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Everything posted by dusang

  1. "Hipster racism"? There's something really funny/tragic how that connects so seamlessly to the above quoted Spike Lee rant from 2014.
  2. Oh! I forgot about that!! I was surprised she asked for Jason Statham rather than Stone Cold Steve Austin.
  3. I've apparently come to a point where I can barely stand the sight of Natalie Portman.
  4. I have no problem with Chidi's jackedness, partly because it was referenced from the very beginning, partly because I don't think it's excessive (have The Chrises permanently warped my idea of what jacked is?), and partly because I'm shallow. However, I do have a bit of a problem with the Peeps Chili, in that he appeared to be preparing it on a desk with no heat source.
  5. Full disclosure, I had never heard of this show before five minutes ago and I have not seen a single second of it. However, for reasons unknown my Google news feed served up a Vulture recap headed by a shot of John Stamos with a beard and I needed to talk to someone about this. What the hell? He's discovering new and unexplored levels of hotness as he ages! What is going on?! Apologies for this digression, please carry on meaningful conversation.
  6. I would be shocked if a Judy Blume adaptation has anything past PG - in fact, since target audiences for YA books like Margaret are a few years younger than the characters, it would probably aim for G.
  7. American copyright law is among the most complex, with multiple tiers/phases/and possibility of extension -- there is no simple answer. Also, for many questions "in search answers" can be wrong and/or misleading because Google doesn't necessarily vet the source site appropriately.
  8. While I appreciate the physical strain can be wearying, not only did the MCU revive RDJ's career and prove him employable, he's made upwards of $200 million off the franchise. He hasn't given up anything.
  9. Manny Jacinto is in Bad Times at the El Royale with Larry's brother?!?! Please let this lead to the most amazing family cameo in television history!!!
  10. Just saw it -- there were a few laughs but it was SO STUPID. Venom's 180 in character motivation, Michelle Williams' entire look (the atrocious wig & schoolgirl kilt? WTF?), the terrible effects where you could not understand the action, the investigative journalist using his unencrypted phone to leave a voicemail on his source's office line, the gaping plot holes... I acknowledge that Tom Hardy gave it his all in a trash B-movie way. What a waste.
  11. Honestly, I only know that from IMDb Trivia entries for his various films. In Love Actually the "Bernard" is the son of Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman, who Emma complains about, so it's not always a totally unlikable character, more someone who is hapless or unpopular. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1446547/Why-Tory-MP-is-the-father-of-all-Bernards.html
  12. (This is a response to all the Bella talk, not just you but there's too many to quote them all now!) Bella Swan is THE WORST. The character as written is a total cipher -- physically she's non-descript, she has no talents or interests, no quirks, no pet peeves, nothing. She latches on to Edward for no readily apparent reason beyond the fact that he is attractive (if you took out all of the descriptions and references to the Cullens' beauty, there would be less than half of one book left from the four). He is actively disdainful of her for the first half of the first book and then condescending, overbearing, and possessive for the rest of the series. She is disinterested and unkind to the total strangers who try desperately to befriend her at school and ultimately chooses to effectively kill herself and sever all ties with family and friends as soon as possible before she ages past her 100-year-old boyfriend eternally trapped in the body of a 17-year-old. She spends an entire book deliberately risking her life so that she can feel "close" to this asshat who has, with no consultation with her, decided that they cannot be together and left the country. SHE IS AWFUL. All that said, I did manage to read all four Twilight books, while I was so horribly bored by 50 Shades that I never made it through one book. Anastasia Whatshername is an even more washed out, non-entity of a person on the page -- a faded facsimile of an already atrocious character. And Dakota Johnson did make her marginally tolerable and lively on screen, while Kristen Stewart dragged the material further down. Neither of them had much to work with in their male costars but still I will forever respect Dakota J. for attempting to imbue her character with some basic human personality, which the author entirely forgot to do.
  13. I hate Love Actually and you are so right about the underlying misogyny. I mean, in every movie he's made, Richard Curtis has named an unlikable character "Bernard" because his college girlfriend left him for a man named Bernard -- the man is 62 years old still seeking a petty revenge against a college girlfriend who had the audacity to choose someone else?
  14. Yeah, Ryan Gosling is a bit hard to pin down -- I never particularly enjoy his anecdotes but he inadvertently set up Greg Davies perfectly with the "fecal Jackson Pollock" comment and clearly loved Greg's story. The only time he's really been interesting on his own was when Graham pulled out the video of his tween dance recital on the episode with Emma Stone. That episode was probably his best showing generally, Emma's energy provided a perfect counterpoint to his deadpan.
  15. According to the Venom thread here, it's an enjoyable mess.
  16. Technically the ex didn't know it was him until the cops brought him in. Why wouldn't the ex have ever mentioned she was living with someone? But the patrol officers would NEVER handcuff him.
  17. In Cole's defense -- it's actually a pretty reasonable thing to stop a man climbing over a locked fence.
  18. I loved it!! I'm excited to finally be watching the show is (almost) real time. I LOVED that Trevor got Tahani & Jason drunk on the expectation that they'd hook up and Tahani would flee the continent in shame but instead Jason escorted her home and slept in a dumpster -- like a decent human being!! Poor Janet, I've never had the power of reality creation but I feel her frustration on waiting for things.
  19. In addition to everything already said about The Wedding Planner, to this day I'm unclear if Mary's father and Massimo were meant to be developmentally delayed or if that's just what Hollywood thinks "Italian" is! It is so bad. The only good moment is near the beginning as JLo walks through the office and a bride-to-be has like self-tanner stain all over her face and is weeping because the wedding is days away. JLo pauses, gives her a quick recipe (vinegar or something) and just says "scrub, scrub, scrub" while miming circles on her cheeks - it's a very small moment but I love it.
  20. I saw the original commercial a few times (it was painful) and then thought I was going crazy when Max Greenfield showed up as the white guy -- but no! They recast after the pilot. So Max Greenfield & Beth Behrs signed on to this AFTER the pilot was shot. They fully knew what they were agreeing to.
  21. For me, it's not really about the cast -- the DCEU has had some rather impressive casting already and managed to squander the potential. Good luck to (director) Cathy Yan and (writer) Christina Hodson. Neither has much in their credits to secure my hope but ... at least they aren't Zac Snyder.
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