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Everything posted by sigmaforce86

  1. I didn't know grifting off the "supporters" you've scammed by having your wife post trademark violating instagram recipes while you pretend to earn the mail order equivalent of a diploma counted as secular work. As for the second half, I guess spell check got the best of him and I've fixed his post below - I'm sure Derick will realize his mistake and update soon <sarcasm alert> Whether we’re in the US working in a secular career or living abroad doing vocational VACATION FAKE mission work
  2. The escape in that second episode was definitely on before. That's the family that tried to sue saying the girls and the production company invaded their house. Their version of the events is pretty different than what we saw and, editing not withstanding, some of what they said paints them in a very good light and is pretty doubtful.......That the girls got in by reaching through a doggy door to unlock the door even though that's pretty hard to do and we saw the girls just walk into the house. And that the family was "discussing alternatives" even though you could hear the screaming and arguing from the street as soon as the girls pulled up. They also insist the film crew came back into the house after the police arrived while we saw them on the street filming through the front door. That could have been left out but I have doubts the police would have let that happen or if they did try to come in and the family said No the police would have kicked them out to make sure nothing escalated and they had control of the situation. The lawsuit was dismissed by the way - the family just stopped filing the paperwork/complaints they needed to submit. http://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=3693106&itype=CMSID
  3. So many questions: Keith needs Josh because the Wizard is a "24hr operation".........Why or maybe the question is How? When the pots are dropped they have to soak, what other fishing can/does the crew do then? Or does Keith have so many pots that when the last one is dropped they immediately turn around to pull in the first pot? The one time Disco needs a "how this works" cartoon and nothing is explained. And what is Josh's real role? If the Cornelia Marie can run with just Casey why is Josh there? So he bought into the boat, not all owners go to sea, is he a Captain, Co-Captain, Student or Stunt Casting? Is the goal for him to run the boat alone eventually? And if so considering he spent years on deck and that he knows the business what makes his journey to captainhood different from Jake Anderson - why is Jake running that Saga while Josh is still dicking around and "learning" all this time (family drama aside)? And I may not say this right but I hated how blunt he and Casey were with Keith about the money.......not "I don't know if we can afford to be one man down" or "I'm not sure what will happen if I have to give up my stake in this trip" but straight to "What's in it for me".....Maybe that's how they do it, maybe Keith even preferred straight talk no niceties but to me it was them not first caring what Keith needed or repaying any help he gave them over the years but straight to how can they profit from this request. Not that Josh shouldn't get something or that he should lose money if he said yes, anyone should of course but this came off more like Person A: "I need your help", Person B: "What's in it for me". Too bad Sean was fishing on the Brenna A and not available for Keith, 1000 times more maturity and common sense than Josh shows on any given day.
  4. You mean the instructions aren't "Open container. Insert Spoon. Eat Contents of Container" ? Damn, I've been doing it wrong! There are so many thoughts about Jill's recipe attempts but I think her lack of cooking knowledge and lack of social media knowledge collide perfectly at the Chicken & Noodles recipe with chicken listed as "Optional". So....Noodles? No thought to correct the recipe or the name, no thought to make it pretty or make it sound appealing. No thought to make it healthier with at minimum the addition of carrots, spinach, chopped peppers, something (which should have appealed to her as it also stretches the recipe to serve more). I think she has a copy/paste addiction.
  5. geez a whole episode of basically Monty, Josh & Casey w just a little Bill thrown in? When he's on for part of an episode it's not so bad but to be featured like that....does Harris have dirt on someone at Disco or what? Or are we here at PTV the only viewers that can"t stand him? Honestly I'd rather watch Jake Anderson blow his top and flirt with an aneurysm for an hour than hear Josh laud his skills and talk about "the old man" one more time.
  6. Wait Donathan already played his idol? Crap I'm sure I saw it and I guess I forgot because I did not remember that at all. I truly thought he still had it on him. Well that changes everything, really makes his whole freak out a mystery if planned and a mistake if not planned. But honestly, at the time I was watching I really, really thought Donathan still had that idol in his bag. Oh and forgot to add in my first post - if I were on Survivor I'd never ever tell the other players this but I completely suck at slide puzzles. I love puzzles, I do all sorts but slides just stump me and they're the only type of puzzle I truly hate. I'd fake it and stand there moving stuff around and I'd probably at least try to figure it out but I know I'd have no chance of solving that sucker. Still good for Wendell for realizing you do always have to call out that you're done and for not getting too angry when he lost.
  7. Dom & Wendell were not being strategic at all in that challenge (IMHO). First if it's two winners don't team up. Granted it was likely they'd get to pick one, maybe two more to go with them but leaving your rivals to plan and even stew about how they didn't get anything? While neither of them are there to eavesdrop or diffuse any plans for blindsides? Bad idea. And then to chose Sebastian for Ghost Island? guess it's better than picking the girls but to basically give away an advantage to anyone on even the fringe of their alliance was another bad move when you combine it with pissing off someone actually in said alliance. Donathan had me fooled, for a good five minutes I thought he actually planned his verbal rampage to put the focus and votes on him. Then he plays his idol and uses his vote to boot Dom or Wendell. Could have been a plan but turns out he just lost his mind that day. No idea what he was doing, being bitchy for the sake of it, foggy hunger brain, long term plan? No idea at all. Was it fun to watch? Sure. Was it confusing? Absolutely. He and Laurel seem so ineffective at this point and the Dom/Wendell bromance so firmly in place I'm starting to wonder if one of these guys will really do the logical thing and blindside the other or will they go all they way to final together even knowing they're evenly matched?
  8. After this episode I took the show off my DVR. No offense to the show or the network and I don't hate the captains either (well I'd make an exception for Harris!) but...it's just not the same. Or maybe it's too much of the same. The seemingly manufactured drama of the first few episodes has devolved into the standard look for crabs, lower pots, raise pots, stack pots. The focus is more on the Captains than the guys on the deck and there's nothing new being taught to the viewers. There used to be multiple guys followed and seeing how they work and cope was interesting but they don't do that as much with the deckhands now. And I don't hate Sig or Jake or Keith I just don't find them watchable anymore. So, OK, a little bit of letting my thoughts just dump into the keyboard there to say as much as I've always liked the show and I don't find anything truly, truly wrong it I'm not where it holds my attention much anymore either and I feel like it's time to bail.
  9. Jim Parsons apparently injured his ankle during the curtain call at The Boys In the Band. Assuming ankle the way the story is written, none of the news sites say what he actually did or what his full injury was. Really wish I could see that play, helluva cast. To see Jim along with Zachary Quinto, Andrew Rannells and Matt Boomer on one stage? That would be awesome. Anyway hopefully it's nothing serious just a light sprain or something and he'll be up and moving in a day or two. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/jim-parsons-injury-forces-cancellation-of-‘the-boys-in-the-band’-performance/ar-AAxbe3i?li=BBnb7Kz
  10. Thank you show for not wounding Jamie or making this any sort of cliffhanger. Nice ending to the season. Jamie and Edie: About damn time. Engagement announcement at dinner: Thought it was weird and fast, they just started dating. Then I remembered, technically they've been "dating" for years, they've gone out socially alone and in groups, they've talked about their lives on duty and off, they've even stayed at each others apartments (platonic we suppose). They probably know more about each other than most couples. They were just missing the "I Love You" part. Cuteness factor: Of course when she popped around the corner and took his hand. But Jamie's admission of love "I'd spend the five million on you" was a good moment. I don't think Frank was completely pleased and this next is definitely IMHO but..........I think he really likes Edie, I think any hesitation or disapproval of them as a couple is because she's also a cop. He lost one son, he lost a daughter in law who while not in law enforcement was still a public servant. He's seen that same DIL and himself shot and his family put in danger more than once because of their profession. Now he gets a new DIL and I think what he sees is the potential for tragedy for her or Jamie; those are just the odds. So being Frank he's going to worry but also being Frank he's going to give that smile and not say anything to the kids.
  11. sigmaforce86

    The Judges

    Now that Martha's a judge I'll actively avoid any episode with her in it. Like her if you want, even adore her if that's your thing (before or after prison) but my Mother and Aunt both went to Nutley High School with her, she's in the Nutley Hall of Fame (gag). My whole family is from Nutley and goes way back in the town, my Grandfather's name is on the WWII memorial.......... so the stories she tells about growing up there, what things were like are fakey made up homespuns tales that mostly didn't happen that way. It's just so fake and goody-goody to make herself look better and I not only have no respect for her I just can not watch anything she's on. I like Chopped but I don't go crazy for it so not a big deal if I miss a bunch of episodes - if it avoids Martha it'll be very worth it.
  12. I'd rather see Amazing Race Second Chances. They know there are teams out there the viewers really like, that's why the cowboys came back more than once. Couldn't they get enough former teams to make a season? I'm thinking of people like Becca and Floyd who were medically forced out on a poorly designed detour that made him too sick to go on or Dave and Connor when Dave snapped his tendon. I know there are others I'm just not remembering right now (and I know "liked the team" varies from view to viewer so the examples I gave or the teams the show could choose might not be to everyone's liking) but.........maybe TPTB already tried and couldn't gather up enough interested parties but if not bringing back teams who went too early or through no fault of their own, especially teams the viewers really liked watching seems like a much better season than all Big Brother or other stunt casting. That said I've never ever watched BB and won't know any of these people at all so I figure to me it'll be like a regular season watching a bunch of strangers although I expect there could be a decent drinking game using the phrase "When we were on Big Brother" as the cue to take a shot.
  13. That was a great half hour of TV that could have been an hour and still been just as funny. There's no point listing all the great moments, everyone's listed them pretty well already so will just say Mark Hamill needs to more comedy, Howard geeking out at Mark at his door was hysterical (also check Mayim having nearly the same reaction in real life the day of the table read for the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK-vXzFIxyQ ), Teller doing the "hang me now" behind Kathy Bates back and we needed a scene with MeeMaw and a scene with Howard showing Mark all his astronaut stuff could have been fun even if it wasn't "wedding related" (really they could have easily made this an hour finale) And Teller speaks! I'm going to go way back in time here and ask if any other Mel Brooks fans are out there because Teller's "Thank You" reminded me of the joke in Silent Movie when the only speaking part in the whole movie was Marcel Marceau saying "No". ETA: Also read that besides the MeeMaw phone call they also had to cut an end scene where Sheldon & Amy get a wedding gift from the late Stephen Hawking. Most times the stuff that gets cut is hardly missed but this really this needs a re-edit as an extended episode for the DVD's to put these scenes back in !
  14. Thought the same thing about the hill, let's stand in the most obvious spot we don't need to crawl. At least the acknowledged they were almost out of ammo although lik any TV show or movie that comes and goes depending on if they need to run low to make it more dramatic, otherwise it's always unlimited. I wondered how the pilot was alive the way he was shot but figured out he was dead when Jason said "go back to sleep". Basically a red shirt with extra lines. Speaking of jargon - When they talk to the people at base I couldn't understand what they were saying (it's a single word and they say it so fast!). I went through "Top" and "Talk" before landing on "TOC" which I looked up and it said one of the meanings is Tactical Operations Center. So I'm thinking that's what they're saying but if I'm wrong someone let me know. How much morphine is in those capsules? I know Jason was hurting but he got one at the crash site and gave himself two in the hut. Within what was probably an hour and a half time (guessing based on how long they said it would take the other guys to get there and for rescue helicopters to arrive). Was that too much or are they really tiny doses just enough hold the person over until real help arrives?
  15. The problem with Ghost Island last night is it becomes a sort of circular issue; Wendell wasted a family visit to get the advantage BUT at the time he was picked he didn't know he'd be offered the advantage so he couldn't tell Sebastian to pick someone else and when he did take the advantage nobody else could take his place with their family member. So Kellyn wasn't going to get family time no matter what. She could have been pissed she didn't get the chance to get the advantage but I don't see why she should be mad that Wendell gave up family time just because she didn't get family time - that's on him if he wants to shorten time with his Dad now to possibly win later. But either way her idea that he wasted a spot that could have gone to one of the girls is wrong because with the twist coming after the reward pick the family visit spot would never have gone to the girls. Kellyn is all "I deserve" without the "I earned" portion I don't think Sebastian talked at all at tribal, every time I looked he was just sort of staring. But at the challenge he was completely with it and talking about his family. Assuming he doesn't have access to a stash of something he found in the jungle I'd say at minimum the guy has expert level power to zone out of any situation. What I'm waiting for is the inevitable implosion of the Dom/Wendell alliance. Despite what they say there is no way either of these guys is taking the other to final, they're pretty much equal in game play, challenges and plotting and I don't see either of them being so unaware that they don't realize what a vote split that could cause. Eventually one is going to have to blindside the other, or at least they should. Best bet at final three is Dom or Wendell sitting with Laurel and Donathan. Someone up thread said Donathan couldn't win but he might be the dark horse building a behind the scenes resume to breakout at the end and say he orchestrated this or manipulated that. I'd like to know what he did at camp when the guys got back, who knew what about that vote. Wendell read Laurel right to know something was going on but still didn't play his idol, was that all due to what Donathan said at tribal or was there more going on that Donathan had a hand in?
  16. OMG, that was so funny, I loved it. If I hadn't just finished my coffee I would have spit it all over the screen reading this! The show has been so disappointing lately I almost didn't watch this week but it was a pretty interesting episode. I just wish they'd go back to what it was, there's enough real story there and there are still things about the boats and how crab fishing works that we could learn (they used to do a lot more "this is how this works" pieces). I feel like the narratives they're putting out this season - Jake is helpless, Josh is the comeback kid etc are extremely forced and fake and I wonder why Disco thinks its' necessary to add these in.
  17. Agree - if they had that CEO fully give in and build Frank all access pass I would have been pissed. And both CEO and Frank were right, he needed to get in that phone, he didn't need that company to do (unpaid) work for the government and spend time and man hours creating a way that the phone could be accessed. At least this way all the CEO did was provide the name to save Frank some time searching for the right hacker for the job. I usually don't care if the show skims along current events for their plots but this one was skimming a little too close; if Frank had actually gotten the CEO on his side it really would have been taking it to far. Jamie and Eddie? They just need to get on with it; they know, we know, heck the whole precinct probably knows. Maybe the Sargent's exam was the set up for them to get together next season, she passes and they're not partners anymore. Does that mean we'd get future plots where one or both of them have an issue with her being his superior since he won't move on from beat cop?
  18. You're right, it's "Cutter" not Carter. See, still can't learn everyone's names!! I'm sure it's partly my fault, the show doesn't totally capture me and I'm missing stuff because my attention wanders.
  19. The problem with the "who killed Echo team" story arc is, at least for me, it's way to overly complicated. Every week we get five new bad guy names thrown at us, a couple of them get killed or captured, they get X'd off on the pin board and that's it. So no point in learning their names or who they are, they're gone by the end of the episode but what's left is a far too entangled plot of conspiracies and collusion and who is tied to who. Now this may be partly my fault, when they start throwing out that suspect Z is Y's brother who has his cousin Q running things in <town with 27 consents> but that was last year and now he may have moved because he has money filtered through 192 banks that may or may not trace back to a company in the Cayman Islands that may or may not connect to a Swiss account under "Carter" (at least I know his name!)............well by the time they get through all that and hit the dead end of the week I've already zoned out and played three games of solitary on the ipod. The idea is good, dragging out the investigation and adding as many twists and people as they can not so much.
  20. This was the only night where that truly, truly annoyed me. Especially knowing that we missed parts of the episode so they could throw that behind the scenes stuff. Any other time my reaction is "oh well" but this night was the wrong time to cut stuff out, wrong time to waste 10 minutes and definitely the wrong time to say look how bright and cheery our costumes are. So to the episode.........Well Crap.............I knew the outcome long ago (stupid spoiler headline on the UK news site!) but not the details. Having her know she was dying though, that honest conversation with Phyllis, the goodbye to Tom.........Well Crap that was cruel and heartbreaking. Have to say though Linda and Jack brought it tonight. Especially Linda, the look on her face when she walked into the hospital room for the last time, the prayer and especially when she sat on the steps and cried. And there was something so sweet about seeing the whole cast waiting for them and the group hug. And as much as I like Barbara I have no complaints - I still think this show is a good solid hour of well done TV, there are still so many characters I care about and I really want to see where this is going, with Tom, with Trixie when she comes back and with the rest of them. And since it was Charlotte's choice to leave the show I can't blame them for choosing to kill her off instead of keeping her off screen since her not being there affects Jack's appearances too and it becomes hard long term to have him on but not Barbara .........after all where has Ben Caplan's character been now that Miranda isn't on the show? Yes he quit but not until she did (not that I wouldn't love to have Chummy and Peter back even for one guest shot!).
  21. Just stumbled across this on the news and Wow, just Wow. Wonder why the Dillard's aren't on TLC anymore, gee that's a head scratcher <sarcasm alert>. Seriously though, did he get all the mileage and attention he could out of Jazz and thought he needed a new target to get some attention. And that "Exactly" comment when someone asked why they include their daughter in the show............ Just when I thought the guy couldn't get anymore hypocritical. From a family that airs "reality" TV that includes their child molesting son, their preemie daughter and her seizures, the births of multiple children including one of his own with every contraction and pain recorded and aired for thousands of people to see........The guy who takes money to have his own children filmed is going to try and pull the "don't involve the children" card on Nate and Jeremiah. OK so I'm moving from having a point to just ranting. But when he moved on to attacking not one, not two, but multiple people based solely on their sexual orientation and made comments about N&J's daughter that she could find and read some day. He went from douche to fully on hypocritical jerk. I can only assume he was getting his teeth fixed or having his oh so appealing gag issues looked at and was absent every day that his so called missionary school covered the teachings that had to do with compassion, forgiveness and loving they neighbor.
  22. I'm going to be right next to you - I took one look and thought "Uncle Fester" I know babies lose some weight but that head and those legs - he seems a little on the small (dare I say scrawny) side. Treading carefully here because it's not the kids fault and they're all different, his weight and size may be perfectly normal for him but he does look petite.
  23. They didn't go for the joke I was expecting and I'm glad. After Sheldon told Amy she looked beautiful and like a pile of swans I was very, very certain his next line was going to be something like "I can't wait to see what you wear on our wedding day". Amy would have answered with a confused "this is the dress I bought for the wedding" and Sheldon would have done his usual clueless dismissal with a comment about how now that he saw her she can't wear it and he hopes she finds something just as nice to surprise him with. Of course he probably doesn't buy into those superstitions but I was still expecting that to be the final joke which would have sucked so glad they didn't go there. Can't complain, this was a regular episode, just as funny as the majority of the others, not top of the pack and not bottom either but honestly it's not fair to expect them to top themselves every single time. And if you think dresses like that don't exist I give you this real life monstrosity - I do wonder sometimes how brides who choose these or the opposite, where the dress is super tight to the mid-calf, ever manages to sit down at the reception (comfortably!)
  24. I feel like I've started to compartmentalize the family members using the broadest parts of their personality so when I see a topic pop to the top of the boards my first thoughts on what might be going on boils down to: Jinger & Jer: What did they buy this time / What new clothes did Jinger premier / Baby watch 2018 Jessa & Ben: Is she pregnant / Are they moving out of the mold house Jill & Derrick: What bonehead thing did he tweet this time / What moron let her deliver their baby Joy & Austin: Did she have the baby (retired) / What did they do to try and stay relevent The Lonely J's club: Oh God who's courting now / Did Jana escape And, of course this topic, Josh & Anna - Did she announce another pregnancy / What legal trouble did Joshly get into now. Those are the first thoughts I have on each topic if it looks like that board has become super busy. They all have their little crazy and/or fame seeking niche's in the family that they pretty much fall into regularly (except Jinger for her I'd go unique or even rebellious but not crazy) I have nothing for Josiah, Lauren, Joe or Kendra except maybe baby watch for Kendra. Right now they're sort of forgettable personalities pushed to the back of the pack unless and until they get a highlight episode in the next season or, of course, when Kendra pushes out the next Duggar Grandbaby (which will be just another brag number to MeChelle).
  25. Are we supposed to understand what's going on with the info Jason got and why or how the other Seal would have had it? Or is it like his friends phone in the first few episodes, a needlessly complicated plot that comes to nothing? Or maybe I'm missing a few plot points because I zone out when Jason and his new lady love have scenes together. Don't me wrong I like the show but it's middle ground mindless entertainment for me and I usually watch while multi-tasking, playing a card game or messing around on Pinterest. Unless Sonny or the dog are on then they get my full attention.
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