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Everything posted by heebiejeebie

  1. Boy am I dense sometimes. It took me this long to realize that with Lisa Rinna on and Eileen Davison coming on, Joanna Krupa and her tired hungry for attention trashy mean nasty self was not picked up in a trade from the likely defunct Miami cast. So yay me!
  2. 1 Also flip what you said. Helen, even after seeing herself on that season, still obviously sees nothing wrong with how she acted. She lacks even enough self-awareness to consider that her relationship might have withered even quicker with such a viewing. 2 Fabio seemed almost trying to not laugh at the silliness of the "story" part of the challenge. I kept waiting for him to wipe the smirk off Zanna's face by simply telling her "I like to have breakfast with the people I have sex with but like to keep the rest of my day open".
  3. I just flipped over from the Daily Show to see the runway. To me I think them letting Kimmana on was a cruel joke. It was painful watching the judges try to say nice things about the one. It looked like one of those outfits I've seen them do with the wrapping paper and bows at shower. In this case it was a poorly attended one and the paper was left over from the seventies.
  4. I've seen the go intos where he has mentioned a score or event that clearly is up to date past 10:55 pm plus Rachel Maddow off the top of my head indicates that not all WWHL is taped at 9 pm.
  5. Plus you know even before her season aired he had to go through her sucking all the air out of the room when she was making the decision to audition for the show. Then she sucked all the air out of the room when she wrung her hands and wept at the fear of being on the show but someone, anyone, everyone failing to recognize or understand her genius. Then weeks of weeping as she said "goodbye" and how hard it would be for her to be on the show and how much it was a sacrifice for her to pursue her dream. Particularly knowing that she was too brilliant for the judges to probably completely understand. He gets a breath when she is gone. But then she comes back. Without winning. My GOD she came back without WINNING! Can you even imagine? Especially when she has to keep quiet about the show. So I'm guessing she just wandered around weeping and destroying things with a knife. So yeah. By the time the show was ready to air, he most likely refused to watch because he figured that was the strongest means to keep from killing her. Let alone staying with her. Everything she said was basically "me me me". Whether it was about the ex or was wondering as she gazed out over the horizon from the vantage of that cross she rebuilt for the show, if the judges could truly understand let alone appreciate what she put into her design. How personal it was. How deep she had to draw on what was so profound and so meaningful to her. Just to punk her ass I think it would be a howl if she was told she had a day to design a dress around her most memorable bowel movement and then just sit back for the talking head self-absorbed idiocy to, er. flow. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the table concept conversation that somehow led to a design that reflects the journey of their relationships...but its for a party. I wish we not only had Chris March for the challenge, but bitter nasty Chris. That way the dress could come down, front is a woman's genitalia, rear is a giant sphincter. His "story"? "well good or bad every relationship I've been in has led to me being fucked one way or the other"
  6. Annal I want to take your entire post, drag it into the bathroom and go all Brandi Glanville on its ass. too much? too bad ;)
  7. They should look ridiculous, but Jay's tight little homage to gym teachers of the seventies on the runway. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. now if they would just make him do some jumping jacks in them. I was never all that much into Dmitri, but he can just stop with the whole "winner" versus "loser" arrogance. You are on this show. The only other "winner" on the show with you is Michelle. So yeah, stop claiming to be the champ when you are up to your chin in the shit that is this show like everyone else. Show it in your work. not your dancing monkey for Jonathan Murray talking heads. Alyssa Studio 54 called and wants their ceiling ball back. Can Samantha sew? Design? Talk about wickity whack. What a moving and incredibly raw show just dripping with emotion and the complete vulnerability of each designer telling such a personal story. Thank you. Oh thank you. Oh dear god thank you so much for all that incredible sharing you all did via your designs. Yeah right. If that was such a show of personal reveals, the display in a Gap window I'm guessing is the design team's homage to the Rape of the Sabine Women. Talk about a crap. And such bullshit they were feeding into Helen. Talk about all kinds of smudgy production fingerprints. Either they already all aware of Helen's dry withered sucking sponge of need or production once again made sure to tip the sewing room hand. Yeah tim Gunn can make all the claims he wants. Sonjia's looked like those scratchy fancy pillows my grandmother use to have in her sitting room. That I know she paid a silly amount for. That or something draped across Barbara Bush's bosom. Which is also incredibly scratchy I've heard. Also Sonjia's dress moved like she was either stealing something or was jacketed by the FBI to go from "party" to witness protection. Overall not a single one of the designs this week looked good. Let alone close to being a wow dress. And I'm just going to say it. Justin has been able to achieve in a way that if I had his same challenges I would probably would have failed at. But damn, he annoys. He seems to almost match Helen in being needy. But in different way. Where every single thing has to be a special moment. I get it in some ways. i do. But the minute Zanna approaches him in the sew room I immediately expect Matthew McConnaughey and Anne Hathaway to zoom out of his mouth in their space suits.
  8. Whoever does these petitions should start them tied into being not just a stand but a promise to withhold financial investment in those companies who advertise as you point out kalamac. Make it part of the petition, listing the companies that advertise and then send letters with the link to the petition site. Because I suspect most people signing would sign if it called for a boycott. And just 78,000 signatures will give the likes of Proctor & Gamble pause. More effective even if it takes more to actually get something done.
  9. Morrison makes such a wonderful guest. And I have always hated that fewer people push back on "race" being a means to identify by skin tone. I fall into the trap myself because a lot of people who should know better refuse to buck the habit. I'm going to have pay more attention this year because any store that opens Thanksgiving Day is not getting my money until next year and they have seen the way. Funny how they can bleat about the war on Christmas but the holiday unique to our nation and rooted in the myth of how our nation deservedly eked its way into existence gets a shrug and a lick of the lips over the word "money".
  10. Are these ancillary built in Watch What Happens Live actually live? I know a couple of them have been taped but I usually hit the button to change the channel when he comes on. Because I do think you have a point. He can ship in whichever thirsty housewife to do the show whatever time of day he wants. i would not be surprised if some of them are filmed a couple days in advance. And I have Comcast and have noticed several times that when they do the built in WWHL following whichever Real Housewives show, not only does it show on both Comcast and TVGuide's online programming grid as not being separate (it just shows the Housewives show as being and hour and a half) it also shows a WWHL listed as "new" in an 11:30 shot. BRAVO has to be doing that. So there is a lot of shifty little shit that doesn't really matter but is still petty effort by the network to pull one over viewers' eyes.
  11. Well that or his cartoon bladder was hidden by the high countertop.
  12. The turnaround though is that he puts his show on in those 1 1/2 hour blocks. Which causes a drop in the lead in to this show as well. Yes his show gets higher ratings because the, in this instance, RHofBH fans linger to watch the cast members with Cohen. But it sort falls into being a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will. Ratings are low so we must tinker. But we tinker in a way that actually fixes the problem halfway. It raises the ratings for that first half hour but does it give a greater boost to say the second half hour of the pushed back People's Couch? Especially since I suspect the demographics for TPC overlap in the area that either go to be at 11. Watch the local news, Watch the Daily Show or watch Conan. I think the folks at BRAVO found the show surged initially but still don't know why or how and have no idea how to promote it. I also think it is a cheaply made show so they simply have less invested than propping up a season of RH that sags even more in the ratings. But it should air more often. I do know it is on often first thing in the morning instead of episodes of Tabatha Takes Over or Millionaire Matchmaker shows that all have cobwebs clinging they are so old. But when it should air, if they want to keep it around, is in one of the "building" slots int he afternoon. I can't remember whether it was the 2 to 4 pm area or the 6pm slot but one of those was when they first started re-airing the Housewives shows back when there was only one or two franchises. They found the same success with Top Chef and Project Runway. Those re-airs drew in huge numbers for their type and I remember one of the chief BRAVO execs (not Cohen) was interviewed by EW and said the strategy first was seen as a success with Queer Eye but they saw huge returns they could tie from the re-air numbers to the numbers for the following new episode of the show Having the Euros watch themselves probably felt like an incredibly witty and clever bit? It was so so wrong. Like Talmud/Old Testament wrong. It is why ancient Hebrew leaders said cooking the veal in the cream sauce was bad bad bad.
  13. I think a big part of Chris's failings is he refuses to recognize that the political system is essentially broken. He was outraged in 2010 when he was told repeatedly that even though the Republicans had made gains, Democrats cast more votes (something the media has been suspiciously quiet about this last mid term -- Democrats had poor turnouts but I have yet to see a real look at the total number of votes cat by party across the entire nation), that election I believe and he fumed for days when he had his ass handed gently to him by Eugene Robinson on the fact a minority party held the House (and now holds both House and Senate). He has come around a bit when month after month Republicans as a minority defined what legislation passed in Congress. But he still blamed Obama because Hillary Clinton was suppose to be President instead. And a good part of his analysis is based on the false premise that Hillary would have done it much better or that none of this would have happened had she won the primaries in 2008. With 2016 looming I suspect it is going to get worse. Especially if an aging Hillary is not seen as the destiny of the Democratic party. We could see another rapid and unexpected rise "before their time" candidate like President Obama. He had buzz but no one really thought he would toss his hat in when he did. At the end of the day, I agree Chris Matthews loves politics. But he loves a certain way. Part legend and part myth (I think for someone who is inside the Beltway he has a very naively eagerness to partake and respond to Hollywood's take on the political system). One that simply does not exist anymore. If it ever did. The smoke filled back rooms hammering out deals is a trope Matthews seems to find more arousing than any penile performance enhancement drug I suspect.
  14. Ken has some pretty grand and nasty petty delusions as to his wealth and his appearance on the show helps maintain that facade. He has been known to go out of his way at the restaurants to smugly treat them as if they are all Olivers asking Sir for more please. At a charity event at which he and Lisa were guests of a table buyer, he did the same thing. To a board member of that charity whose husband could buy and sell the Vanderpumps (who are nowhere near as rich as I think most people suspect) with the change he loses in his couch. Ken adores being on this show. What he hates is the fact that more and more he and Lisa have too work at it. They came out of the first season looking and smelling pretty. Everyone on the show gravitated towards them and wanted their approval. Since then not so much. I think it peeved Ken to no end that Lisa was actually going to have to totter around on her heels (learn to walk in them already or buy shoes you don't look like a duck caught on film two seconds before explosive diarrhea hits) and play nice as hard as she could. Lisa is a horrible actress and her giggling got shriller and shriller as the night wore at Kyle's party. I wonder if she was sweating as much a Brandi seemed to be. Ken's blustering outrage last season in Puerto Rico probably still lingers unless he has simply descended into surly dementia. I don't think he is that dotty yet. But like alcohol, age seems to hone some people down to their most basic element and brings out the nasty or the pleasant in much greater concentration. I think Ken is in for a rude awakening with Lisa R and Eileen coming on. His precious glossy duck isn't going to be leading the rest of the cast around with these two on board. Both have rather large fanbases coming in compared to what any of them, even Kim, had going in prior.
  15. Where the attention via the petition and articles on HuffPo come into play is likely not in seeing TLC doing anything. But enough visibility and they are no longer as welcome perhaps at The Today Show or Good Morning America. Once they start losing those types of venues to pander and pimp themselves it could be a downward slide to the point the only show that has them on is Pat Robertson. And ironically with the usual midterm shift and the more conservative political element coming into play the Duggars could be their own worst enemy. The weddings are drawing a lot of favorable attention for them ratings wise and media wise. But if they continue to exploit marriage in this manner as a tv meme they also continue to remind people that otherwise don't pay attention to them, what they stand for and what they are against. Problematic since progressives might see them as a tiny windmill to topple in a time when politically they feel marginalized once again. Plus I have to think Boob,narcissist that he is, can only see increased media attention, even negative (jealous misguided sinners dontcha know) press right now says what he is doing is right. People like him are unable to anything, even blatant criticism, as anything but some form of validation at what an awesome magnificent manly beast of faith he is. And will always see such as underscoring how much smarter and superior he is to everyone else. I remember someone relating a tale about him trying to make a reservation for something over on TWOP. It took him more than a half hour on the phone before he finally conceded that he was not getting what he wanted. It was simply a case of the place being already booked or unable to handle the number of spawn he was trying to inflict on them. And it just went around and around with him refusing to believe someone was telling the great Boob Duggar he could not get what he wanted. And that is what will take them down in the end. His refusal to believe that anyone cannot be awed and in wonder at who and what he is. He really thinks he knows more than anyone else and what he doesn't know is therefore not worth knowing. I think a larger media platform is his own worst enemy simply because he has pretty much been confined to a small stage where most of the audience doesn't want to think past the silly "fun" of watching an endless parade of dressed alike Duggar spawn parade past a camera going into a hotel, Going out of a hotel, taking up chairs in a restaurant. Marching onto a bus. Right now just not a lot there. But expand his audience means Boob opening his yap even more. And more attention on when he slams his foot right between his lips.
  16. Re: Mohamed's hair. I wonder how he achieves that affect. No matter how much he twisted and turned to stay in the shot (even to the point it looked like he was just going to shove Kyle aside), that helmet didn't even sway. I don't mean this as a slam against Yolanda, but I found Lisa Rina's rendition of the Legend of Yolanda to be more than a bit hyperbolic. I know the term super model gets thrown around a lot but was she? I'd think with a name like Yolanda it would stick out in the same way Linda, Cindy, Christie or Naomi still do. Or even if I said supermodel and I followed with Paulina, or Carol or Kim people might figure it out. And how much of an 'it girl" could she be and what roles was she going for against Rinna? She couldn't have been much a threat if she kept showing up and never getting the roles. no matter how awesome of a beauty she was. Looking back again at the grouping at Kyle's party that had Brandi in such a snit, Lisa seemed to be trying way too hard to show what a fun and fabulous time she was having standing next to Kyle, Taylor, Camille, Adrienne and then Kim. Her voice was a bit manic and way too giddily forced. Reminds me of those scenes from some of the old Real World seasons when the cast would go out together for the first time and just try so damn hard to show what party monsters they were and how much fun they were. Brandi's dress was way too tight. When your ass bunches like a roll of Pillsbury that just hit the counter's edge. Nope. It wasn't working any more than Brandi trying to retcon her situation with Adrienne in particular and all the others. Yeah when you spread the shit, it gets beneath your nails. And don't try to then write it that everyone is at fault and should either ignore the open midden you created or help you clean it up.
  17. To be fair, the genetic combination of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West did hold the greatest potential to crawl out as one of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Lucky for us except those Rapture-ers, we dodged that bullet. This time.
  18. Yeah but then we immediately go into the marathon of tax, bad credit and quick loans ads. Mixed in with all the self-loathing exploitation to all the presumed pigs who had no self control over the holidays and now have body image issues to Total Gym and Slimfast. Face it. Commercial Hate is a year long season!
  19. I know this is petty, But I wish Eva did not seem so vapid in every interview as it leaves the gate. The more I read about her and hear about her, I'm am in awe of what she has accomplished and what she pursues outside of Hollywood. Considering how whip smart she is (two of my Ivy League professors who were total intellectual elitist dicks absolutely loved her when they worked with her as consultants on one of her projects), I have to wonder, outside of my own shortcomings, if a lot of what I see is learned affectation that got her through the whole Hollywood process.
  20. It's so bad if it was the Vanderpumps we'd start suspecting Bella was adopted. Sadly I think as long as Gigi serves as the vessel for Yolanda to conflate her own past into a glorious future, Gigi will be get the lead with the other two simply consigned to occasional credits at the end. I wonder if the son, considering the family culture, pretty much gravitated to his father as the "heir". I was impressed with Portia as well especially if the Umanskys really are trying to keep their daughters bilingual (I know they made claims but I treat a Real Housewives word like I do Sarah Palin's latest drunk video). It might also have something to do with her enunciation. But I've heard adults speak with less skill. Adults like Andy Cohen, Brandi Glanville and the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules.
  21. Sorry for the double post but I just saw the Stella Artois ad. The village all waits for the star to top their tree. The star falls off the truck and some guys pick it up off the road. They go to the Brewery. Not sure if they take the time to actually brew the beer, but they do take the time to blow glass bottles with the star, inspired by the tree topper. They then take their beer to the very village hall everyone waits to light the tree after said star ornament placement. The notion seeming to be that the star on the bottles takes the place of the tree topper. WHICH THEY HAVE. I don't get it.
  22. I get more annoyed when a detective claims to have a greater level of intuition than anyone else. But as humans it is proven that first impressions do have strong chances of being correct because unconsciously we absorb cues others give off. I do hate when they claim they knew...when the interviews all take place after the fact for the most part.
  23. The only reason why I watch this season will be to sit and see Carlton not on my television and knowing that every time a new episode airs without her, she dies a little more on the inside (she's pretty much dead on the outside already). RE: Maruicio's age. Someone goofed I suspect as opposed to him trying to shave years off. At one point we heard about how many years the two were married and it dates their wedding as 1996. Which would mean Mauricio would be trying to claim to have been only twenty when he married Kyle. And that is obviously not the case since we have heard their meet and fall in love story at least three times on the show and countless times on other media appearances.
  24. I think it is the overall smug sense of being superior simply because they bred like cats. I remember the first episode I sat mostly through was nothing but the smug glee every single talking head was how they needed more cabs than regular families and how people don't understand how many loaves of bread they eat. Well first of all most of us actually can do simple math and are NOT amazed that if you have a bigger family you need more food than a smaller family does. Or how many people fit into a cab. Note to dumbass Duggars. It is what people who accept fact as such and not opinion (cave men walking with dinosaurs, natch) call "division". And the reason people were looking at them was because no, two adults and how many umpteen children WITH CAMERAS FILMING them, is not stunning but simply eye catching. The smugness that somehow they have a better grasp on things and things especially that matter because they can breed. When in fact the very simplest element of their smugness escapes them. That if every other couple decided to take the all we can breed approach to baby making, much of what the Duggars have enjoyed would not have been afforded them. They are part of the carnival freak show that is TLC. People notice them and are interested in them not because of their superiority but from the fact that they are not the norm to the point of being, since it is all by choice, freaks. Yet they act and try to sell the notion that people are interested in them and stunned by them due to envy of their "lifestyle" and finding them to be aspirational. And another things that bugs the hell out of me was for years I saw them on the Today show and they acted like they were so much more in tune with living as a family and being self sufficient. Which is a load of crap. A huge load as the video evidence over the years supplies. Back in the day during the aftermath of WWII my great grandmother raised nine orphaned kids as well as her own five from all over Europe. She sent them to college, every single one. And she raised almost all her food as well as worked as a doctor (the first woman doctor in her county) well into the late 1980s. When I first saw one of their food shopping episodes I was appalled at how much they bought instead of raised themselves.
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