragile Kim will be sad and ashamed? I think if Kyle truly cares about Kim it should be the other way. Kyle should have tackled Kim taken her to the ground and Shamed her ass while the cameras rolled until Kim was weeping. Kim herself said that the show was what forced her to admit to the wine drinking (yeah that is all she abuses). For someone like Kim. And Kyle. I think the presence of cameras would be more of a palliative than a detriment. But even if it was not. Kim gets embarrassed by what she brought on herself. Not something that Kyle basically refused to do. Ignore it. I'm sure plenty of unrepentent addicts would love it if family and friends would simply turn the eyes away and let the drugs continue to be abused and abused.
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