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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. I think they way undercounted the number of “woo”s. I really wish this show didn't have so many obnoxious contestants.
  2. Interesting in the "never before seen" scene that Denise immediately followed up her insistence to Garcelle that there'd be no possible text evidence from Brandi with a story of how Charlie's ex had an app that could fake texts and make them look real. Hmmm...
  3. I don't know if it's the resolution on my screen or what, but Teddi looks unrecognizable in this picture. Like, a completely different face!
  4. My personal issue with it, aside from the fact that she's insufferable in general, is she's over the top about it and clearly sees it an opportunity to prove she's more cultured than the others. More so in the talking heads. Granted I don't speak Italian but I haven't heard it so over-exaggerated before. Like she's an imitation of someone saying "it's a spicy-a meat-a-ball." And shit like looking down on someone ordering a margarita when in Italy, but it's okay to order a vodka tonic since she orders it in Italian. It's not as bad when she speaks it in restaurants but her attitude about it ("I lived in Italy, look at me I'm so cultured! Not like Kyle!") is grating. I don't recall her making any sort of effort to learn and speak the language in France, or Hong Kong, likely because she wouldn't be fluent enough to impress.
  5. About time someone on the show mentioned that. Looks like Kyle's already starting to skate on the rumor being put out there. Garcelle mentioned Denise having every right to be pissed at Lisa and Teddi (which she does), but no mention of Kyle. I still think Kyle's been playing Teddi like a fiddle in getting the rumor out there, knowing how close Teddi was to agreeing to expose Door-it last year. Glad that Denise recognized Lisa was instrumental in pushing Teddi to reveal the rumor, when (IMHO) all Teddi intended to expose were the two-faced insults. Denise's comeback that Brandi confessed to hooking up with another HW was the same weak-ass attempt at deflecting bullshit that Lisa did in Hong Kong when she tried to get back at Door-it's pill comment with the coke party allegation. I'm almost postiive that Sutton simply misspoke and meant months when she said 2 years ago she heard the rumor. In the talking head last week, she mentioned she'd heard several months back from a friend about Brandi and Denise, and 24+ months is not what I'd consider "several." Door-it is every bit as insufferable as I thought she'd be with the Italian and the glamming. I much prefer Sutton's type of pretentiousness. I'm not sure I agree with Door-it that she's been such a great friend to Kyle. I absolutely believe she intended to target Kyle this season until Kyle deflected the attention onto Denise.
  6. Mikey, Erika's often-seen BFF, is described as her "creative director" when we see him watching Erika get glammed up in her hotel room.
  7. SO much 4th wall breaking! I'm starting to think production was making a special exemption for LVP all these years, because it was apparent that many of the issues women had with her were due to things the show refused to air (or maybe couldn't catch because she was sly like that). Yet with Denise, they have absolutely no qualms airing everything and allowing the women to say exactly why they're frustrated. Maybe all the Bravo, Bravo, Bravo really pissed the producers off. I haven't seen any movies or TV shows Denise has been in for years, but her performance at the dinner table reminded me of her performances in Starship Troopers, Wild Things, and 007... not very good. I feel horrible for her that this was all put it there, but her denial was not convincing at all. Sutton confirming she'd heard the rumor over a month ago (and I doubt she heard it directly from Brandi) sealed it for me. And while it doesn't matter, I'm finding it tough to sympathize with someone who keeps lying. Although it's shitty that things like this are made public in the first place. I thought Sutton's question to Teddi was ridiculous: of course Teddi should care more about the trash talking than the was it/wasn't it affair. The latter had nothing to do her. Even though I still dislike Door-it and all her pretentious behavior ("so I ordered vodka tonic, at least it was in Italian unlike that ugly American Kyle with her... ugh... margarita." Whatever asshole. Surprised she hasn't yet broken out into the "Be Italian" number from the musical 9.) it was decent of her to point out that Teddi's not one to handle stressful situations like this well due to her anxiety. Interesting that Kyle took that moment to disregard Teddi and direct the sympathy towards Denise. Yep, Kyle (and Lisa, at dinner) totally set Teddi up to be the messenger and is plotting to skate in all of this. I guess I'm naive, but I don't think Teddi had intended to out the hookup rumor, just the two-faced talk. But as soon as Teddi slipped that Brandi was pissed and everyone kept harping like, "why would she be pissed?" she had to spill, especially once she was accused of torturing Denise (which again, I don't believe she intended). So far it looks like aside from Door-it, Kyle's part in this may go by largely unoticed. Unlike with Teddi and Lisa, there didn't seem to be much consternation over what to do with the information. As if she knew she wasn't going to have to say anything. Teddi was getting irritated with her ("you were there too!") so I wonder if she's realizing that she got set up.
  8. That was sweet of Alex to address her team as “chefs” rather than the usual “home cooks.” They both seemed so giddy about it. Also, she cracked me up with her “oh, fuck me” look when she realized she’s been taped from the chef’s perch this whole time. Rooting for Zach even though he’s Diet Wells: just one calorie, not Wells enough.
  9. These hosts need to go ASAP. Mike only exists as a character at this point, Rocsi seems barely interested half the time (I've only seen her on here so I was shocked to learn she's an Emmy winner), and they spend too much time predicting/rooting for certain contestants. Simon is just awful in every regard. I miss the obstacle course element that Wipeout had, but this'll do in a pinch, better if there was a way to mute Mike and Simon.
  10. I agree with this. I think there was an initial plan amongst the women to take down Kyle. Door-it (thank you, Sonja!) took the lead by insinuating Kyle and Teddi were More Than Friends, in hopes of causing a freakout by one or both of them which would cool off the friendship. Then with the "package deal" eliminated they could go for the kill. But then Denise (and Aaron) annoyed Lisa and Erika which took the heat off of Kyle. Which threw off Door-it, Denise and to a lesser extent Garcelle (whose only drama was Kyle hasn't gotten to know me in the approximately 50 minutes I've been in her vicinity all season). To me it seemed pretty blatant that Kyle, Kim and Brandi staged the whole thing, down to Brandi waiting outside in the car (probably they weren't sure whether to go through with the reveal until Kyle ultimately blessed it). Not that I think it's a lie, I happen to believe Brandi on this one. I think Kyle's pouring gasoline onto the flame now because she picked up on the plot to go after her, so she's doing her best to keep the focus on Denise. She seems to be manipulating Teddi quite a bit in this. First by siccing Camille to break up Teddi's and Denise's one-on-on. Which worked, as it shut down both women afterwards (really Denise? You wanted to pull Teddi aside just to tell her you've already said all you have to say to her?) Then after Brandi's "revelation" when Teddi (appropriately IMO) focused on the alleged comments Denise had made about the women, in other words the part of story that was actually kinda sorta their business, Kyle interrupts to say "helloooo? That's not the important part! The important part is the OMGScandal!" And now by having Teddi be the one to actually spread the news. In other words, the exact same thing LVP was accused of manipulating Teddi to do last year with Puppygate. Only this time either Teddi's not savvy enough to pick up on it, or hearing about the two-faced trash talk put Teddi in IDGAF mode. I've seen it reported that Denise unfollowed Lisa, Teddi and Erika after the reunion, but Kyle was not mentioned in that list so it appears she may be skating from this one? Not sure if this episode airing changes any of that. Door-it was in peak Door-it form last night. First by claiming to have invented the idea of having an 80s act perform at your party. And now they're going to a country where only she speaks the language, so now she gets to flaunt it, while not being accused of putting on a fake accent for once. Funny how even when she stays out of the drama (for now), she still gets my nerves more than all the others combined. I can't tell if Lisa is ashamed or proud that she raised such a high maintenance nitwit. Does Amelia stay off the ground level of her parents' house since the thought of living on the ground floor gives her anxiety? Or by ground floor does she actually mean not penthouse?
  11. What was UP with that prospective director? "I like the script, but I'm thinking a few tweaks. She should suggest they have a threesome. Then get really possessive. Then the man goes crazy and schemes with the other woman to kill her." Say what now? Did she hear Garcelle was filming a show with Denise Richards, and decide to turn the script into a shitty remake of Wild Things?
  12. In a talking head a while back Erika mentioned that she and the others admired how sex-positive Denise was last year. I don't think it was just the movie roles, I think she thought she'd found a kindred spirit; except for Eileen, the other women took a while to stop clutching their pearls at how she performed as Erika Jayne. Had Denise been on the show then, I've no doubt she'd have been fully on board with EJ. But I think you're right that Erika's disappointed that Denise isn't what Erika formed in her mind and that she needs to get over it. I was actually intrigued how Denise and Teddi's conversation would have gone. I think one-on-one they might have been able to get through to each other as they're IMO the two most rational, aside from Garcelle. But then Kyle and Camille had to fuck it up and I suspect they're not going to get the opportunity again. I love how about the only thing Kimber was looking forward to was seeing Eileen. You and me both, lady. I thought it was classy of Eileen to stay with Kimber and Camille after Lisa's "I don't hate you at all, I just wanted to say you're an asshole and I kind of hate you." Nobody goes scorched earth quite like Lisa Rinna. That said, I don't feel bad at all for Camille that her apology tour isn't going over well. Hey at least you were 1 for 4!
  13. Was Ric Flair the 5th judge? Derek, Ne-Yo and Stephen Boss needed to shut the fuck up with all the WOOOooooo’s. As desperate and manic and extra as Derek is, Ne-Yo is by far my least favorite judge. You watch the routines specifically looking for things to dislike? That’s not judging, that’s being a caricature of a critic. My favorite part of the episode is when the audience (and Derek) failed to play along with his “how much?” Sorry buddy, this isn’t Beat Shazam and you’re not Jamie Foxx. Thought it was weird how Stephen was all that was artistry, I’m proud to be a fellow dancer to Josh and Erica, but didn’t pick them. I like Geometry a lot but I suspect the judges are soon going to tire of their style and not know how to score them.
  14. Hmm, the "most dramatic ____ ever" ending sure would have been a bust had the guy won. Unless every contestant was told to flirt with the lifeguard and they only included footage of the winner. But between this and the guy from a few weeks back who brought along his entourage of Hollywood B-listers and lost only to get called back when one of the finalists mysteriously dropped out and ultimately win thus ensuring a "star" studded finale, I'm thinking the only real thing about the show is the wipeouts. Which is a shame because I didn't get that "this all seems fake" vibe last season. Despite that, I'm still in for the commentary. I love Rob's constant delight hearing "Uranus" and his astonishment that people would willingly zipline straight to that pole rather than just take the stroke penalty. I could have sworn Wipeout did a blind dating episode once, and this same exact thing happened where the woman supposedly dumped her match for the lifeguard. I've definitely seen this play out somewhere before on a TV show competition like this.
  15. I think Erika brought it up because otherwise it'd be awkward silence until Denise returned. It was an enormous elephant in the room and had to do with him and his demeanor at the party, not his wife's. So might as well address it with him standing right there and nobody saying anything otherwise.
  16. This HAS to be about more than some of the women talking about S-E-X in front of the children, right? Denise keeps being all, we have to leave now, don't make eye contact, not a word. And it seems to me Aaron does NOT like being told what to do by her in front of the cameras. I feel like I should be on her side, but she's lied about her daughter's reaction, and she and Aaron are being as OTT as everyone else about it. All of them (except Garcelle) are being assholes. Maybe it's the pregnancy (perhaps she thinks it shields her from retaliation), but it appears that Teddi no longer gives a fuck, and I'm kind of here for it. Calling out Aaron, and next week Camille. I agree that "we're going to a strip club" was a test that Lisa failed spectacularly. Denise had to have noticed her racing back to the party. I don't dislike Sutton as much as I did the first few episodes, but her tacky ass really needs to stop criticizing other people's wardrobe. Especially when they're visibly pregnant - I doubt Chanel has a huge maternity couture line.
  17. After getting shut out in the wrong lyrics game (I think), Yvette seemed a bit off the rest of the night. I was kind of surprised. D'Arcy definitely redeemed her early round bungles (giving away Ted Danson before the other team answered) with her ace performance with the ball toss. That single-handedly won it for her team. She seemed pretty happy with the choice of Eliza for the last round. Eliza seemed to do pretty well in the final round. She seemed to have a good sense of when to pass rather than keep throwing out clues (maybe even a little too quick to pass on one or two instances). Not sure about her Jennifer Love Hewitt clues though. Is she really known for her cleavage? Especially to a guy who was giddy over meeting Dolly Parton?
  18. Is Noah 4 for 4 now on MO? Impressive. Wish they'd just have Dwayne do the commentary instead of "Goldenboy." I seemed to hear even more instances of "TIE - EHN" than is usual. Sometimes he doesn't exaggerate the second syllable so much so I know he has it in him. Just stick to calling play-by-plays of people playing Halo and Overwatch.
  19. I've loved the banter between Alex and Anne going back to the Next Iron Chef (or whatever they called that show). I remember the two of them in a truck for a challenge, and Alex is behind the wheel honking her horn in traffic. Anne's all "oh geez, are you one of those?" Alex laughed and replied "yep, bad driver." It's nice having two coaches who actually enjoy being on the show without the element of one acting above it all (Alton)/flirting with the women (Bobby)/dude-bro'ing it up with the 20s-30s guys (Tyler). It was bad enough hearing Ari talk about Shirley, her apparently sentient stomach... I definitely didn't need to see an animated representation of her/it.
  20. If Mack's parents were chronicoms that whole time, why were they all "I'm scared, what's going to happen to us next?" when just the two of them were in the prison cell? Wasn't the reason they took their faces in the first place because they knew Mack would break them out? Or were they just acting 24/7 in the event SHIELD was watching them on spycam? Curious if there's any non-contrived reason for the sudden second time jump. Or did the chronicoms just take one look at the early 80s and say "nope, fuck this."
  21. I wish they wouldn't keep encouraging that woman to address her stomach as if it's her conjoined twin.
  22. It’s 2020; I don’t care if The Hills was rebooted, I didn’t need to be reminded that Speidi exist. Yet somehow they got out-douched by their teammate. Was his “AMERICA” gloat a brag about their 4th of July answer (which they hadn’t given yet), or was it some good old fashioned racist BS hurled at Jersey? Cedric’s answer of “the club” was counted as person on the board
  23. Before it was revealed to be Mack’s parents in the photo (I assume), I thought it’d be Piper and Fitz, whose continued absence is pissing me off now. FFS it’s the last season. Maybe he’ll cameo in the finale.
  24. From now on I shall refer to her as "DOOR-it" as well. Love it. Hearing the NYC cast commentary was a vast improvement to hearing Dorit and Garcelle reiterate their grievances in the previous two reruns. I believe this was the season Rinna got shit from Andy and LVP about not getting involved in the drama, but I much preferred this Rinna, sloppy drunkenness and all.
  25. dmeets

    Hamilton (2020)

    Would this even be eligible for the Oscars? Since it isn't a re-filming as a motion picture, but a fiming of the stage production from four years ago. Honestly I'm not even sure why it originally would have taken so long, even if the original plan was to show it in cinemas. Still looking forward to this. I wish they'd do more of this sort of thing; the only other instance I can recall seeing like this was the DVD release of RENT's final performance.
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