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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. Wait, did I hear correctly? Dorit thinks she and PK share the same accent, and that Jagger has it too? Umm... Garcelle seemed to keep fliping between having never seen the episode, and knowing all about it. She seemed to be keeping up with what was going on with Eden way too much for someone who hadn't watched. And seriously, quit whining about Kyle supposedly not wanting to get to know you. It goes both ways. I can't help but wonder how alliances might have shifted if this hadn't been Eileen's final episode. Would she have eventually flipped to team LVP? Would Rinna and Dorit still have gotten close? In a WWHL episode last year, Eileen claimed she was on Dorit's side in puppygate but I'm not totally convinced. I'm still a bit surprised Eden ended up being a one-and-done, and not even as a full time HW. She was definitely auditioning for her diamond during that dinner party.
  2. After reading that, I'm still confused. Nigel seems to be the only one suggesting the show is permanently cancelled. Wonder if he's just frustrated that any suggestions for preserving Season 17 were ultimately rejected. Definitely sucks for this season's contestants, in any case. I also wonder if FOX being noncomittal to 2021 is because frankly, nobody knows what the COVID situation is going to look like a year from now, if vaccines or treatments don't pan out by then.
  3. Something seemed fishy to me about the whole Tanner situation. One of the finalists mysteriously withdraws? Yeah... Thinking the producers really wanted to make sure the finale gets to feature a slew of Hollywood B-listers (and I’m being pretty generous there) in the crowd.
  4. I'm glad they brought her back from the movie. Major upgrade from Tony Hale, IMO. I wish they'd given her more to do.
  5. Oh Victor... while I can't blame him essentially swooning after Benji's confession, still not the wisest move to make out right outside the front door while knowing that there are two powder kegs walking around the school potentially ready to go off. That said, Pilar and Andrew can both fuck off with their righteousness. The episodes didn't do such a great job IMO establishing Benji's character, other than demonstrate that the boyfriend's an ass. I was still rooting for Benji and Victor, but with so much more focus on Mia than Benji, I'm wondering if I should have been, since it seems that the show's just painting her as a victim to Victor's dishonesty. Even though she's been dishonest (especially to herself, in fairness) with her feelings about Andrew. I like Mia a lot, but I was anticipating more of a love triangle, instead of a guy and girl with other guy as passive interloper. It just makes Victor look like an ass, when he really isn't, and it gives Andrew more ammunition to be a dick towards Victor (not buying Andrew's redemption yet). Ugh to the cliffhanger ending. That's the kind of finale that curses shows I watch to be cancelled. I hope Disney/Hulu prove me wrong.
  6. Wonder if this episode is what got the show kicked over to Hulu. Surprised that Ali Wong hasn't been bothering me in this show, but I wish it'd been the drama teacher - turned - vice principal overseeing detention instead.
  7. Wow, two new tie-ehns in one night! Glad Cruz lost; all he did was trash the brothers after each event. Turns out he was all talk. I’m sure that’s part of the game that the incumbent tie-ehn has to be confident on the verge of arrogance, but at least Jessie managed to be somewhat humble and complimentary. Too bad both of the brothers can’t be in the regional final.
  8. Johnny, since you lost to a bartender please make good on your word and never show your face in public again.
  9. Ah, I don't watch those so I wasn't aware. Interesting; the only thing I can imagine more annoying than six people yelling at each other across a room is six people yelling at each other aross six rooms :) So much for my theory though, heh.
  10. I've never seen a single Bachelor Nation episode, so I don't know how Wells is, but I like him here. He's basically a giant self-deprecating dork trapped in the body of a boy band member. Whereas his opponent is a dude-brah douche with even douchier friends.
  11. How's the reunion supposed to be handled this year? I thought it's usually taped about midway through the season airing. Not sure how it'd work to basically have the reunion be a giant zoom meeting, so I wonder if they're stretching the season to give more time to film an actual reunion (maybe with individual chairs instead of couches)?
  12. One day, one of these days, someone is going to resist making THE joke when they hear the word “macerate,” right? Johnny for the loss! Of course he’d think he could get away with calling Anne “bruh.” Hopefully she or Wells can flip him on his back and drag him across the room, a la his greatest Challenge moment.
  13. “Diving Range” is a fail; stop it, show. They barely even showed the actual putting! Jordan had an interesting strategy with the port a potties. Good on ya, Fly.
  14. Not sure if anyone knew this, but J-Lo was in the Super Bowl halftime show! Wonder why they haven’t mentioned it on the show yet (and if anyone who dared mention Shakira would be banned from the building)? 🙂 Hated JLo and Derek yapping nonstop during Luca & Alessandra. “Wish you could have heard what we were saying...” NO. No, they really don’t. Kinda funny hearing the judges struggling to critique Indigenous Enterprise. “I really liked... the history.” I’d have liked to see them get a callback but clearly the judges would have no clue how to score them. Nice to see the show finally letting Scott Evans work for his paycheck.
  15. Oh, Lisa: "I'm an amazing mother! Both of my girls are still alive! So there!" 20 minutes later in the episode... "I have no idea where my children are or what they're doing right now. Seriously, not a clue!" Convenient of her to leave the table (though it's a natural response when a wacko like Aaron decides to condecend to all the women at the table, actually I think he was rudest to the non-cast member friend of Kyle's). Then later when Denise keeps hinting that her biggest problem isn't with anyone CURRENTLY AT THE TABLE yet refuses to straight up tell Kyle that it's Lisa she's talking about. Lisa skates yet again! Good on Edwin to stay away from the drama and watch all the kids! I'm sure the conversations were much more intellectual than anything Aaron and the ladies had to say.
  16. So this is kind of random, but has anyone noticed the weird speedy frame rate when they film the cooking scenes? Combined with the shaky cam, it’s like watching a Guy Ritchie movie or those special theater releases of The Hobbit trilogy, and I’m finding it’s actually kinda nausea inducing. No idea when they started filming like that.
  17. Doris would ask someone backstage (not sure who) who the contestants were and then based on the description she’d look them up on her phone for a pic. Anthony called her out on it once and it devolved into them yelling at each other for a minute or two.
  18. That whiny bitch seriously seemed to think one of his beautiful plates going to a commoner at another table is what got him eliminated. Who the hell puts two dishes on a plate that they know would taste like crap together? Did he have a palate cleanser meant to be taken between halves of the plate? Also, I lost count of the number of eye rolls he made before and after the QF. Hope the door hit you on the way out, jackass. Thank goodness he’s gone, now I can root for anyone but Kevin (who’s totally gonna win).
  19. Loved the CIA disguise twist at the end. And I can’t believe that was Elvira! Of course only after she revealed that could I totally recognize her voice. Even after being called out on it a couple years ago, Mama Doris is still totally cheating. And what was with all her hostility towards D’Arcy?
  20. The diving gimmick was a complete waste of time and Greg Louganis. I thought maybe they all knew how to dive, not just the plant. Instead it wound up being an unfunny joke about how bad the judges are. Meh. First Jon Lovitz now Steve Gutenberg; are comedians past their prime going to be a recurring theme? Underwhelming choice for a final course. That would have been a first rounder last year. I miss Mount Holey Moley. So I guess animated Steph Curry is going to be a thing all season. Apparently he was injured, then sick, then production stopped due to covid. So I get it, it’s pretty distracting though, especially when the winner becomes a cartoon in the end as well. I wonder if someone will get past the port a potty doors eventually? That awesome hole in one was about the only thing I liked about this ep.
  21. Looks like the actresses' alliance is officially kaput. Guess we know Lisa really will throw anyone under the bus for screentime. OWN IT, Rinna. Good thing Eileen left the show when she did. Very telling that Dorit didn't really correct Teddi when she suggested Dorit's constant harping about Kyle and Teddi was to shade Teddi because she didn't like her. I think Dorit, not Kyle, is the one who regrets crossing LVP last season. Now she's scared that their friendship is going to result Teddi in leapfrogging her in status among the group. Dorit is seriously the fucking worst. Denise doesn't actually think her daughter hasn't seen Wild Things, does she? Her party, her rules, so I agree with her in her annoyance with the others, but her straight up lying about her daughter's reaction (and probably about the ice diamond as well) erodes her moral high ground. These women have no shame, Denise, so quit using your kids as a sword and shield. It's not going to work.
  22. What was even the point of airing the fire episode? Roof inspector won’t show up months later so projects on hold, and the flippers moved on to another house (that we don’t see) with their apparently endless supply of money. Thanks for wasting my time then, Tarek.
  23. FIgures, those two hurricanes are always up on each other. Why won't they just ADMIT IT?
  24. And what a coincidence that PK arrived just as Dorit was being called out on her commitment to the project. And when she eventually came back around to addressing his concern all she could come up with is "I always give 120%." HAHA
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