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Everything posted by dusang

  1. Dumbo is painfully tragic in animated form, watching a real(ish) baby elephant go through that? The thumbnail hurts my heart!
  2. I've only seen his Jane Eyre and don't remember it well but thanks for the Google image search. ;)
  3. Well.... the Jim Carrey version had problems that far exceeded and exacerbated Jim Carrey. At least it wasn't The Cat In The Hat.
  4. What makes this trailer for me is the series of images of Carol as a child, teen, and woman getting back on her feet after being knocked to the ground. It's everything I want.
  5. I am more excited than I even realized. I'm just .... screaming in excitement. (Silently because I'm at work and that would be super weird.)
  6. Not sure why the graphic is made to appear to WWII retro but I lurve it either way.
  7. You want to crush on Noah Centineo??
  8. Huh, it works for me. Maybe HuffPo will work for you? https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/09/08/saskatoon-police-lip-sync-video-backstreet-boys_a_23521099/
  9. I'm surprised they scheduled those two two years apart. Really? Is that considering Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm as independent of Disney? Because it seems impossible that, between all of them, they haven't achieved that.
  10. The Saskatoon Police Service are apparently fans of B99. And BSB.
  11. God, Marvel is so cocky, just assuming I'm going to give them my money. Who am I kidding?
  12. I'm not sure if his survival fully offsets that HE COULDN'T SWIM!!! I could have done with a few more lingering shots like that but also not disappointed.
  13. I saw JK interviewed and he said that they are not using the actual books because they were "of the moment" for the time. They are just using the characters and trying to be as "of the moment" for now. So this Jack Ryan will never hunt for a red October, as it were.
  14. Okay, I'm two years late on this but I particularly love this because I've actually listened to a podcast about how inferior inventions triumphed over superior ones (VHS v Betamax, etc.) and suspenders actually are the better method for holding up your pants. A belt is basically a tourniquet around your body.
  15. Vanity Fair has a series called "Notes on a Scene" They have a variety of behind the scenes people (directors, costume designers, stunt coordinators, etc.) breaking down a single scene. Here's one with the delightful Taika Waititi. Also, potential spoiler alert for Thor: Ragnarok.
  16. I don't know, Tumblr seems well acquainted with them. ;) Also, if you're interested in Sebastian Stan please do yourself a favour and watch The Bronze where he has the single most hilarious/awkward sex scene in the history of cinema.
  17. I just saw that Netflix Canada won't get S2 until September 20. Shirtballs!
  18. Tom Hardy, Riz Ahmed, and Michelle Williams??? Did no one learn the lessons of Fan4stic?
  19. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Cavill but daaaaaamn... no one can argue he ain't pretty. Also, Angela Bassett with Diana Ross hair is doing something to me....
  20. I literally couldn't make it through the trailer for this. Oof!
  21. Yeah, I like Gosling (Breaker High gave him a lot of nostalgia points in my book) but the more I think about La La Land, the more I hate it and Damian Chazelle so... not looking forward to First Man. Also, as a friend said, "why are they making this look like a thriller?"
  22. I'm assuming there's a pun intended on "Handle's (sic) Messiah" there?
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