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Everything posted by peeayebee

  1. I'm really bad at colleges and universities, so I was pleased when I came up with Quakers. I wasn't positive it was correct, but I really didn't think there was an ivy league team called the Lutherans. :)
  2. Here's an interesting article by Matt Zoller Seitz, one of my favorite TV bloggers.
  3. I just thought the transgender segment was just to point out that while it looks like our society are starting to accept transgender people, it's really only the sexy ones. There wasn't much depth or complexity to the story, but that's all I got out of it. I was not sad to see Stephen's facial hair go. It just didn't seem… right. I thought it was weird when Stephen did those different voices for the gun segment, but I guess he's done other voices before. Hasn't he? Loved the line during the story on coal -- "What will we give to naughty kids on Christmas? A stocking full of wind?" Re Obama's "war on coal," while it's a good thing to make changes in how we produce energy and what we use, there are going to be job losses. Even tho I'm on his side, I hated that the guest kept saying "transition" when it was clear he was referring to job losses. At least Stephen called him out on it. There are areas of the country where coal is their industry, where generations have worked in the coal mines, and of course they are worried about their jobs disappearing, not to mention other jobs that rely on those workers in those communities. It's insulting to hear someone say, "Yes, there will be transitions," when it really means, "Yes, people will lose their jobs." I enjoyed Freeman's interview. I haven't watched any of his Wormhole show. I should probably look it up.
  4. The whole Bergdahl story is depressing, just from all sides. I don't hate Gervais, but I tuned out the interview. There was nothing there interesting to me, and Derek looks awful.
  5. It reminds me of something my brother said back when Mark Spitz was winning all those gold medals at the Olympics. He was serious, and he was 23. "If I could swim like him, I'd win seven gold medals, too."
  6. There were a few TSs that I got, esp in the Rodgers and Hammerstein category. I was really surprised that Brian didn't get 'Carousel,' esp since Alex said to pay attention to the set, which I thought was a superfluous thing to say. Sorry to see Brian go so quickly. You just never know with this game. Here's a great interview with Julia. I like her even more. Who do you all suppose she was talking about here re a contestant who was miffed at her:
  7. You speak well for me. :) Yes, that's what I was referring to. BTW I've never heard of this guy -- I'm not too knowledgeable about football -- so what was so special about him that he'd be on WL?
  8. Well, THAT was uncomfortable, as I'm sure it was meant to be. Louis CK is a smart enough guy that he knows Louie's behavior with Pamela in the apartment was wrong. It doesn't matter that Pamela had said a couple of days ago that she was interested in pursuing the relationship because now she has changed her mind. His forcing a kiss was terrible -- and yet, Pamela's reaction was hilarious. Of course he was on the rebound. The speed and overtness of it was astounding, but then this is a sometimes surreal show. When he comes home and finds Pamela lying on the red couch, he thinks back on the first time he saw Amia -- sleeping on a red couch. But he's just a complete mess. As always, I loved the doctor's words of wisdom. Yeah, it's weird to say that love is all about missing the person, but he has his wife in mind, so it makes sense that that would be his opinion. Still, as usual, even though a lot of what he says is wacky, there are kernels of truth. That sadness that Louie feels really is his love for Amia. Missing a person is a good thing. It lets you know that you care about the person.
  9. I assume within the show this was a Hungarian restaurant. I liked this ep. Of course there was the comedy -- the news report about the hurricane, the weird guy looking for a dog (not his dog) -- but I thought it was very sweet how it ended. I loved the line in Amia's note that she had lots of feelings that she's put in a bottle and can perhaps give to Louie some day. I also liked that Louie had just assumed she was ashamed of having had sex with him. I guess that goes to his self-loathing. The waiter wiping his own tears away was touching. Louie being a hero by rescuing his daughters and ex, as well as comforting her, was like his (the character's) fantasy. I'm not sure what it means. Maybe showing that despite losing this woman, Amia, he still had a lot in his life that he would literally go thru hell or high water for.
  10. Thanks. I should have figured that out. Like forumfish said out, there wasn't a twist in the category title or quotes or anything. I wish they could have done something, not that it's any big deal. (I knew it referred to Kermit's song btw.)
  11. Ugh. Rob Gronkowski was awful. I didn't like watching him "dance," and he was simply unfunny in Helping Hands. I hate it when guests try to be funny. Plus, he was gross. There wasn't too much I liked in this ep. One thing I liked was Ryan explaining what electrolytes were. In Let's Make a Date, one of the three guys Wayne brought up looked very familiar. It was the short guy. Oh, and Wayne saying, "Copernicus! Galileo! Tim!" was pretty funny.
  12. Sorry to see Julia lose, but it had to happen some time. At first I thought it was, but it was just a setup for his "joke" that Julia was a tough cookie when she played. Yes. I was thinking how much he looked like O'Dowd, who of course is also Irish. Man, that was shocking. Really really weird. Was it Martin Luther? I thought even without the clue, his portrait was easily recognizable. (Even though that was before my time.) What a strange looking word. I didn't hear this said. How do you pronounce it? Like Abstract, the phrase 'breech baby' came readily to mind. It's too bad that Debra forgot what the category name was (i.e., "baby" in quotes). When Brian said "baby breech" it sounded bizarre. I didn't get why both Jeopardy rounds had "Easy Being Green" as categories. Is there a joke I'm missing? As far as FJ, I didn't have any idea, and that made me mad since I consider movies and Oscars to be my strongest areas. The first name that came to mind was Stephen King, but I knew he didn't win an Oscar. Then I was thinking of Lehane, but I was pretty sure he didn't win either. When John Irving was revealed, I was once again mad at myself because I love both the novel and film "Cider House Rules."
  13. I agree that this show is getting better and better. Every single segment in this ep was outstanding. I have to admit I haven't been paying attention to the net neutrality issue, but John sure did explain it clearly and colorfully. Why can't the MSM did that? I was most impressed by the graph that showed Comcast's broadband speed from Netflix when negotiations were going on. There's no refuting what that means. The Tony Dumdum piece was terrific. "Dickhead." Hee. I was expecting a piece on the Elliot Rodger/misogyny/guns story. I figure they're working on something, and I'm curious what their angle will be. I just love this show.
  14. Oh man. I didn't realize that about the haircut. Too funny! Loved this ep. I thought the best thing about the candidates strolling around the stage was when Maddox did it, he stayed as close as possible to his podium, like edging along the walls of an ice skating rink. His whole performance was hilarious. The whole hole speech was incredible. Poor guy. And Selina's twitch sure came in handy. Loved when Ben says, "Thank God for Twitchy. He really saved us. Love that little guy." (I have been dealing with my own eye twitch for over a month, though thankfully it's not as noticeable as Selina's. I hope.) Congressman Pearce was great. Spilling water, that stupid bathtub plug "joke." "Oh look, it's George Loony." Hey, Dan did look like Clooney. "You don't have the facial gravitas for a beard." "You should only talk if someone pulls your string." Selina: Is the twitch really bad? Gary: [pause] Yes. From the beginning I thought it was a mistake for the campaign to use Wendy in order to get a good story out there. It certainly would come out that she was married to someone in the campaign, and that would look bad. It's so funny how Kent and Sue's relationship is being revealed. We first saw an interest from Kent, then courtship, then apparently involvement, and now a breakup or at least fight.
  15. Yeah, that was a great line. I also wondered if the port-a-potties were CGI'd. I was just sitting here grinning thruout the ep. I've missed this show. I loved Randy's excitement over the platoon flag, and then when he came in and found it gone… Poor Randy. I can't remember the character names, but I liked that one gal whose face was on the flag, saying, "I look good. I need my own country." I also loved the other gal having her hands superglued to her face -- Home-Alone face. And the guy duct-taped to the wall. I really wanted them to win the prank war against Jill, but it wasn't meant to be. "You can't cover your junk with excuses." Sgt Major making his way back to base was terrific.
  16. It's 7:00 Eastern/Pacific, so, yes, 6:00 Central. As far as "nothing comes on at 6 PM," of course there's 60 Minutes and America's Funniest Videos. I'm very excited to see this tonight (and the three in the following weeks). My DVR obediently set it up, plus one of the TV critics I follow tweeted a reminder. I hope some other outlet picks it up, like Netflix.
  17. I'm enjoying the season and each episode, but I think this season is kind of like some novels where you have to finish it in order to appreciate what came before. I think that many shows do that these days. I understand it can be frustrating for some viewers. I often have to remind myself to be patient because once the season ends we'll see the purpose and point of the individual episodes and scenes. But that's not to say that I'm just waiting for the end. I love the show and the characters.
  18. I enjoyed this one. Of course, anything with Julie Andrews is 100% better. She's always charming, kind, witty, funny, game for anything, gracious… Well, you get the point. I had read that some British viewers felt Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum were too crass. I don't know. It didn't seem to bother Dame Andrews at all. She seemed to enjoy Jonah's running gag about their getting married. One problem I had with the show was Channing. He seemed self-conscious or maybe over-medicated. He was fine when Graham was talking to him, but when he was just sitting on the couch and listening to others, he looked unnatural when he laughed and just, like I said, ill at ease. It was weird. I'm also not a fan of Pharrell interviews.
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